Friday, June 9, 2017

Green Screen Academy Review – Creating better videos faster

Green Screen Academy Review – Creating better videos faster

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You can budget lower or higher. I like to start at $10 per day, but you can go as low as $5 with email submit offers. For location, keep in mind that CPA offers often have restrictions to where you can promote so choose only those locations or you will waste money. On this page, simply put the URL of your landing page or offer, name the ad group whatever you want, and enter the keywords you researched earlier.
On the next page you will create your green screen academy review . This part is easy as well. You can simply swipe or use inspiration from what people are already running on Bing. So if you are running a survey offer, just go to and type in “make money with surveys” and look at how other marketers are advertising. Use the same type of wording and angles, but please switch it up a bit so that you stand out.
The point here is to get a general idea of what people are attracted to in the niche. As you can see, people want to know how much you can make with surveys and they want to know if it is legitimate so you want your ad copy to reflect that. On the next page, you will set your bids. I recommend to start that you set your bids to $0.30.
This will give you a good amount of traffic and impressions to start with. You can lower the bid once you are optimized. That is it! Once you click save, your green screen academy review should be submitted, and it should start running shortly. Analysis And Optimization (This is an excerpt from CPA Bing Evolution. Same concepts apply for analysis and optimization) After your first ad has been running for around 24- 48 hours. This is how we will measure it.
The first number to look at is impressions. These are how many times your ads were displayed. The next number to look at is your total clicks, followed by your CTR (click through rate). The click through rate is what percent of people clicked divided by the total number of times the ad was displayed.
We can monitor our campaigns to see how they are performing If you have spent as much as a commission payout, for example an offer you’re promoting in one of your machines pays out $35 and you’ve spent $30-$35 with no sale, it’s time to pause the campaign. You can either try again with new keywords, or work on new offers. If you’ve tried an offer with over 3 different keyword sets and it isn’t converting, it’s probably time to move on to another offer.
If you have very low clicks, it means you need to check that your ads are highly relevant to your keywords. Change up ads before pausing a campaign to see if you can improve the click through rate. Other than that, if you’re tracking, you can see which keywords are bringing you the sale in funnel flux.
From the main page, go to StatisticsàDrill Down Reports Next, select the following fields, in this order: Choose the campaign that you want to check and select “Kw” for the URL tracking field. A list of keywords will popup. Green is for positive ROI keywords and red is for 3 negative. You can also check out other results like these. So you can modify your campaigns based on these variables.
How to succeed with this method We have done everything in our power to ensure the highest chance of profitability with our campaigns. One thing to remember is that unfortunately, it’s impossible to be profitable with every single campaign. So, there is a certain way you need to approach this. Aim to put up a certain amount of commission machines at a time. For example, if you want to be aggressive, aim for 20 commission machines per week.
A certain percentage of these will be profitable. It can be 2 of them , or it can be 15 of them. Over time, you will be able to accumulate many that are profitable. This is where strength in numbers come in. Know that the power of this method is the ability to get super cheap clicks that won’t break your green screen academy review, and help you achieve massive ROI.
Since you can do this with any campaign in any niche, you have the ability to 40 have potentially 100 or more profitable campaigns going in just a few weeks from now. Even if each one is only making you $20-$30 per day in profit, that’s another $2000-$3000 The more you stay diligent, the more super profitable campaigns you will find- in some cases 10,000% ROI. Long story short, keep going. Eventually you can have 500 machines running- then you’re a five figure per month affiliate marketer.
All you need is a plan and diligence. This is what you’ll get with this method. Just remember to test, test, and test. Kill the losers and scale the winners. Some variables work against you, but remember, this is a hell of a lot easier and quicker than 10 years in the corporate world to work up to 6 figures a year. Stay diligent and you will crush it.

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