Monday, January 22, 2018

CloudCreate Review – Easily, Quickly, and More!

CloudCreate Review – Easily, Quickly, and More!

Official site:
What To Look For In A Theme
Whatever theme you decide to go with, you need to make sure it‟s 
a 2 column theme with a right sidebar. Does cloudcreate review have to be a right 
sidebar? Well, no but I have done plenty of testing on this and the 
right sidebar always works best. 
How To Find A Theme
If you decide you don‟t want to use the theme I recommend or just 
want to spend some time looking at other themes, just log into your 
Wordpress Dashboard, then in the left sidebar hover over the word 
“Appearance” and then click on the word “Themes”
Now at the very top click on the “Add New” button:
Now click on “Featured Filter” and then check the “Two cloudcreate review” 
and “Right Sidebar” boxes. Then select “Apply Filters”  That will then return back a massive list of themes you can choose 
from.  ANY of these themes will work, just choose the one you feel fits 
best for you niche. As of the time of writing, it returned back over 
1,000 themes! Obviously you will be able to find a theme you are 
happy with!
Once you install and activate the theme you want, it‟s time to install 
some important plugins.
The Essential Plugins
I know a lot of bloggers who install an endless amount of plugins on 
their website. If that works for them, then great! Personally, I like to 
keep things simple. In fact, I keep things so simple I actually only 
install 3 plugins on my site.
Each of these plugins are essential to help you generate traffic and 
help your site go viral.   Once you get those plugins installed you can move onto the next 
section about “Putting Your Site Together”. Don‟t worry about what 
to do with the plugins right now, you just want to have them installed 
before you move on.
Putting Your Site Together
Alright, we are getting close to getting your blog all set up and 
ready to go! You have your theme installed and activated and you 
have the plugins installed and activated. Now it‟s time to get 
everything set up properly.
Adding Categories
The first thing you want to do is add the categories that you have 
already selected. To add categories, hover over “cloudcreate review” and select 

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