Saturday, October 7, 2017

Traffic Studio Review – Create a Landslide of Traffic to Your Sites

Traffic Studio Review – Create a Landslide of Traffic to Your Sites

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For countries that do not have any listings on the IFCBA site, I strongly advise that you check on thequalifications of any customs broker you consider consulting. A suitable alternative to working througha customs broker is usually to go to a reputable freight forwarder. In many case they will have suitablyqualified employees who can guide you on traffic studio review. They will also usually be able to handle thecustoms clearance work for you.Customs brokers can handle such things as whether you need licenses or permits. As a general rule, inmost Western countries anyone can set up in business as an importer. Other than for certain restrictedgoods, in most countries you do not need a license or permit to be an importer, although you willusually have to obtain an importer’s registration number which will appear on all of your customsclearance documents. Your customs broker (or Air Courier – see “When you do not need a customs
brokerbelow) knows about this and will obtain the number for you when your first traffic studio review has to becleared. That registration number stays with you for as long as you continue importing, and it helpsspeed up the clearance process.If you can’t find that number on the documentation provided by your broker after the shipment has beendelivered, I suggest that you ask for it. It will be of value to you later if you do any clearance workyourself.In many countries, quotas apply that restrict the volume of imports of certain items. It may be the casethat such goods may be imported in unrestricted quantities from certain favored countries. I suggest thatyou make inquiries with a broker or through your official Customs and Excise (in the USA, Customsand Border Protection) office at an early stage to ascertain whether you need licenses, quotas, or permits.
Chances are that you will not have to worry about goods that might be banned, restricted or subject to
quotas. Few consumer goods would be restricted so you have a huge scope to choose from. But just incase you think you have a market for goods a little out of the ordinary, I have included this section on
restrictions.Restricted goods will obviously include alcohol, tobacco, wildlife products, motor vehicles, firearms,explosives, and munitions, but other items where quotas or strict quarantine rules may apply caninclude food, agricultural goods, fertilizer, steel, clothing, textiles, and footwear.Instead of trying to sort out the volumes of regulations involved, it would be easier, and probably safer,to ask a customs broker’s advice in relation to the product type you are considering. If in doubt aboutwhether you need a license, permit, or quota, a customs broker can advise you or you could contact yournearest Customs and Excise office. In Canada and the USA, I have found the Customs office to be veryhelpful, but in other countries, including most EU countries you may get no help from them at all. Thatis when you must consult a customs broker.While I am not giving advice on general business operation, even if it is not legally required for you tobe registered as a business, it will usually make it easier for you. You also need to ensure that you knowwhat rules apply to sales taxes and other income taxes.
A Power of Attorney may be required by your broker or traffic studio review, and in some countries, even thepostal service will require that. The purpose of a Power of Attorney is to give the relevant person theauthority to make declarations to the customs authorities and to sign documents on your behalf. Onevery important part of customs regulations that applies in every country is that you the importer ― and
not your customs broker will be ultimately responsible for any breaches of law in relation to theimportation of the goods.For this reason you need to be sure that your broker is appropriately qualified and licensed.It would be wise to not only check their license credentials, but also ask for references and then checkthem.You must be sure that all information supplied to the broker, air courier, or postal service is true andcorrect. The Power of Attorney does not extend beyond their role as your customs broker. This is one
rule you must learn. You are legally responsible for the facts declared in any declaration lodged forclearance purposes. Even if your broker makes an error, you are legally responsible.One area that few consider in this respect is declared value. It is almost universal practice for Asiansuppliers to under-declare the shipment value, thinking they are doing you a favor. Chinese supplierswill do it routinely unless at the time of placing the order you firmly tell them not to. The majority ofimporters insist on them doing it.It is a serious crime to understate the value. With duty rates in most cases now being so low, I cannotunderstand why anyone would take the risk. When I first started importing, average duty rate wasaround 15%. Now that the world is a global village, average duty rates in many parts of the world arearound 5% (in the US 5.63%).
Here are a few things to be taken into account:
Understating the value is illegal and can result in severe penalties. One of the lesser penalties isthe flagging of your name and address for thorough inspection of every shipment thereafter, withlong delays and extra cost often resulting.
Numerous suppliers have also been flagged for understating values, with the result that everyshipment they send is delayed at the port of entry.
Customs officials are not stupid; they see huge volumes of invoices; and they have a good ideaof real values in many cases.
Unless substantial undervaluing takes place, with average duty rates now being so low, thesaving would be very small even on a high value order. Rates are continually falling, mainly dueto Free Trade Agreements.
The ways you can get caught are:a) A customs official becomes suspicious.b) A supplier is known to Customs.c) A competitor might complain. Not very likely unless you have one or two majorcompetitors who are tracking your shipments. That is relatively easy to do if they knowyour trading name.
Insisting that suppliers declare full value enhances your standing with them. They may think youare crazy, but they will respect you.
You can sleep more soundly.If shipping documents arrive in advance of the shipment reaching your country, you should check theinvoice value, and notify your broker if the value is not correct.
3.3 When you do not need a customs broker.If you use international air courier services they normally carry out customs clearance work for you as anormal part of their service. They also obtain an importer’s number for you. It is very important that you
know in advance whether or not the cost of clearance work is included in their door-to-door service. Seevery important information on this subject in Chapter 4 - Freight.
Another way to avoid a lot of red tape is by limiting the value of each consignment and having itshipped via EMS (International Express Mail Service). This service has different names in differentcountries. Provided you do not exceed a certain value per parcel, the postal service will do the
calculations for you, lodge the customs forms, and deliver to your address. All this is usually free ofcharge. You pay any duty and taxes due when you collect the goods from your postal service.Check with your Customs and Excise office to find out what is the maximum value per shipment underthis scheme. For some items entering the USA, it is $2,500.00 at time of printing, but for others it is only$250.00. The UK is the toughest one I know of, with a limit of £135. Some countries have moregenerous allowances and others do not allow any goods to be imported under such a scheme.
Note: If you use this scheme, avoid having more than one parcel dispatched on any one day. You shouldinstruct suppliers to leave at least 3 days between shipments, otherwise they may be regarded as oneshipment and Customs would then require you to lodge a Formal Clearance. If that ever happens, theeasiest course is to call upon the services of your customs broker rather than attempt the FormalClearance yourself. Believe me; you do not want to try doing a Formal Clearance yourself. Your brokercan do it electronically in minutes, but it could take you hours, even if you get it right on the second orthird try. You will almost certainly get it wrong the first time.The US Customs and Border Protection Agency publishes online a “helpful guide” that runs to 211pages, but it provides very little practical help and would confuse many people. I am sure you willappreciate what I have done to simplify the whole process for you. I only mention this “helpful guide” toshow you the value of using a broker rather than trying to do the clearance work yourself.

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