Sunday, February 18, 2018

Viral Store Review – Your Very First E-commerce Store In Under 1 Minute

Viral Store Review – Your Very First E-commerce Store In Under 1 Minute
Official Site:
Pop quiz: Out of ALL of the emails your subscriber will EVER receive from you, which 
one are they most likely to read? Come on, think about it for just a minute.
Out of all of the emails your subscriber will EVER receive from you, which one are they 
most likely to read?
You guessed it – your VERY FIRST viral store review . That brings us to tip #14, which is to 
“Make the most of your ‘welcome’ message”. 
If there is ONE email that you can almost guarantee subscribers will read, it is that initial 
message they receive upon joining your list. You know the one, “Hey Henry, thanks for 
joining My list – here is the information you requested, here is lesson one, blah, blah, 
Your subscribers are their hottest towards you right then.  They are excited about you. 
They’ve made the conscious decision to join your list and they are anticipating that first 
email from you.
Don’t waste that moment!
While you certainly don’t want to scare off your subscribers by immediately bombarding 
them with a bunch of “in your face” offers, it IS a perfect time to coax them towards your 
most desired result.
Offer them a discount.
Invite them to join your viral store review
Give them an article to distribute.
Ask them to answer a survey.
Gather additional information about them.
Offer them an affiliate incentive.
Give them an additional freebie.
Invite them into your mastermind group.
Give them a 24 hour only viral store review.
There are lots of things you can do right there in that “welcome” message. Fire away. 
They are warm towards you. They are most likely to do something that is beneficial to 
you (and them) right there at that moment.
Don’t let them cool off. Take action. Get them to take action. 

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