Wednesday, December 14, 2016


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Using the Squarespace sidebar
As you may have noticed by now, the Squarespace home sidebar is an integral part of your Squarespace blogging experience. Not only is this where you can go to change everything from your basic account information to your billing preferences, but the sidebar also allows you to customize your convertifire review from top to bottom. Some of the features of the sidebar include:
» Blog Menu: This area allows you to change your blog and page titles, determine how many posts are displayed per page, create a blog description, and more.
» Settings: The settings section is divided into general, website, and commerce. From these areas you can change your billing information, update your blog’s basic information, and change security settings among other options.
» Metrics: The metrics area of your convertifire review menu allows you to monitor your blog’s traffi track your RSS subscribers, and even fid out what search queries readers are using to locate your blog.
» Help: This area of the sidebar takes you to helpful articles and videos as well as an area to search common help topics.
I f you’re blogging only for your friends and family, you probably have a captiveaudience that stays interested no matter what you choose to blog about on anygiven day. Most bloggers, however, defie blogging success as attracting, keep-ing, and growing an audience of interested readers who can’t wait for the next
pearl of wisdom or touching story. Creating this kind of blog is no small challenge: You’re in competition with every other source of news, information, and entertainment in your audience members’ lives. One key to blogging success is fiding a niche and exploiting it fully. This chapter provides you with ideas and suggestions for you to begin thinking about what blog niche is a fi for you. It also provides you with tips on fiding others
blogging in that subject area, what they’re doing right, and how you can make the most of your personal niche.
Deciding What Belongs on Your Blog You may fid picking a niche and sticking with it tough to do. Fortunately, blog- ging gives you a lot of leeway in handling a subject, evolving your own style, and choosing what you blog about. The medium allows for a lot of experimentation, and your readers will likely welcome new approaches and ideas while you go. To begin your blogging journey, however, you probably want to pick one broad theme and then explore within that theme. Do you like books? Why not blog about what you’re reading and make recommendations? You can then take a natural leap to movies based on books, and then authors  .  .  .  and onward from there. Starting with a simple idea can give you a lot of room to grow. Some subject areas have worked as popular and successful blog topics already. You can join existing blogging communities and start a blog about
» Your kids: Blogs are a great online tool that parents can use to document their parenting experience and their children’s growth. The parent blogging community is on the rise in a big way for both moms and dads. Talk about a topic that has an infiite variety of discussions, products, problems, and cute photos!
» Your hobby or interest: Blogs are beautifully suited to help you make connections, so feel free to use yours to become part of a community of folks who share your passion for knitting, sport fihing, geocaching, carpentry, or
whatever your interest is.
» Technology: Many of the original convertifire review chose technology as their focus — a great decision. People have a huge interest in technology and technology issues today. After all, everyone uses technology throughout her day, and everyone experiences problems doing so!
» Politics: Because of its often polarizing and sometimes divisive nature, political commentary and criticism makes for great blog fodder. A number of popular political bloggers have even turned their online punditry into thriving careers in traditional media as commentators.
» Specialized news: Offr a service for your busy readers by aggregating all the news on a particular topic, including quick tidbits and links to sources. You can create this kind of blog for both serious and comic topics — from cranial surgery techniques to coverage of the latest teen sensation.
» A personal diary: If your life is full of crazy adventures, colorful fiures, drama, passion, and ludicrous jokes, you can stick with the tried-and-true blog subject: You. With a unique voice and great writing, you can attract readers who can become friends.
» Deals and coupons: One of the most active online communities consists of deal-seekers. If you love deal matching and coupon fiding, this may be your perfect blog niche.
» Do-It-Yourself and lifestyle: Do you look at trash and see treasure? Is organizing a hobby rather than a burden? The world of lifestyle, design, or DIY blogging may be a fi for you! The following sections look at each of these topics in a little more detail
Parent blogging Generally speaking, parent blogging is memoir-style blogging, detailing the tri-
als, tribulations, and general hysteria of raising children. Quite a few parenting blogs start before much parenting is going on — before or during pregnancy — and then proceed through infancy and upward. Don’t let the
fact that you’re not quite a parent yet deter you from starting a parenting blog. They’re often hilarious, often heartbreaking, and so easy to identify with. If you don’t have children, you certainly were one once. Frankly, kids are funny. You can fid many great examples of parenting blogs out there, including the blog Woulda Coulda Shoulda ( Mir, a mother of two, writes Woulda Coulda Shoulda, shown in Figure 8-1. Her blog has earned her coverage in Parents Magazine, Redbook, and The Today Show; inclusion in an anthology; and gigs speaking about blogging at the BlogHer Conference (
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