Friday, December 2, 2016


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Increasingly, the Internet is being used as a group traffic profits review for finding local resources.You can find not only information or buy online, but you can also find homes for sale in your neighborhood, compare local independent insurance agents, and shop at stores close to you that sell the products you need. Thus, it’s increasingly important to keep local-search marketing in mind when optimizing for search engines — that is, to target by not only a searcher’s keyword but also by the searcher’s geographic location (sometimes known as geo-targeting). Local search is the generic term given to the ability to search for information related to a particular location — a state, a city, or even a zip code.
Why You Shouldn’t Skip This Chapter
Wait! Before you skip this chapter because you have a purely online business, you need to understand the two basic reasons you should consider localsearch marketing:
You have a local business.
Your prospects — your target customers — search locally.
Say you are a local business. You sell insurance in your town or own a local health-food store or are a personal trainer with clients within a 5-mile radius. Clearly, you don’t need to rank well on the terms insurance, health food, or personal training. You need to rank well on the terms insurance denver, health food waco, or personal training paducah. There’s no point in competing forn general terms against hundreds of thousands of other companies when you’re interested in a fraction of the searches; in fact, the really good news is that it’s much easier to rank for a local term than a nonlocal term. The work required to rank on Page 1 for the term personal training will be far more than the work required for personal training paducah. But, say you’re not a local shop for local people. You sell to anyone, anywhere. You may find that the people you want to reach don’t search for generic terms — they search for group traffic profits review  in combination with local terms. You may discover this concept if you do a good keyword analysis, which I describe in Chapter 6. Most people don’t search for lawyers, for instance; they search for lawyers in a particular city. They don’t search for insurance; they search for insurance in a particular state or city. They don’t search for mortgages — they search for mortgages in a particular city. You may find then, that if you want to reach the largest number of people, you have to consider the local aspect even if you sell nationally. Large online businesses targeting home buyers, for instance, often create local-search — targeted pages designed to reach people in thousands of different locales.
Understanding Local-Search
Marketing’s Importance
The local aspect of search is hugely important. Remember, for all the e-commerce hype, e-commerce accounts for only a small portion of the overall economy; in other words, most sales are made offline. The Department of Commerce, for instance, estimated that in the fourth quarter of 2014, e-commerce accounted for just 6.5 percent of total retail sales. So offline sales are still extremely important, but they undoubtedly are often affected by online activities. For instance, research has uncovered these gems about Internet users:
Most are off-channel, Web-to-shop (W2S), or ROBO (Research Online, Buy Offline) buyers. That is, they research products online before buying offline.
When in the brick-and-mortar stores, almost half of Internet users spend extra dollars on products they didn’t research.
More money is spent offline after online research than is spent online after online research.
A study released late in 2011 (GroupM Search & Kantar Media Compete) looked at retail sales in Automotive, Consumer Electronics and Entertainment areas; 93 percent of buyers surveyed had used Web search engines as part of their research process, and most buyers had clicked on organic-search links, rather than PPC links.
The study also found that one of the most popular pages viewed by shoppers was the store-location page, showing that visitors are not doing idle window shopping; they are looking for stores to visit.
Forrester Research estimates that “online influenced offline sales” are over $1 trillion a year. When you search at a major search engine using keywords that indicate you are probably looking for a local business or service — mexican restaurantattorney, pizza, and so on — the search engines will provide local results; 
group traffic profits review pulled out of their local directory, along with a map.Details:
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