Saturday, December 10, 2016


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The account login details sheet is where you will store al l of the username and social optimizer review that you workers will need to have to complete various tasks. Creating the Daily Task List There is one way to create a daily task list when training a virtual assistant, someone who will be simplifying your lif e and freeing up your time. Then there is a different way th is is done when training a developer, someone who you are trainin g to take your ideas and bring them to life. First let's begi n with the VA. Take a look at the first daily task list I created for the first VA I ever hired. My First VA Daily Task List ● Clock in using the time clock. Feel free to break when e ver just remember to clock out when you break, and when you ar working, clear all distractions and focus on work. In a lat er chapter, I will cover time clock software that takes screenshot of your workers computer in random intervals. This way you can see what it is they are working on any time you wish. ● Daily - Remote log into ‘WORK’ computer and complete Craigslist posting - See ‘CL Work’ Doc for instructions. ● Mon, Wed, and Fri - Remote log into ‘HOME’ compute r and complete Craigslist posting. See ‘CL Home’ doc for instructions. Be sure to also watch the Craigslist posting v ideo I made about this task. ● Clear our text message inbox - See ‘Clear Text’ Doc for instructions.Note the number of texts you reply to and the # of texts you did not know how to respond to and report thes e two numbers to me on the End of Day Report (EOD Report). ● Check to see if we had any voice mails left for us last ni ght. If we did, transcribe them and include transcription on EOD Report - See ‘Check Voicemails Doc’ for instructions. ● Check on funds in our unlocking account - See ‘Funding Accounts Doc’ for instructions. ● Send EOD report to my Skype reporting the following Number of ads posted from work pc _____ How many ads renewed from work pc _____ Number of ads posted from home pc _____ How many ads renewed from home pc _____ How many text messages you cleared _____ How many text messages you could not reply to _ ____ Transcriptions of any voicemails from last nigh t Are unlocking funds below $200? Yes or No End of Task List Notice that this is a list of tasks that need to be complet e but the daily task list does not tell the VA ‘How’ to complet e the task. Each task has its own Tutorial inside the ‘Tutorials’ folder. When you first start to create your task list don’t worry ab out the tutorials yet. First make a list of the first 3-5 tas ks you want completed. Once you have completed social optimizer review then you can go into your ‘Tutorials’ folder and create one google doc for each task. Below you will see what the tutorials folder looks like i n the example task listed above. Notice 5 different docs for the different tasks. (See figure F)In the image above you see there is already content writt en on the tutorials. At this point you should have one blank tu torial for each process listed on your daily task doc. Once you have tutorials created for your first 3-5 tasks you are now read y to hire your first worker. It may only take 5 hours per week t complete the task, maybe 20 hours or more. It is all based on your task. Don’t wait for your list to be 100% complete b efore you hire. Just start with a small amount of tasks and get someone on them. As you add more tasks you can start giving the new employee more hours, and as the list grows you wi ll have more time and less stress. I made the mistake of hiring before I had the tutoria ls prepared when I hired my first VA. I posted the job for 20 hour s per week but when the worker began there was only enough training for about 5 hours per week.
Written vs. Video Tutorials There are 2 types of tutorials, written and video. I am going to show you how to make both types. Not all tasks need a video tutorial. When a task has many different steps or can be difficult to explain, a video showing the new hire exactl y what the task looks like can make a big difference.
Equipment and Software Needed There are 2 programs I use to make my tutorials. Both ar created by TechSmith. They are called Snagit, and Camtas ia Studio. With Snagit you can click and drag a portion of the screen to be captured into an image. The past 5 images i n this book were taken with Snagit. For example, when I was explaining how to add a new folder in your google dri ve I simply went through the process myself and as I did it I us ed Snagit to take a picture of my screen. I then used the ‘S nagit editor’ to draw the red arrows pointing to the thing s I wanted you to focus on. The second software, Camtasia Studios, is also a screen capture software but instead of converting your screen into images, it records the action of your screen into a video. This is what I use to make all of my video tutorials. Both soft ware’s are very easy to use and I’ll be teaching you how to use th em both. Last time I checked, Snagit sold for about $49, an Camtasia Studios goes for around $299. Both have free t rials so you can download and use the free trial versions until they expire to make your 
social optimizer review . If you can't afford the sof tware there are some ways to keep renewing your ‘trial version’f or continued free use of the software. For tips and tricks on how to do this visit. and click on the "software tips" section.Details:
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