Thursday, January 12, 2017


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It took us a couple ofrounds with her furiously knocking on my door and calling out my name outside my office, and me sitting quietly at my desk until she walked away. I must say I felt a little guilty and weird the first time round, but persisted with my viral payment software review.
For the first few times, I would popped in to her office after I finished my jobs to ask ifshe
had been looking for me earlier on. And then I would explain I had my headphones on, so couldn’t hear her, and asked ifshe need me for anything. She would usually blush and
apologise for interrupting me. It wasn’t anything urgent in the end. It took her one or two more incidences like that before she learnt, but overall it was worth it.
A similar approach may work at home with your family or flatmates, too.
Ifyou have a relative or a friend who tend to call you often, you can try phoning them before your work/study session to check in with them. Again, remind your nearest and dearest that you are about to retreat into your office/workspace for a period oftime and will be uncontactable. Give them the reason why you want to do that now, and as always, try topresent ‘what’s in it for them.’ Ifthe people you want to use this strategy with need your support/help often, you can offer to check in with them after you have finished your work/study session, also. I found this approach works well with my child. Ifyou consider using this strategy, remember to weigh up pros and cons ofthis approach, how
firm, gentle, or diplomatic you want to be, depending on what feels natural to you, but more importantly, on your relationships with your colleagues. I have chosen a quite straightforward approach, but soften it a little bit with a sense ofhumour and a little white lie for the sake of the relationship
5. Don’t let the ‘energy vampires’ leech on you
Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur, speaker, and author said, “You are the average ofthe five people you spend the most time with.” Yep, bad or good—they all influence who you are and shape your choices. Are you happy with whoever you spend the most time with? Is there anyone in your world who makes you feel deflated, guilty, negative, irritated, anxious, overwhelmed, down, or bored? Do you feel some people in your circle just drain you ofyour energy, vitality and will to live? Ifyou answered yes to any ofthose questions, you’ll probably know what the term ‘energy vampire’ means. Psychologically speaking, these are people who are immature, self-centred, often emotionally incapable ofgiving and empathy. Even ifthey don’ t take up too much ofyour time, the little moments spent with them leave you feeling like your life has been sucked out ofyou.
How do you manage an energy vampire getting in the way ofyour work?
There are a number ofways in which you can approach this issue. The actual strategy would depend, again, on your personal preference and interpersonal style (Does it sound like you? Can you do it or not?), your relationship with the ‘vampire’ (Is he/she your boss? Your mother? A distant relative? A colleague you don’t work with often?), their effect on you (minor vs major, feeling bored/stressed/depressed), and other things. Keep your own emotional energy up by maintaining a positive support network, selfesteem, a sense ofpurpose, and regular reflections on your feelings.
Don’t let them suck the life out ofyou when you are interacting with them. Remind
yourselfyou have a choice ofaccepting or rejecting their point ofview, or even arguing
with it. Don’t let their words and emotions take up space or linger in your head or your
heart. Take a step back, creating a ‘sanity buffer’ and putting their words and action in
perspective. Boost up your internal energy by self-affirmation and a clear sense ofyour
purpose, values, and worldview.
Keep it light and short. Ifyou don’t have to interact with this person at a deeper level,
keep your interactions focused on light topics. Change the topic tactfully when you feel
it’s drifted towards the dark, gloomy, unwanted content.
Walk away ifyou can. What’s your motivation for having this person in your life at this stage? What’s the price you’re paying for viral payment software review? Is it worth it? Ifthe cost/benefit ratio ofthis relationship is negative, consider walking away from the relationship, or putting firm boundaries/limits on any interactions. You may want to think of less impactful ways ofcommunicating, e.g., emails instead offace-to-face meetings or phone
calls, or time-limited calls. Try being as much in control ofthose interactions as you can, e g., you call the person instead ofthe person calling you.
Dealing with friends who become energy vampires at times
And then, there are people who are generally good and lovely, and can be great friends, but in certain circumstances can easily change into energy vampires.
I had a good friend at uni, an absolute treasure ofa person. But before exams she would turn into an super-anxious perfectionist. Any conversation with her would be filled in with worst-case scenarios, the most difficult questions ever asked, obscure facts dug up from old textbooks, and the like. All that was sprinkled with panic—there is so much to do and so little time left and the professor is in bad mood.
Every time I spoke to her in the exam prep context, I would get caught in that mood and struggle to shake it off. So I decided to put some boundaries around my contacts with her during exam time. Ifwe talked, I would listen to her for a while, but not let myselfget sucked into the panic. I would ask her to change the subject at some point, explaining that I’d rather talk about something that would take my mind OFF the exam. She was okay with that. I also developed an alternative ‘point ofreference’ system specifically for exams and other assignments. I had a group of2-3 friends with whom I would discuss exam-related stuffin more detail, because their approach to exams helped me keep my own anxieties and worries under control. I am a big fan ofbeing honest and respectful with your friends, so i would normally have a  respectfully honest conversation with my friends. I was also lucky enough to have friends with similar attitudes to these things. I realise not every one is able to do that, and it may not be possible to do with everyone. You need to exercise your judgement in how you are going to approach those viral payment software review . Sometimes diplomatic silence or a white lie is the best option. This chapter focused on dealing with interruptions and distractions, including the delicate matters of
dealing with people who interrupt and distract us. In the next chapter, I will address the growing problem ofshrinking attention span.
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