Friday, April 21, 2017


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That’s one of the reasons I’m going to have you study and absorb the autotube builder 2.0 review of highly successful people so you can bust through that mindset barrier. You're probably also dealing with the fear of failure. What if you try this and it doesn't work? What if you work really hard and you don't earn anything at all? What if you work really hard but life gets in the way or you have some other kind of obstacle that stops you? None of that stuff matters if you’re determined enough, but it’s still something to deal with and prepare yourself for. In the beginning, you have to arm yourself against anything that can happen and any obstacle that might pop up. Realize What You Fear It can help to brainstorm the things you're scared of. Brainstorm the worst that can happen if you try and fail. I hope you realize that if you try and fail, you'll still be better off than you are today. That's because you will have learned from your mistakes and you'll know what to try next time. Remember, a failure is still a step taken. It won’t immediately signal a success, but it adds to your store of experience, and that’s always good, even if not pleasant. It means that you’ve tried, and now you can try again after tweaking or changing the part of that experience that caused the failure, so you’re closer to where you want to be. It’s just a detour. That's one of the main differences that separate successful people from those who aren't as successful. Successful people know how to learn from their mistakes/experiences and use what they learn to do better next time. Successful people view failure as a step in the right direction. It means they've tried something and know what to try differently next time. It means they know what direction not to go in. It's a simple fact that you will fail sometimes. You'll try certain promotions that won't work out. You'll try certain projects that won't work out. You’ll try entire autotube builder 2.0 review that won’t work out. The 80/20 Principle Applies Here The 80/20 principle absolutely applies to business. Just 20% of the things you try will lead to 80% of your positive results. That means that the vast majority of the things you try won't lead to the vast majority of your success. Understand that failure is expected and accepted. It’s not true failure, anyway… it’s simply a learning experience you can use to earn more the next time around. It’s a small bump in the road that can actually send you in a new and better direction, if you have the right mindset about it. People with a poor mindset let failure hold them back and stop them altogether. You can't do that if you want to earn 6-figures a year. You have to learn how to work your "failure." Don't view it as a failure – view it as a learning opportunity. It’s just a simple mistake that can help you do better next time. Do You Think Success Is For Other People? It might also be the case that you think success is for other people. You think it's great that so many other people have been able to start their own businesses from home and reach 6-figures a year. You get inspired by them for a little while—everyone loves a great success story. That emotional high you feel after reading one carries you through for a short autotube builder 2.0 review. But when it comes time to actually let that inspiration spur you into action and to keep on going, you hold yourself back. You think there must be something better about those people because you can’t quite seem to make it your reality. Or maybe you just think about the end of their journey. It’s easy to think that successful people hold some sort of untouchable magic. You think they had instant success, even if you know on an intellectual level that they didn't. You have to realize that they started from a similar place as you. They had their ups and downs. They had their doubts. It was probably a much longer journey than you realize. But they pushed through and found success anyway. Success isn't for other people – success is for you. You have to believe that. Let that fact change your mindset. You are destined to become a highly successful person. You’re Different from People Who Will Never Be Successful
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