Thursday, April 13, 2017

Builderall Review – Discount And Special Bonuses

Builderall Review – Discount And Special Bonuses

Official site:
Since this listing is misspelled, it won’t show up on a regular well-spelled
search. If I'm looking for .45 carat (or Karat) ring it is for sure that I wont find this listing. But now YOU can! J Few minutes … few more minutes and you will know how to do builderall review ….patience … patience …
The next is another good example of not paying attention when writing the
title :
I really don’t understand how can someone take a picture of a product, post
it and the list the item misspelled …smh ….
Now, remember that I told you at the beginning that there are two
techniques? We just saw one -that although unknown for many- it may be
common for the eBay savvy bidders …But it is a secret.
So I'm not so sure about this next one though ….in my opinion, I don’t think
there are many that know about this one either! So keep it a secret ok? …
Ok, probably you figured it out already. What is missing is the MAIN
keyword of what the item is! PRINTER and LAPTOP are missing from
these two examples. Fatal mistake I would say … Once again, do not focus
on the price. I just wanted to show you that there are items out there that
you can find too.
So what does it mean “Not in Title”?
It means that they forgot to put the main keyword of what the item is. If
someone is doing a search for a particular CASIO WATCH and it happens
that there is a listing that skipped the word WATCH in it, that particular
listing will not show up in this search, therefore, missing a bid and ultimately
a sale …for this example I typed WATCH in the search box, chose the “Not
in Title” option and I found this listing:
It has 0 bids, the price is reasonable, it closes in only 2 minutes and I'm sure
that if it is an auction listing is because the seller is expecting for it to have
bids and for the price to go up ….but sorry … not in this case …
I’ll explain how to do this kind of search in the following pages where you
can see a couple of examples of the results I got using this technique.
OK, so, cool …. Enough of theory …. Now …how do I find those precious
Misspelled” and “Not In Title” items??
And finally the answer: there are many resources out there but I found these
5 to be the best.
These are the 5 FREE resources:
I use Goofbid since it has a multitude of other 
builderall review tools, including the “Not
In Title” search tool. At the time of this writing, that the other resources don’t
provide this tool.
So I will explain how to use Goofbid works. It is very simple:
First, no need to open an account if you are just browsing, but if you want to
use the other tools, like the eBay Sniper, it is a good idea to register. eBay
Sniper automates the process of placing a bid for you in the closing
seconds of an eBay auction, increasing your chance of winning that item.
These are the first 3 steps on how to use Goofbid:
1. Chose Country
2. Choose the Type of Search: Misspelling or Not in Title (Note: there are
other 3 tools here but I don’t really use them. Fell free to explore
3. The item or brand misspelled or keyword if you are looking for Not in
Once the new refined results appear, sort them by LOWEST FIRST. We’ll,
its really up to you. You may want to find listings that are about to close.
Play with this and see what you can find! Have fun!
As you can see, I got a listing that misspelled the word KEURIG and has
KURIG instead in the title. Good find! I like to bid on the ones that have 0
bids and are ending the soonest.
Then click on the title of the item (blue link) and Goofbid will take you to
eBay listing, then all you have to do is place your bid! And do what you
usually do in eBay after a bid or purchase.
In this case I want to look under the PRINTERS category. What happens is that it
will look for items that DO NOT have the word PRINTER in their titles in this
particular category.
If instead of the Printers category you want the TONER CARTRIDGES category,
then the results will be different. It will look for items that DO NOT have the
PRINTER word in that 
builderall review .
Here is an example (next page) of a title that shows the model of the cartridge
but forgot to add the word INK in it. 0 bids. $0.99!! And I know these cartridges
are not cheap!
This is a matter of playing around and find an item that is a bargain! That’s the
whole point in doing all this! Then re-sell it for more or just keep it for yourself.
So now is time for you to shine and resell it with the RIGHT spelling and making
sure that the main word is included. Don’t make the same mistakes!
These are some quick tips to keep in mind for your listings:
Make sure to have lots of relevant keywords in your title with the right
Lots of pictures.
Or if you dare you can make a video showing the item around. This builds
Give a complete, full of details description that is simple to understand
Make a 7 day auction, starting at $0.99 cents (if you are posting in eBay)
Don’t exaggerate on the shipping charges. People are not stupid.
I want to give you a BONUS included right here in this report.
It is a list of brands that people usually misspell. There are some of you that may
think “How can this brand be misspelled! It is so easy!!” Yes, I agree, but there
are some like me that mix the order of the letters! I type adn instead of and a
lot … so I can understand how a simple word can be misspelled ….
Now, remember that when you are doing the Goofbid
search you have to write it with the RIGHT spelling!
It is in the results were you will see the listings with the
misspelled word.
By now you got the idea, so you can play with other brands, items, etc and see
what you can find, but thought of helping you and so I put together a high-end
brand list hoping you can find some good listings! I know some women will love
me! But if you think about it, it can be anything!
Ok, so ready? There are a LOT!!!


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