Official site: https://goo.gl/y6D2ZR
In this guide, I documented everything about my business model, tactics, and
strategies to give you a complete toolkit to use custom hold messages to make
money. This wp theme ultima review is a proven business model that anyone can use to run a part-time or full time consultant business using custom hold messages as a service. Even if you have any doubts in your own skill level, this is an extremely easy method to learn and implement. It doesn’t even matter what niche you are trying to target. So long as your potential customers have a phone, then you can supply them with custom hold messages and empower them to upsell, cross-sell, and promote their services to their customers while they are on hold.
By the time you are finished with this guide, you will have everything that you need
to start helping businesses make more money.
Custom hold messages have been around for a very long time. However, they are
often done poorly, if at all, and are not designed to sell additional products or
services. Through custom hold sales messages, you are empowering local
businesses to present an additional call to action to their clients at a time when
they never thought about it before.
What’s even worse and actually scary is that many local businesses use their local
radio station as their hold music. This invites a competitor’s radio advertisement to
be presented… and if they are not paying licensing fees for each song payed
(multiplied by the number of phone lines available) they could be faced with
business crippling fines.
So why am I giving you this wp theme ultima review model if it has worked well for me? I am on to different things. I now do a Business to Business version of a “done for you” product. I go into new and existing businesses and I help them set up their entire
sales organization. It’s new, it’s fun, and it’s a change from what I have been doing
for the past several years. I just don’t have time for this anymore.
In fact, I have several different business systems that I have used in the past and I
am going to be releasing all of them, except for the one that I am currently running.
I’ve got bills to pay too…All About Custom Hold Messages
Have you ever called into a local business and were put on hold, only to be
presented with a radio station which was out of tune, unlicensed music, or even
dead air? Sadly, that is the case for most local businesses.
Imagine that you were calling into a local car dealership and trying to get an
appointment for an oil change and were put on hold. This is the time when they
could be pitching a car detailing service, to test drive the latest model, or to
consider buying some winter tires. This is most often a missed opportunity.
This is a product that you can sell again and again because promotions always
change, seasons always change, and the needs of the business always change.
Look, the first step in building a business is to find an audience that has a pain, is in
need, and has a clear and defined benefit from solving that pain.
A great on hold sales message can allow you to up sell, add on, and cross promote
your products or services to your new and existing customers by taking advantage
of time that is not used to its fullest. More importantly, it allows you to create a
unified sales image that is industry leading.
Did you know that over 94% of marketing budgets are spent trying to get the phone
to ring, while only 6% is spent on handling received calls? What may surprise you is
that 60% of those callers which are placed on hold with hang up within 45 seconds
or less if they hear dead air or music that they dislike.
A recent US West Communications survey found that a hold message program will
increase caller retention by 40%, increase inquiries by 15% and increase direct
request for products and services mentioned by 12%.Custom sales hold messages work because they target a very specific wp theme ultima review,
a group of people who are already very interested in your products and services.strategies to give you a complete toolkit to use custom hold messages to make
money. This wp theme ultima review is a proven business model that anyone can use to run a part-time or full time consultant business using custom hold messages as a service. Even if you have any doubts in your own skill level, this is an extremely easy method to learn and implement. It doesn’t even matter what niche you are trying to target. So long as your potential customers have a phone, then you can supply them with custom hold messages and empower them to upsell, cross-sell, and promote their services to their customers while they are on hold.
By the time you are finished with this guide, you will have everything that you need
to start helping businesses make more money.
Custom hold messages have been around for a very long time. However, they are
often done poorly, if at all, and are not designed to sell additional products or
services. Through custom hold sales messages, you are empowering local
businesses to present an additional call to action to their clients at a time when
they never thought about it before.
What’s even worse and actually scary is that many local businesses use their local
radio station as their hold music. This invites a competitor’s radio advertisement to
be presented… and if they are not paying licensing fees for each song payed
(multiplied by the number of phone lines available) they could be faced with
business crippling fines.
So why am I giving you this wp theme ultima review model if it has worked well for me? I am on to different things. I now do a Business to Business version of a “done for you” product. I go into new and existing businesses and I help them set up their entire
sales organization. It’s new, it’s fun, and it’s a change from what I have been doing
for the past several years. I just don’t have time for this anymore.
In fact, I have several different business systems that I have used in the past and I
am going to be releasing all of them, except for the one that I am currently running.
I’ve got bills to pay too…All About Custom Hold Messages
Have you ever called into a local business and were put on hold, only to be
presented with a radio station which was out of tune, unlicensed music, or even
dead air? Sadly, that is the case for most local businesses.
Imagine that you were calling into a local car dealership and trying to get an
appointment for an oil change and were put on hold. This is the time when they
could be pitching a car detailing service, to test drive the latest model, or to
consider buying some winter tires. This is most often a missed opportunity.
This is a product that you can sell again and again because promotions always
change, seasons always change, and the needs of the business always change.
Look, the first step in building a business is to find an audience that has a pain, is in
need, and has a clear and defined benefit from solving that pain.
A great on hold sales message can allow you to up sell, add on, and cross promote
your products or services to your new and existing customers by taking advantage
of time that is not used to its fullest. More importantly, it allows you to create a
unified sales image that is industry leading.
Did you know that over 94% of marketing budgets are spent trying to get the phone
to ring, while only 6% is spent on handling received calls? What may surprise you is
that 60% of those callers which are placed on hold with hang up within 45 seconds
or less if they hear dead air or music that they dislike.
A recent US West Communications survey found that a hold message program will
increase caller retention by 40%, increase inquiries by 15% and increase direct
request for products and services mentioned by 12%.Custom sales hold messages work because they target a very specific wp theme ultima review,
Who are these people? Your existing customers! Your callers may have worked with
you for years, or are calling you for the first time, but do they know about
everything you offer? Custom sales hold messages reach your customers when they
are very likely to buy from you. Silence on hold won’t promote your products, and
a radio on hold could be talking about the competition!
As your callers hear about what you can do for them, they’ll ask for more
information, and you’ll sell more. Whether it’s a product, a service you provide, a
special or a public service, Captive Audience will get you results.
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