Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Gifzign Review – A trendy tool to create trendy graphics

Gifzign Review – A trendy tool to create trendy graphics

Official site: https://goo.gl/2GTJbM
So here is what you need to put this all together:
A Niche! You can create gifzign review in virtually any niche but in our case, since we are using LinkedIn, you will have the best luck in niches that have groups already established on LinkedIn. While you CAN find your writers by contacting LinkedIn members one at a time - it will be a lot easier to reach out to larger groups with your offer. A self-hosted WordPress blog. It does NOT need to be fancy - but it does need to have some special features that will make it easier to attract your guest bloggers and regular contributors. Don’t panic - we have you covered. You’ll find a full list of the plugins you need (all free), some premium ones that are really nice to have but not absolutely necessary, and a list of both free and premium Wordpress themes that we personally use. A decent logo graphic - you can usually get one for $5 at you guessed it - fiverr.com A LinkedIn profile (yes, that IS why I called this “LinkedIn to Content” - clever, huh?) A little patience as you follow some (really!) very simple steps to build a real Authority site that Google and all of her pets will love - a real gifzign review with user generated content!
;-) You are actually going to be working on your website and your LinkedIn profile pretty much simultaneously - so although they are labelled as separate steps...you will probably be going back and forth between the two projects to make sure they are
perfectly in sync!
Step 1: Choosing Your Niche
Obviously - this is a very important step - in fact it is critical to everything that we are going to do here. Personally, I like to check on the groups I want to join BEFORE I
set up a new profile. I generally start out with a wide top level niche, such as ‘Home Business” or “Health” and then start building up my list of groups and sub-topics using LinkedIn’s Group Directory. The first step is to check out the Groups on LinkedIn, and search for groups related to your niche. In this case, we are going to start with “Home Business” as the first keyword search, and then start to ‘drill down’ to see what additional related words and groups LinkedIn will show us. LinkedIn’s Group Directory has two key features that we are going to be using for our research, LI’s search and recommendation features. It is very important to use LinkedIn’s search tools because this will allow you to choose keywords and related topics based on how LinkedIn thinks they are related, and trust me, this is very important! Just like you want to give Google what it wants when you doing your SEO on your website - you want to make sure that you are going to LinkedIn exactly what it wants to see to!
So, to get started, let’s look at the LinkedIn Group Directory
Search Features:
The search parameters allow us to search the Groups not only by Keyword but also by how ’close’ we want the group members to be connected to us (I always choose “All LinkedIn Members), Categories (I choose All Categories) and Languages. Right now, you are limited to English, Dutch, Spanish, Portugese and French in the menu - but you can enter a language keyword as well.
#1: This is where we input the initial search term we are starting with, in this case it is “home business”.
#2: It’s important that you look at the activity level of a group you want a group that has a lot of members AND a good level of active discussions in the current month
#3: This little graphic next to the view/join link is VERY IMPORTANT!! This is the “Similar gifzign review ” link to let LinkedIn find more groups that are similar to this one..more on this feature
#4: View - this lets you take a look at the group itself and can be very useful to determine whether the activity of the group is active discussions or just spam (yes - LinkedIn does get a lot of spam - and most groups will ban you for it!)
#5: Join! Yes, this is the button that you hit when you find a group you want to join!
For now though...we are just doing research - so keep away from that join button! Continuing on with our research
1. Starting with your top level key word, scroll through the listings and find a few good sized groups, with a good level of activity. Make a list of the top 5 to 10 groups that you find. Note
the name, and the number of members.
2. Next, click on the “Similar Groups” link and let LinkedIn tell you what groups IT thinks are related to your primary keyword. Review this list of groups, picking out 3 to 5 groups for each new potential keyword.
3. Continue this process of finding similar groups, and new related keywords, until you have a list of 50 to 75 groups, focused around 10 to 15 keywords, all related to your primary keyword. This list is going to be the foundation to building your new website.
Step 2: Setting Up Your Website!
For the purposes of this guide - we are going to assume that you know how to a) buy a domain, b) have a basic hosting account and c) know how to set up a WordPress blog, including the basics of uploading, installing and configuring simple plugins (trust me none of these are very complicated!)
HOWEVER......Just in case you don’t know how to do this - please check the bonus folder for some excellent tutorials. And for the record - while I am a strong advocate of outsourcing whatever you can - I also believe in knowing at least the basics of running your business - and in IM - these are truly basic skills you need to master. There are some key elements that your new site needs to make this attractive to the writers we want to attract as permanent regular contributors PLUS the long term goal is to try and get your site included in Google News (no promises - but you might as well do this correctly from the beginning, just in case, right?)
The entire site can be set up using free themes and plugins ;-) Yes, you CAN use some really nifty premium themes and plugins, but if you don’t have the budget for it when you start, don’t worry about it. With a little elbow grease - you can do it all without spending anything extra beyond your hosting account!

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