Monday, March 13, 2017

TubeRank Jeet 3 Review 2017 - Getting top rankings and traffic is easy with this software

TubeRank Jeet 3 Review 2017 - Getting top rankings and traffic is easy with this software
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Now, copy all uploaded video urls, as shown in images above and paste them into mass ping tool Ping Farm.Ping Farm also has very nice addition: RSS ping tool. Pinging your tuberank jeet 3 review is very important for the ranking of your video. Here is the code you need to use for that: your video
channel name here/uploads?orderby=updated&vq=insert one of
your uploaded video titles here Pinging only one of the videos is enough because RSS aggregates all the rest of videos on automation! Here how it will look. Tick all boxes below and press “Mass Ping” button and all your fresh video url links will be pinged to notify search engines.
As additional and optional way of promoting your videos you can utilize a service of outsourcers, to bring more views/likes to your videos, if you have a budget for that. Some of them have large database of fans/followers on FB, Twitter, Vimeo and other Web2.0/video sites and they will be promoting your video/s to them. But normally promoting just ONE
most successful video in that list will draw views/traffic to the rest of them too, especially if they are well-keyworded! So after monitoring your uploaded videos views/rankings for couple of days, pick the ONE which accumulated the most number of views/likes on each channel (if you uploaded to more than one) and make targeted
promotion for that one video. What I am giving you here is a system that
never fails.
You will need to have accounts on these Web 2.0 sites. Register them once and use them for all your future promos later on. Don’t forget to paste all your uploaded tuberank jeet 3 review at the bottom of the description box of this main video. It is better also to set up RELEVANT Facebook and Twitter accounts for that case, covering at least the General broad niche in which you later can fit more products. One more great resource for boosting your video views/rankings is a free tool
Social Monkee.
It has also paid option but the free one is quite effective. It posts your link to 25 social sites at once for free! Huge boost for quick ranking.  As you can see here it didn’t take too long for my videos to rank on the first page of Youtube, even before I launched a full-blown promotion for them.As I used so large variety of precision keywords, my videos were all over the place, dominating this niche just in few hours!
These videos from two different channels which I created for this product have immediately occupied leading spots on the first page of Youtube. Main reason for it was QUALITY engineering of the keywords and titles. They have no views yet on the snapshots as they were taken when uploaded only 3-4 hours ago. But they have accumulated views and rankings slowly and brought expected income as you could see in the Click Bank report image at the beginning of this manual. There is nothing magic or mysterious
about that. It’s a “simple science” as some would put it.
Some More Powerful Extra-Tips
(Skip reading it and you’ll jeopardize your success!)
· Sometimes even though Clickbank gravity shows the product is actively selling, you can’t find much of its promo videos on Youtube, and even if you saw such, they have very little views. The reason is that some products are mostly viewed on specialized sites or blogs rather marketers tell you or know themselves, which will help you to avoid wasting of your time and efforts) So before creating a campaign, check if this product is active on Youtube. 
· When creating videos, make sure you make INTERESTING & GOOD LOOKING videos, and most importantly, they have to CATCH viewer’s attention from the first few seconds of the video playback! This is imperative! Remember how the good quality ads are made on TV commercials? You can hardly take your eye off it, if it is truly a good ad! So, capture attention of the viewer in the first 3-7 seconds, - if you haven’t done that, there are 80-85% chances that they will click it off and jump to someone else’s video. Place your BEST
image slides in the first few frames of the video slide show! Middle part has to give some INTERESTING and valuable tuberank jeet 3 review, and the final part of the video has to have effective action-inducing images on it.
· Again, AUDIO track RELEVANCY and Quality is VERY important! Don’t disregard it. Some of my videos got biggest views and sales mostly because of the very effective and attractive music track on them, as I could monitor its behaviour later. Visually those videos didn’t differ much from the rest, but quality audio track created necessary EMOTIONAL background for the viewer, which forced him to “Like” me and eventually extend his favour to clicking on my affiliate link under the video. Don’t forget that emotions play giant role in buying decisions of the customers. 
· One more very powerful rank boosting method is creating a Blogger free blog, with minimum 100-200 words text and placing one of the newly created videos on it. Keywords choice rules are the same as for videos described above. Blogger is well-detected and favoured by Google and it helps moving your video up in rankings not only on Youtube, but mainly on Google search!
· When you notice that product sells or shows good indications for it, create additional Youtube channels to upload more videos on each (12-15 on each). Name channels preferably with the title containing one of the most popular Keywords which you have researched. You will have more than enough LSI (related) keywords, so make sure to create new videos with new combinations of titles that include a keyword on which you are bidding in this title, at least twice. Remember: The best result is achieved when Tags, File name and Title contain SAME keywords. 

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