Monday, July 30, 2018

CPA Pirate Review – The New CPA and Traffic Hack with $332.25/day

CPA Pirate Review – The New CPA and Traffic Hack with $332.25/day
Official Site:
Use an email series. Build excitement and anticipation using a series of
related articles or emails.
2 .
Share the product’s benefits. Tell them exactly what is in it for them if
they buy. What benefits will they see? What problems will it solve? Push those
emotional buttons!
Use a strong call-to-action. Make sure you tell them exactly what you want
them to do. Don’t expect them to guess! Tell them, “Go grab your copy right
now, because my special bonus is only available for another 24 hours!”
Use notification bars. You can overlay a bar over the sales page that will
draw attention to a special offer, create a sense of urgency and include a callto-action. This will increase conversions. (We’ll take a closer look at this bar

Now here comes the autopilot money making machine! We're going to create a
review blog, fill it with information on the product that you're promoting, and
place our affiliate link at the end. The idea is that people will read this review,
follow the affiliate link to the cpa pirate review, buy a copy and earn you money.
Sound simple?
It is.
You can review the products you want to promote in the pages of static
websites, and in blogs. We’re going to concentrate on using a blog format. It’s
easier than static site reviews by far, because it takes only minutes to add a
new post – and you don’t have to use cpa pirate review or CSS.
Most people prefer WordPress as their content management system (CMS) for
blog setup and maintenance – but a word of caution: We are not going to use
We are going to use a very secret platform (
NING) to make this system work
for you auto-pilot. I am sure that no other course/program has ever used this
platform in the cpa pirate review.
The reason, I am personally using this platform because it ranks very well in
Google with very less backlinks effortlessly and you can publish unlimited

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