Thursday, November 30, 2017

RewardLeads Review – Best way to get more sales, customers and subscribers!

RewardLeads Review – Best way to get more sales, customers and subscribers!
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Conversions Test Amazon calls this the Unit Session Percentage and it simply means the number of sales your product received in that period of time divided by the number of sessions. To make this simple it's your conversion rate.To pass this test you want your conversion rate or unit sessionspercentage to be at least 8%. Now to be clear if your product passes the # of impressions test and the CPC test, but not the # of sessions and conversions tests it doesn't necessarily mean you can't move forward with that product. You just might need to improve your main image (hero image) and/or sales copy or adjust your price. 

If you have gone through the rewardleads review course you have heard Brett ask “Is it a traffic problem or is it a conversion problem?”Your answer to that question will determine how you troubleshoot. Before we move on I must point out that Brett's team created an AMAZING tool that will help you understand how valuable even just one keyword can be. 

It's the PPI Calculator and you can access it here watch Brett's video associated with it as he explains therelationship between CPC and the # of sales you can expect. This video alone will get you excited about the potential of marrying the PPI method to Private Label the Easy Way. 

Back to Mike's 10 step process for testing products, in step #7 you will use thedata you got from the analyzation step (#6) to re-optimize your rewardleads review. If one keyword phrase isn't working then simply change it based on the rewardleads review you gathered. Since your listing is flexible the keyword phrases in your ads are also. If you change the keywords in your listing you'll want to adjust them in your Amazoncampaign (Step #8) to match. 

In step #9 you'll want to analyze the keyword search terms and improveyour product or bundle. Remember. It's about the keywords and not the product. If the keywords are telling you that customers prefer a blue widget over a red one then source the blue one. This is why you never go deep until youhave data to support it. So your process might look something like this: Analyze data, Adjust listing, Test. 


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Viral Reach Review – Find and Publish Content on Complete Autopilot

Viral Reach Review – Find and Publish Content on Complete Autopilot

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If the thought of picking up the phone and calling a supplier completely freaks you out, then start with email. The phone is best for building a relationship, getting answers quicker, and showing you are serious... but email can still get results. 8. Build a Relationship This is probably the most important thing to remember when contacting suppliers. 

You (and the supplier) benefit when your goal is to build a viral reach review  with them. Sure, you want to make money... and they do too! But, getting personal and letting them know that you are just looking for samples to test and collect solid data on... but once the products prove to perform you will be buying large amounts. 

Let them know you are looking to build a relationship with a supplier you can work with on a long term basis – not just for a few viral reach review. I know you are just getting started in the process, but you do not have to act like a rookie when contacting suppliers. You are an established company and arebuilding a brand. You are a serious player – not a tire kicker. 

When you approach a supplier, it is helpful to understand their language. Every day more and more suppliers are developing and offering their own “private label” program... and it can work out very well if the way they are offering PL works for your business model. However, we have another way to approach suppliers that works wonders. 

In fact, almost every supplier we have approached with Ryan's magic question has had absolutely no qualms about working with us. Here's the deal... When you ask a supplier, “Do you have a private label program?” They hear, “Do you have a program in place where you will repackage, design and print my logo on your viral reach review?” Having a supplier repackage, design and print your logo on their product increases their (and your) costs and often requires a much higher minimum because it isn't worth all the set up for that type of program unless there is a high order coming. Ryan's magic question easily gets you over this hurdle... 

in fact, it removes it completely. 


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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The GNT Formula Review - Why You Need To Buy It?

The GNT Formula Review - Why You Need To Buy It?

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Validating your Product for Private Label Does your product make the cut? This is the lesson that answers that question... In the book I introduced the 7 Step Test. Use this test to determine if your product is a good candidate for private label.7 Step Test for Private Label 1. Generic (Non Brand-driven) 2. Small 3. Easy to replicate 4. Not many working parts 5. Price Range 6. Sales Rank 7. Reviews Let's look at each of these more closely.Generic (Non Brand-driven) You'll understand the gnt formula review if I tell you some items that are brand-driven: a Nike shoe, an Iphone, Beats Headphones, and a Coach purse.

When I say these items are brand driven I mean that people buy them because they want that brand. The brand drives the sale. In addition, products that have brand recognition on them are items to avoid. Brand recognition items would be like an NFL blanket, BMW accessory, etc. In contrast, someone buying a cookie sheet is more than likely not looking for a specific brand. Any cookie sheet will do.

Since it's not brand driven, a cookie sheet could be a good potential private label product. Just because an item is brand-driven doesn't mean you couldn't private label an accessory for it. An Iphone case would be an example of a potential private label item, although it's a very competitive the gnt formula review .Small A refrigerator would obviously be a bad candidate for a private label product.

So what size is ideal? Ideally anything that is not going to incur oversize fees with Amazon. Here's Amazon's definition of an oversized unit: “The dimensions and weight of the product being fulfilled determine whether the product is oversize or not. Oversize rates apply to any packaged unit that weighs more than 20 lbs or with its longest side more than 18", its shortest the gnt formula review more than 8", or its median side more than 14". A Unit exceeding any of these dimensions is Oversize.” 
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Software Launch System Review – A Complete Guide To Earn Up To 6 Figure

Software Launch System Review – A Complete Guide To Earn Up To 6 Figure

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1) Amazon Suggested Search Terms 2) Keyword Tool Dominator 3) Merchant Words 4) Keyword Inspector Trends Tool 5) Etsy 6) Pinterest 7) Google Trends Validate Does your product pass the 7 Step Test? Here's the 7 Step test: 1. Generic (Non Brand-driven) 2. Small 3. Easy to replicate 4. Not many working parts 5. Price Range 6. Sales Rank 7. Reviews If it passes then move on down the software launch system review . If it doesn't, select another product to test.

The validation step and choosing a product to test should actually occur at the same time. If you're using Keyword Inspector's Trends Tool you should be filtering through the keywords results that are generic non-brand driven terms. We will cover in more detail how to validate a product in lesson 9 – so hang tight if this is a little confusing right now.

If you have found a supplier that has given you permission to do the easy way method of software launch system review (switching out packaging) then be looking at their products through the lens of what is generic, non-brand driven, small, etc. This all should happen very quickly. You want to get to the testing phase as fast as possible because that is where you really find out if you have a winner or not.

NEVER order thousands of units based on research done prior to actually sending it into Amazon and gathering solid data from sponsored ads. Test You have a product that has passed the 7 step test and you want to give it a shot. What's next? 1) Source it 2) List it and ship it into Amazon 3) Test with software launch system review sponsored ads Again, we'll go deeper into each of these in the following lessons, but it's as simple as source, list, test. If it passes the test (we'll show you what a passing grade is in lesson 14) then simply order more.

If it doesn't pass the test that's totally fine. Just pick another product and test it. The good news is you didn't order 1000 units of a product that didn't pass the test. That's it. It really is a simple process... just follow the graphic through it. See you in the group...

Ryan Reger with Jenni Hunt, Jim Cockrum and Brett Bartlett PL the Easy Way Mentoring Program Coming Up Next... In Lesson #8 we will go deeper into choosing a product using the product driven path. Your Lesson.... Choosing a Product via the Product Driven Path Remember. You want to get to the testing phase as quickly as possible

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Money Monstr Review – Pull in $100 to $200 per day

Money Monstr Review – Pull in $100 to $200 per day
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Maybe you have 40 hours a week to devote to developing your product... or maybe you have 5 hours. Work with what you have and set your money monstr review accordingly. Please don't skip this lesson if you are not someone that normally writes down goals. To be 100% honest with you, writing down goals is not my expertise, but you didn't sign up for this course because I am a goal setting guru.

I am pretty good, however, at creating a vision and writing down things I want to accomplish and taking those dreams and translating them to images I can look at often. Naturally, looking at these dreams and desires propel me towards them, but as Zig Ziglar describes in his 7 step process for setting goals (**see footnote for more resources about Zig Ziglar's goal setting process), goals need to have a plan of action and a deadline.

Let's jump into the lesson and look at how YOU can set reachable goals for your private label developing process. Your money monstr review... Determining Your Private Label Goals I don't know about you but I tend to over think these steps and feel like if I can't keep my deadlines or don't know the exact action steps at the time, then I shouldn't bother setting goals because I am setting myself up to fail.

I didn't mean for this to be my confession time, but maybe some of you are in the same boat. The truth is, you can adjust your goals at any time. For example, you do not have to beat yourself up if you have a goal to lose 30 pounds by a certain date and realize half way in that you are only on pace to lose 20 pounds. The bigger goal (bigger picture) is to be moving forward and working towards something.

In the private label journey, where do you want to be at the end of the 6 modules? Do you want to have one private label money monstr review... or three? Do you want to be making an extra $500 per month with that product? Or $5000? Do you want to have a brand built and your own Shopify site set up? I understand that we are at the beginning of this thing and you might not really know what kinds of goals to set. 

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LetVidimaze Review – Why you should buy it?

LetVidimaze Review – Why you should buy it?

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There will be an introduction/Forward followed by the body of the lesson itself. Remember, each lesson will end with an assignment for you to complete. You will get the most out of this course by finishing the assignment before starting the next lesson. It's your turn. Go to the Facebook group and share your letvidimaze review. It is inspiring to put it out on “paper” and it encourages others in their journey too.

Again, we look forward to working with you and are excited to get to know you. That's it! Regards, Ryan Reger with Jenni Hunt, Jim Cockrum, and Brett Bartlett PL the Easy Way Mentoring Program Coming Up Next... In Lesson #2 we are going to discuss the harder way vs. the easier way to private label...

IntroductionYou made it to the second lesson! Most lessons are designed to allow you to take a single bite at a time... and then give you some time to chew on it before the next lesson. These first few lessons give you a bit of background that you may or may not know. We want to get everyone on the same page before we really dive into the meat of the program...

if you are frustrated with the slower pace right now – hold on! We promise to get to the filet mignon of this soon. :) Today's lesson discusses the “easy” way – which is the method we are using for this program... versus the “harder” way. Your Lesson... Private Label Explained Most of you probably have at least an idea of what Private Label is since you signed up for this program, but to help reinforce it for letvidimaze review , it's essentially having your own brand of an item.

Some may refer to private label for products and product lines they create from scratch; however, in most cases, private label is referring to an item thatalready exists that you simply put your own brand/name on. Some call this letvidimaze review as well. I use the terms interchangeably. In my book, Private Label the Easy Way, I refer to Red Gold as an example. Red Gold is a tomato company in Indiana and a former colleague of mine works there.

I remember doing a factory tour with him many years ago and him explaining that they produce products for other brands. Little did I know then that private label would be a business model I would eventually get into. Ketchup is the example I used in the book, but there are probably millions of examples. 

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Monday, November 27, 2017

SyVid Review – Turn any video into free traffic machine

SyVid Review – Turn any video into free traffic machine

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You have to gain some traction for your main keywords and get Amazon to keep pushing you up the search results. How? By getting sales and reviews. There are a lot of things you could do to promote your listing like Facebook ads, Google Adwords, press releases, etc. All those things can be a part of your overall strategy, but at the beginning I suggest only focusing on sales and reviews.

Here's exactly how I did it I contacted about 10-15 friends and family and asked them to purchase my syvid review using a discount code that I created in the back end of my seller account and to leave their highest and best review after receiving the product. In my case I started out with a discount that made the product just a little over $1 with tax.

Since launching my first product, Amazon's rules have changed and if I was starting over again I would not have very close friends and family do this because it's against Amazon's Terms of Service for close friends and family to review your product. The preferred method for a lot of sellers before Amazon's review policy change in early October 2016 was to use a review club to get their first few reviews quickly, but I do not recommend these syvid review now. I believe it's too risky.

There are several options one can use to get their first sales and reviews: 1) Depending on how competitive your product, you may be able to get organic sales soon after you launch without using any Amazon Pay-per-click ads. Focusing on the right keywords in your title, bullet points, and description may be enough to get your listing noticed and get sales to start coming in.

Skip McGrath, who is also one of the experts in my private label mentoring program, just creates his syvid review listings and says that he gets organic sales within days of launching without using any ads or promotions. 2) Amazon Sponsored Ads (Pay-per-click) – My basic strategy for using Amazon sponsored ads is to run an automatic campaign for several days at a low budget of around $5-$10 per day. Then look at the keywords that are performing the best and run a manual campaign with those keywords. 

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

SociAutomate Review - Is SociAutomate really for you

SociAutomate Review - Is SociAutomate really for you
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If you remember from an earlier chapter I mentioned that the source of my private label products have several items they sell and are willing to do a private label with any of them. Since I have already built this relationship literally all I need to do to launch another product is get my package insert created, buy a case or two, take out their package insert, insert mine, create a listing and then send it off to Amazon. 

If I was starting from the sociautomate review and doing research on every product that this supplier has I might not pick many of their products to private label because they might not all meet stricter requirements in the research phase. However, since it's so super easy to test out a product using my easy way method the risk is very minimal. 

Once you find a supplier for your product there's no reason why you can't do the same thing. Let's go back to sales rank and reviews again because I didn't explain that fully. Just because we're doing the easy way doesn't mean we should totally neglect this sociautomate review

Like I said above, if all of the top 5 or 10 have stellar ranks and thousands of reviews it may be very difficult to get in this list as this is probably a very competitive product. And on the flip side if the top listings for the item you're researching all have higher ranks and very few reviews then that product may not sell enough on Amazon to make it worth it. I hesitate to throw out sales ranks or number of reviews as strict guidelines because each person's business is different. 

If you're doing private label the harder way and having to source from China then I totally recommend picking a product that has a much higher upside. However, with the easy way I'm not putting as much effort into the sourcing stage and I'm not having to buy thousands of dollars of sociautomate review  to get started so I'm okay with an item that maybe only sells a couple per day because it didn't take much time and effort to get it going. 

This is especially true of other items that I may want to add that my source carries. If I was starting from scratch I'd certainly try to find an item that I could sell many per day versus one that might sell every other day. All I'm saying is that with the easy way method, I'm more willing to try a product that may not be a star performer since the time and effort involved to get it going is not huge. In choosing a product you might be already thinking about potential brand names. 


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Saturday, November 25, 2017

GramKosh 2.0 Review – How to manage your Instagram

GramKosh 2.0 Review – How to manage your Instagram
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Before I get into the easy way let me explain what I believe is the harder and scarier way to do gramkosh 2.0 review. Go to and search for a product. Any product. If you have never heard of, it's essentially a marketplace that matches suppliers (mostly in China) with buyers. It's a great place to start if you intend to source from China.

Let's say you have an idea for a private label product and you search for it on Alibaba and you find dozens of potential suppliers or more. Which ones do you contact? How do you find the ones you can trust? Will they respond back? Will they require a huge minimum order? How do you overcome the language barrier? Now please don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely not the type of person that looks at obstacles and decides to back off. I bet you're not either.

You most likely wouldn't be reading this book if you were totally risk averse. You have your own business and that's not easy. I also do not look for reasons why something won't work. So please understand that I'm not saying that sourcing product from China is an insurmountable obstacle or is so scary that you shouldn't do it.

In fact, I have a recommendation to make gramkosh 2.0 review in China easy. Check out chapter 17 for more information. All I'm saying is that it presents more challenges than the easy way I talk about in the next chapter. Here are some of the challenges with sourcing from China: - Trusting that you'll get what you ordered - Customs - High cost of shipping - Will the product be of good quality? Again, I'm not trying to scare you away from sourcing your product in China.

Just know that there will be some unique challenges that you'll have to overcome in order to do it all yourself. Plenty of other people have done it VERY successfully. The purpose of this book is NOT to deter you from sourcing in China. It's just to show you that I found a different way that I believe is easier and less risky, but if China is the best place to get your product then I can help you there as well. Here it is. The moment you have all been waiting for. The easy way is........

1) Find a US manufacturer (or your home country) that is already making the gramkosh 2.0 review you want to private label. 2) Contact them to see if they will manufacture their same exact product, but under your brand name. 3) To test out the product place an order for a small amount of their current brand and simply have them switch out their packaging and use yours or do it yourself. 

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WebbyApp Review - Turn your old site into the perfect iPhone app

WebbyApp Review - Turn your old site into the perfect iPhone app

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In May or June of 2012, we noticed that our webbyapp review ads were no longer working. In most of the areas we posted to, they were taken down almost as soon as we put them up. We continued to get calls and sales from the ones that remained, but business slowed down quite a bit. 

We needed to do something different because what we had always done was no longer producing results. The Lord knew what needed to happen and He already had the answer prepared in advance for us. Jim Cockrum had recently written his book called Free Marketing: 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business, Online and Off and had decided to auction off a signed copy of that book with all of the proceeds going to Hope Village, a ministry in Detroit, Michigan. 

Because I was subscribed to Jim's newsletter, I was aware of the auction, but it wasn't until the final day of the auction that I knew I had to take action. I woke up the morning of the end of the auction and saw an email that Jim had sent to subscribers announcing that it was the final day. I just knew that I had to win so I asked my wife if we could place a bid. She asked for how much and I told her. 

She was a little shocked, but said if that's what you think we should do then do it. I won and the rest is history. The reason I say the rest is history is because since then I have been fortunate to build a relationship with Jim Cockrum that has transformed my  webbyapp review. One of the added benefits of the auction was a 30 minute phone call with Jim. 

Since Jim lives about an hour from my parents' house in Indiana, I asked him if I could meet him for lunch one day in lieu of the phone call. He graciously agreed. So Melane and I planned a trip to Indiana to see my parents and to meet Jim. That was in September 2012. That lunch changed our lives. Jim gave us many ideas and tips, but the one we took action on right away was getting our furniture listed on Amazon. 

He also told us about Amazon's FBA program and encouraged us to find smaller  webbyapp review we could sell that way. I'm honored to be able to call Jim a friend now and am blessed to have the opportunity to be in his exclusive mastermind group with 14 other business owners. It's been over three years since we have sold a piece of furniture on craigslist. Remember now. That used to be our only source of income. 


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Friday, November 24, 2017

My Unfair Advantage Review – The true community of marketers

My Unfair Advantage Review – The true community of marketers
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Go to my unfair advantage review Upwork is a place where to go to find jobs, and people like you can hire them online. There is a massive pool of applicants so for sure you will be able to find someone skilled at a great rate This is where I hired my Virtual Assistant from. She lives in the Philippines and has worked for me for over a year. 

You can hire from whatever country you want, I prefer to hire from the Philippines as they speak the best English and are the friendliest and easiest to get along with. The Philippines will have the lowest hourly rate to hire at for someone that can speak the best English pretty much. I’ve been hiring from this country for years. 

I am from America, but just spent the past couple years traveling around their country, love it! When I first hired her over a year ago it was to work on other projects, then when I started my first Shopify store she started to work in that for me. So you do not have to have someone with previous experience in my unfair advantage review. What matters to me the most in hiring is they are very dependable, learn fast and communicate very well. 

I will take that any day over someone who is a Shopify expert, but then is always late and doesn’t finish everything he’s suppose to etc. I’d rather teach a bright and willing person. You have the manual for the store set up you can give them so hire someone excited to work for you and they will do well for you. 

The great thing about my unfair advantage review is they will track all the hours your VA works for you, take random screenshots of their work so you know they are doing what you hired them for, them pay them automatically weekly for you, so everything is done. Another place you can use is called I’ve used this one many many times, I’ve hired over 10 VA’s just from that place. 

You will have to do the pay and tracking of your VA yourself, but a great place to go also. Is this course I’ll be showing you how to hire from Upwork, but can apply this strategy for anywhere you decide to hire. 2. You are going to want to hire a Freelancer, so chose click HIRE The other option is for if you are looking for a job online, and we are building our own business and done working for people so we do NOT want to click that option. 

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Instant Video Pages Review – 60 Seconds to Generate Stunning Video Landing Pages

Instant Video Pages Review – 60 Seconds to Generate Stunning Video Landing Pages
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It’s had plenty of time to marinate since then, though! ? Action Step: Eight weeks before any particular holiday, determine a list of 10 posts you’d love to publish. Research ideas on Pinterest, Google, and within your last year’s analytics if you already have related instant video pages review . Aim to publish those posts no later than 4 weeks before the holiday and push them out to Pinterest and Google+ immediately after publishing.

Schedule them on Facebook for a time closer to the actual holiday. STEP 16: Write….a LOT and with a PLAN! When you don’t have much content, it’s hard to direct people when they land on your blog. Not having anything to suggest is like hosting a party and telling your guests to leave as soon you give them a 60 second tour. Give your guests a reason to stay.

Invite them in. Serve them something they can’t resist. ? In the beginning of your journey, especially, this will be a numbers game. Now I can say I have a handful of posts that get me 100-500 page views every day consistently. The sad truth is that I have way more posts than that get me 10 or less.

A decent number of them get 15- 50 page views a day, but a depressingly high number of them get just 1 page view per day (or worse, NONE!) I’d say for every 5 posts I write, 2 do well on either Pinterest OR search engines. And every month or so I’ll hit a home run or two on instant video pages review. About 1 in every 10 will do well on StumbleUpon. All those wins (and unfortunate losses) put together, really add up! Unfortunately, none of the traffic surges from social sites I’ve mentioned in this ebook will last forever.

My 3 Things Every Little Girl Should Hear Her Daddy Say post got about 10,000 page views from Facebook one month, but this month it’s getting about 10 per day. Because I didn’t want my page views to slip, I had to fill in the gaps in traffic with more content. Although I can’t recreate a 10,000 page view surge on a whim, I CAN recreate a steady stream of 10 – 20 page views with every new instant video pages review I write if I model it on something that’s worked before (using carefully chosen keywords). This all goes back to the art of duplicating and piggybacking on your successes.

Write A LOT and aim to make every post better than the last. I shoot for 3-5 new posts per week. 

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Push Button ECom Review – The All-In-One eCom Spy Software

Push Button ECom Review – The All-In-One eCom Spy Software

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STEP 12: Leverage Google+ for Easy Search Engine Placement In my opinion, Google+ is the most underrated social platform out there. I believe a big part of my ability to generate page views is consistent use of push button ecom review. What you need to know about Google+ is this: Google prefers its own platform over others.

When you do any random search on Google, have you ever noticed that sometimes a Google+ status update will show on page 1 of the search results? That’s because Google likes to show internal postings and highlight Google+ updates whenever possible. When an update is 100% relevant to a person’s search, Google will return that G+ post on the first page of results.

The best part about it? The impact is almost instantaneous. Google used to have a thing called Google News that would always show up at the top of push button ecom review, so I figured G+ would be the same way now that Google News is gone.

Whereas it takes approximately 3 months for a properly optimized blog post to start rising in organic search rankings, it takes minutes for Google to recognize a G+ post as relevant. A lot of people think because they don’t see a referring G+ URL in their analytics that G+ doesn’t send them any traffic. It doesn’t exactly work like that.

Like I mentioned earlier, Google doesn’t like telling you exactly how it is sending you traffic (they used to give tons of keyword data, but phased out most of that a couple years ago…nowadays, I’m lucky if they tell me 75 referring keywords in a day whereas my “unknown” referrals are responsible for over 2000 daily page views). As I mentioned before, the best indication you have as to how well your Google+ efforts are paying off is seeing your intended keywords show up under push button ecom review? All Traffic ? Source/Medium ? Keywords.

I know this because sometimes I will have no mention of a keyword in that list, then I will share on Google+ using a new set of keywords and see those start to show up in analytics. I like G+ wayyyyy better than say, Twitter, for regular promotion. They say the half life of a tweet is seconds. The life of a Google+ post is pretty long – as far as I can tell, it’s relevant until another Google+ post bumps it out of the way. 

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