Friday, November 24, 2017

Instant Video Pages Review – 60 Seconds to Generate Stunning Video Landing Pages

Instant Video Pages Review – 60 Seconds to Generate Stunning Video Landing Pages
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It’s had plenty of time to marinate since then, though! ? Action Step: Eight weeks before any particular holiday, determine a list of 10 posts you’d love to publish. Research ideas on Pinterest, Google, and within your last year’s analytics if you already have related instant video pages review . Aim to publish those posts no later than 4 weeks before the holiday and push them out to Pinterest and Google+ immediately after publishing.

Schedule them on Facebook for a time closer to the actual holiday. STEP 16: Write….a LOT and with a PLAN! When you don’t have much content, it’s hard to direct people when they land on your blog. Not having anything to suggest is like hosting a party and telling your guests to leave as soon you give them a 60 second tour. Give your guests a reason to stay.

Invite them in. Serve them something they can’t resist. ? In the beginning of your journey, especially, this will be a numbers game. Now I can say I have a handful of posts that get me 100-500 page views every day consistently. The sad truth is that I have way more posts than that get me 10 or less.

A decent number of them get 15- 50 page views a day, but a depressingly high number of them get just 1 page view per day (or worse, NONE!) I’d say for every 5 posts I write, 2 do well on either Pinterest OR search engines. And every month or so I’ll hit a home run or two on instant video pages review. About 1 in every 10 will do well on StumbleUpon. All those wins (and unfortunate losses) put together, really add up! Unfortunately, none of the traffic surges from social sites I’ve mentioned in this ebook will last forever.

My 3 Things Every Little Girl Should Hear Her Daddy Say post got about 10,000 page views from Facebook one month, but this month it’s getting about 10 per day. Because I didn’t want my page views to slip, I had to fill in the gaps in traffic with more content. Although I can’t recreate a 10,000 page view surge on a whim, I CAN recreate a steady stream of 10 – 20 page views with every new instant video pages review I write if I model it on something that’s worked before (using carefully chosen keywords). This all goes back to the art of duplicating and piggybacking on your successes.

Write A LOT and aim to make every post better than the last. I shoot for 3-5 new posts per week. 

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