Saturday, November 18, 2017

Flicktive Review – Captivate attention like never before

Flicktive Review – Captivate attention like never before
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So if you have one mega fan who visits your flicktive review 20 times a day, then your ‘unique visits’ metric will help you to compensate for that and give you a more useful number that is a better reflection of your site’s popularity. Another thing to consider is the difference between ‘hits’ and ‘visits’. Hits are different from visits because they actually represent every single demand placed on your servers. 

This means each new visit to your site but it also means image that gets downloaded and might also include ‘bots’ (scripts that work for search engines and other sites as a way of indexing the content on your site). This means that if someone were to link directly to one of your images and embed it on your page (which isn’t the done thing but it does happen!), then you would see a massive increase in your hits that wouldn’t necessarily tell you anything about how many people were actually reading your content. 

So at the very least, you should look at visits rather than flicktive review. And most likely you are going to want to look at your unique visits more than that. And even then, this metric is going to be most useful when used in conjunction with others. Nevertheless, this is your starting point and it is the first metric you need to track. 

It is the broadest and most general descriptor of your overall success and is definitely a useful number to watch. Note: This is a good time for us to point out that none of these metrics is infallible and it is certainly possible to ‘fool’ the reports. For example, if someone is using private browsing on their computer, then they won’t be storing cookies and that means that they may be counted as a new visitor (although normally the IP address is also taken into account). If a user has multiple computers more likely, then this too can also upset your statistics. 

How to Increase Your Vusuts So how do you go about increasing your page visits? The first thing you are doing correctly is monitoring them and seeing how they increase, as this way you can now try to make changes and see how your site improves or doesn’t. This will then let you know what’s working, what you need to change and more. There are numerous different ways to increase flicktive review and basically the answer here is: marketing. 


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