Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Push Button ECom Review – The All-In-One eCom Spy Software

Push Button ECom Review – The All-In-One eCom Spy Software

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STEP 12: Leverage Google+ for Easy Search Engine Placement In my opinion, Google+ is the most underrated social platform out there. I believe a big part of my ability to generate page views is consistent use of push button ecom review. What you need to know about Google+ is this: Google prefers its own platform over others.

When you do any random search on Google, have you ever noticed that sometimes a Google+ status update will show on page 1 of the search results? That’s because Google likes to show internal postings and highlight Google+ updates whenever possible. When an update is 100% relevant to a person’s search, Google will return that G+ post on the first page of results.

The best part about it? The impact is almost instantaneous. Google used to have a thing called Google News that would always show up at the top of push button ecom review, so I figured G+ would be the same way now that Google News is gone.

Whereas it takes approximately 3 months for a properly optimized blog post to start rising in organic search rankings, it takes minutes for Google to recognize a G+ post as relevant. A lot of people think because they don’t see a referring G+ URL in their analytics that G+ doesn’t send them any traffic. It doesn’t exactly work like that.

Like I mentioned earlier, Google doesn’t like telling you exactly how it is sending you traffic (they used to give tons of keyword data, but phased out most of that a couple years ago…nowadays, I’m lucky if they tell me 75 referring keywords in a day whereas my “unknown” referrals are responsible for over 2000 daily page views). As I mentioned before, the best indication you have as to how well your Google+ efforts are paying off is seeing your intended keywords show up under push button ecom review? All Traffic ? Source/Medium ? Keywords.

I know this because sometimes I will have no mention of a keyword in that list, then I will share on Google+ using a new set of keywords and see those start to show up in analytics. I like G+ wayyyyy better than say, Twitter, for regular promotion. They say the half life of a tweet is seconds. The life of a Google+ post is pretty long – as far as I can tell, it’s relevant until another Google+ post bumps it out of the way. 

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