Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Omniwebinars Review – The Secret To Run A 100% Automated Webinar!

Omniwebinars Review – The Secret To Run A 100% Automated Webinar!
Official Site:
Consider changing the price to 99 cents
instead of your original price, too. This will definitely help you sell
more books, as they will sell easier. People will wonder, “
What is
this, a free book that turned to 99 cents? Well, I’ll buy it, a dollar is
not that much.
” As a result, your book will have a better ranking.
However, when you change the omniwebinars review, Amazon, unfortunately,
removes ALL links for book changes, including the “Promote &
Advertise” KDP Select link for stopping the free promo! If you don’t
change your price in the morning and you do omniwebinars review late in the day,
your book might stay in the “Reviewing” state for too long and you
might stop the free promo too late and miss that three- hour
window when your book goes from free to paid and your audience
is browsing the books on Amazon.
 Re-read these instructions on the morning of Day 6 (Sunday) and
make sure that you have set the price to the old one. NOTE:
There might be a technical issue on Amazon’s site or it might take
them too long to change the price – or some other technical issue
might happen – and you might miss this three-hour window.

By 2 PM Pacific time, your book should have been downloaded at
least 250 times (hopefully more!). Go to KDP Select by clicking on
the “Promote & Advertise” link and stop your free promo by
clicking on the “Stop” link.

By 2:30-3 PM Pacific time, your book should have switched from
free to paid. The book will have a three-hour window when it will
be ranked high, which means that between 3 PM and 6 PM Pacific
(6:00 PM – 9 PM Eastern), you should start selling your book at its
regular price and the selling should continue to do well until
midnight Pacific time. If you did everything right, and if your book
is its proper narrow sub-category, on Monday morning you should
wake up as an Amazon bestselling author!!!
I ran successful one-day promos on Sunday and Tuesday, so you
might want to try to run this kind of omniwebinars review for two or more days.
Since I discovered the Kindle Surge launch strategy, I was easily
ranked among the Top 3 for all my other books. The Top 3 spot
can give you extra exposure on a sidebar, too, just above the
“Most Wished For” list. Top 3 books also get more than of 50%
purchases, so you want to stay there as long as possible


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