ThemeMaker Review – Easily
Build There Very Own Custom WordPress Themes
Official Site:
As you can see above from the screenshot, I am
averaging $600 a week from the backend from selling
such sites.How to create the sitesI’m guessing right now you don’t want to do any work
using this method which is understandable. I did
mention that it’s a copy and paste thememaker review . In order to
make the sites, all you need to do is outsource the site
creation to a freelancer on any site including the ones
mentioned below: You can find sellers who provide services such as this
for as cheap as $100. This means whatever price youaveraging $600 a week from the backend from selling
such sites.How to create the sitesI’m guessing right now you don’t want to do any work
using this method which is understandable. I did
mention that it’s a copy and paste thememaker review . In order to
make the sites, all you need to do is outsource the site
creation to a freelancer on any site including the ones
mentioned below: You can find sellers who provide services such as this
charge upwards of $100 is PURE PROFIT! Imagine
making 3 sales a day easily on Fiverr while doing no
work whatsoever.
So in conclusion, here’s the jist of the method:1). Create a gig targeting keyword research and
niche research for Amazon and thememaker review.
2). Deliver any of the files which are appropriate
for the sale and make a cool $4 profit.
3). Up sell a website creation service to the buyers
saying that they can have a site that is build on
autopilot and requires no work on their behalf.
4). When you have made a sale, simply outsource
the work to a freelancer while keeping the profit!
5). Sip a martini on the beautiful islands of
Barbados.That’s all in this guide, I hope you have gained some
inspiration and knowledge from the product and will
now take action. You can always optimise this method
and tweak it to your thememaker review if you feel you can better
monetize it. Remember, you miss 100% of the shots
you don’t take. If you don’t start this method, you
don’t make any sales.
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