Blog Defender 2018 Review - Why Should You
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Official Site:
see as soon as they join our list:
As you can see there is a short introduction where I tell them my name
and what I do, a link to the free gift that is some training videos in this
case, a link to a BONUS free gift (optional) and a link that points to a
PAID product too.
It finishes off by asking them to email me if they have any questions
and they should look out for the next email. That is shortly followed by a
simple goodbye and see you on the next email message. We covered
adding your first message in a previous module but felt it was necessary
to show you an example once more to help you get comfortable with
setting up this step.
Okay onto the actual message sequences and how to structure your
emails correctly so that you‟re open and click through rates stay as high
as possible. After all if no one even bothers to open your emails then
what‟s the point right? You need to get them to open your emails and
then click on the links so that you make some money.
Okay looking at your actual email sequence. We like to send out an
email every day for around a week then space them out to every 2 days,
then every 4 days after that. So if you were to copy this sequence your
emails would look like this:
Email message #1 – Day (0) Always send your first message on
this day as you want your subscribers to receive that message as
soon as they join your list.
Email message #2 – Day (1) Sent 1 day after first day
Email message #3 – Day (2) Sent 1 day after last email
Email message #4 – Day (3) Sent 1 day after last email
Email message #5 – Day (4) Sent 1 day after last email
Email message #6 – Day (5) Sent 1 day after last email
Email message #7 – Day (7) Sent 2 days after last email
Email message #8 – Day (9) Sent 2 days after
Email message #9 – Day (13) Sent 4 days after
Email message #10 – Day (17) Sent 4 days after
So after day 50 the email message sequence would still be 4 days after
and would look like this:
Email message #50 – Day (177) Sent 4 days after last email
Email message #51 – Day (181) Sent 4 days after last email
Hope fully by now you can see how this blog defender 2018 review works.
This pattern of course isn‟t set in stone and you can choose to set your
own sequence interval patterns and test them against other patterns as
you move forward. Getresponse allows you to do this as it has a “Split
Test” feature within the main dashboard area. When you set your
messages up you can use this feature to test the same set of messages
but at different intervals as to when they go out to your visitors.
This could be crucial to your income levels of blog defender 2018 review. If you test 2
different sets of emails against one another at various levels of intervals
you may be surprised to see how much more money you actually were
able to make between the two. This is something you will have to get
used to and enjoy as testing allows you to move forward safe in the
knowledge that you‟re actually doing more of something in your online
business because you know blog defender 2018 review works for sure.
So after the initial introduction period you may want to use the 4 day
period email sequence. We would recommend you at least allow your
new leads to get to know you by sending out 1 email every day for the
first few days at least. Once they know you and start to look forward to
opening up your emails; it‟ll be far easier for you to set the tone there
after by setting the sequence to every 4 days apart. This way you are
training your readers to expect to see your emails on a particular set of
days and this in turn will dramatically increase your open & click through
So how may messages do you pre load into your A.R. to get off to a
good start?
This again is entirely up to you. We would say definitely aim for at least
1 week‟s worth of emails that go out automatically at first. This would
mean using our sequence method you would have to write at least 7
messages to stay ahead of your subscribers
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