Envidio Review – Generating Powerful
Videos With No Additional Costs
Official Site: https://goo.gl/ymwdJ9
This is such a touted method by people claiming it’s a great way to
make money from affliate marketing.
But really it sucks and I haven’t seen it work for years.
If you’re sending cold traffc to a squeeze page / email capture page in
exchange for a freebie then trying to follow up with affliate emails then
you’re in for a tough time.
Cold traffc to a colder squeeze page is a hard way to build a responsive
Sure squeeze pages can get up to 70-80% opt in rates if highly
optimized.BUT:Most of those people who opted in did so to get something for free not
because they wanted to get follow up emails from you. They have no relationship with you and more often than not have no
idea who you are.make money from affliate marketing.
But really it sucks and I haven’t seen it work for years.
If you’re sending cold traffc to a squeeze page / email capture page in
exchange for a freebie then trying to follow up with affliate emails then
you’re in for a tough time.
Cold traffc to a colder squeeze page is a hard way to build a responsive
Sure squeeze pages can get up to 70-80% opt in rates if highly
optimized.BUT:Most of those people who opted in did so to get something for free not
because they wanted to get follow up emails from you. They have no relationship with you and more often than not have no
Many will enter fake or secondary emails or unsubscribe / mark as
spam any envidio review you send them.
So even if you do give them a real high quality freebie it changes
nothing as most won’t and don’t want to read them.
People do not value free stuff so many will never read it anyway, they
just grabbed it as it was on offer and then stored it on their hard drive
for it to gather digital dust and never get read.
This is a HARD way to build a responsive list who wants to open your
emails and buy through your envidio review
When you’re starting you’re probably not going to want to spend money
on traffc or understand HOW to do it anyway.
So free traffc like from content marketing, social media, video, forums
etc is likely your method of choice.
This is fne but it takes time AND never ever sends this traffc direct to
envidio review
Always send back to your own website frst so you can capture emails
and engage with them to warm them up.
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