Wednesday, March 21, 2018

FB ComAzon Review – Turning FB Page into Cash Machine

FB ComAzon Review – Turning FB Page into Cash Machine

Official Site:
For one of my sites I doubled email CTR by using simple text based
images I created in MS Paint with clear calls to action.
Email Frequently To Stay Fresh In Your Prospects Mind:Ever get an email from a company / marketer and have no idea who
it is?
Me too. Frequently. An email out the blue about their new product or
whatever and I've no idea if it's spam or someone who's list I signed
up to a long time ago when buying a product / visiting their site.
People get a LOT of emails and if you aren't staying fresh in your
audiences mind you'll be easily forgotten.
Email every 1-2 days for the first 2 weeks when they join your list
and then every 2-3 days after that for best fb comazon review . Though don't
email when you have nothing to say it'll just annoy them.
Use Email Signatures To Promote Products & Remind
People Who You Are
: This is something I hardly see anyone do but
should be used more often.
At the bottom of email add a small signature area where you link to a
product or offer you promote AND put a simple sentence reminding
them who you are, why you are emailing them and where they signed
up – this is HUGE for reducing spam rates and unsubscribes.
Delete Unsubscribes As They Cost You Money: fb comazon review
(and possibly other autoresponder companies) don't automatically
delete your unsubsubscribes.
Whilst they won't receive any emails from you after unsubscribing
they still take up space in your account and you will be charged for
them so routinely delete.
Be sure to check your unsubscribe reports to see if a particular email
is causing a lot of unsubscribes and remove, change or add to a
different order of follow up message.
Copy What Successful Marketers Do Not Say: One of the
best ways to enjoy success as an email marketer is to watch what
successful marketers DO rather than what they say.
They may say one thing but do another. So copy their actions and not
necessarily their advice. However a good marketer shouldn't be
telling you to do things that they aren't doing theirselves.
Tell Stories To Engage fb comazon review : Don't just send people
updates and promo emails. Engage them with stories, anecdotes,
snippets of your life, humor etc.

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