Commission Breakthrough Review – 6 Figure Secrets on your
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If we see a crowd in the street, all looking at something, it's almost impossible
to resist the urge to find out what they're looking at. Curiosity tugs at us,
pulling us to find out what everyone's looking at. It's difficult to resist.
Use the power of curiosity in your headlines and in your sales pitch. Get them
“WhatáISáthis...?” That's why the promise to reveal secrets known
only to the “elite” or to “insiders” is compelling – it both appeals to our
commission breakthrough review , and our fear of “missing out”.
Just remember, curiosity is great for initially pulling in the crowd, and for
“hooking” them in... but you'd better make sure you've got some substance to
back it up. •
Theáhumanáelement. We're curious about other people, how they're
living, how they overcame their challenges, the strange and funny things
they get up to. If you've struggled and overcome challenges to solve the
same problem as your reader, tell them your story.
We want to be entertained. We don't want to be bored. The Romans kept the
masses from complaining too much by providing bread and circuses.
Nowadays, we have endless TV channels and websites to keep us entertained.
Can your headline offer the promise of entertainment? Can you make your
sales letter just provocative and insightful enough to actually be entertaining?
?áPowerá/áControlá/áInfluence Frank Kern's bestselling product in the Internet Marketing niche was called
“Mass Control”. The title appealed to people's desire to want to be able to
control large numbers of people into buying. It sold pretty well, which implies
this idea of control still sells.
Of course, it's not just about controlling others. Often it can mean a sense of
being “in control” of one's life and destiny. It's related to the desire for freedom
and a sense of “commission breakthrough review”.
We also want to influence others. That's certainly true of copywriters! We want
to influence people to buy the products we're writing about. However, it's also
true of a lot of other product types. A man buying a dating product wants to
influence women, and vice versa. A mother buying a parenting book wants to
influence her children. A person buying a “How To Train Your Dog” type
product, wants to influence their dog. If the product involves any kind of a
relationship, then it's ultimately about influence.
We like to gain an advantage over others, because that can put us in a better
position to get what we want. This is especially true in a business context,
where competition is natural and to be expected; or in environments where
there is natural competition, such as sports or dating. (Hey, you're not the
one with your eye on that hot guy or girl!)
• Humiliatingátheácompetition. Can we give the competition a
metaphorical “black commission breakthrough review”? We'd love the tools and techniques to see off
our rivals with ease, and send them packing.
Theáunfairáadvantage. We love things that give us an edge over our
rivals and competitors, especially when it's something they can't do
anything about, i.e. “unfair”.
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