Sunday, October 29, 2017

Push Button Traffic 2.0 Review – Unlimited Free Traffic with a click

Push Button Traffic 2.0 Review – Unlimited Free Traffic with a click
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Plus, since 75-80% of pinterest traffic is mobile (depending on what studies you read) most users won’t see those pretty boards either. This certainly isn’t where you should end with perfecting your profile - you DO want your profile to convey your brand and make people understand what you are all about. I’m sure the advice we see out there about using it to get people on your email list too, by offering a freebie in your push button traffic 2.0 review etc. Is great advice.

But as far as optimizing your profile for the pinterest algorithm goes, keywords are the key thing. I have also read, numerous times, that we don’t want boards that are not compatible with our niche. (As in, if you are blogging solely about sewing, don’t have one random board about photography.)

I really don’t worry ALL that much about a board or two… having a few is fine, I think. It’s when you have heaps of boards that aren’t related to what you are blogging about that I think it might be dangerous. I think this because I believe that the level of engagement you have on each board directly affects your “push button traffic 2.0 review profile standing” within the algorithm.

I was told by a staff member who works with a pinterest scheduler company that you don’t want to have a lot of boards that are not highly engaged on your profile, and we will talk more about this later, but keep it in mind while you are setting up your pinterest boards. We (the staff member from the scheduler and I) didn’t talk about why, so here’s my best speculation again.

If most of your followers are pinning sewing tips, they aren’t likely to be interested in the photography board, they aren’t likely to repin the things you pin to it. Therefore the board will be far less engaged. Over time that might hurt your profile standing in pinterest’s eyes, especially if you have lots and lots of these boards that don’t fit in with what your followers are pinning…to pinterest, you will look like a pinner whose pin’s are often ignored, and pinterest will begin sharing your pins less.

Set up a “best of your website” board, and maybe 1 5-20 or so other boards that will be relevant to your niche. I think I have 1 9 boards (personal boards, not including group boards here) Before we move on to pinning, I need to say - even if you do absolutely everything right with push button traffic 2.0 review(set up a great profile, get on great group boards ect), but you have absolutely awful pins, you still won’t see much traffic.

So make sure that your pins stand a fighting chance by creating pins that someone would click on. Pins should ? Be 700 pixels x 1200 pixels (approx). Tiny little pins just disappear into the crowd. You can experiment with larger sizes as well, but keep them vertical. No horizontal pins! ? Have an interesting / engaging title that makes people want to click through. 

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