Monday, October 30, 2017

Video Marketing Blaster Review - How To Rank Videos On Youtube With 3 Clicks

Video Marketing Blaster Review - How To Rank Videos On Youtube With 3 Clicks

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Mid November, people started talking about another video marketing blaster review change and my pinterest traffic fell to 5000 pv per day and leveled out there, despite me not changing anything in my pinning strategy. (Then I took a bit of a break from pinning because I had a baby and I was pre-occupied, so traffic fell even farther.) With the talk of algorithm changes I wondered if my time was still actually being well spent pinning manually.

I tried using a scheduler again for a few days over Christmas Holidays, just to see, and I had my lowest traffic days in months. Less than 4000 page views per day. I resumed manual pinning, and traffic hasn’t fallen that low again. But once I got back to pinterest and kept pinning with my strategy, traffic has slowly started to rise again - I’m seeing between 4 and 7000 page views / day now.

I can SEE the spike in traffic most days when I get to my computer to pin. This makes me confident enough in the strategy to say that it is worth a shot. A recent (since October or November 201 6) major ?pinterest change to note is that pinterest removed the follow button that popped up when you pinned someone’s pin. That has DRASTICALLY affected the rate at which I gain followers. I was gaining around 1 00 / day consistently, and now I gain about 25 per day.

This is sad, but it’s only about how many people are clicking follow on video marketing blaster review, and doesn’t seem related to page views AT ALL. Do be aware that it will be more difficult to gain followers on pinterest with any pinning method, and consider getting a follow button for you blog, or asking readers to follow you on pinterest. Future updates to follow - because pinterest is constantly changing.

For further increasing your traffic, outside of pinterest, I love love love the book How I went from 17k page views to 350k pageviews in 9 months*. Lena has strategies for facebook, google plus, stumble upon and a multitude of other platforms. It is by far my favorite blogging book (and I have read lots of video marketing blaster review). If you enjoyed this book and would like to be an affiliate for Pinteresting Strategies, you can sign up for the affiliate program here

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