Sunday, April 30, 2017

Scarcity Maximizer Review – How To Boost Up Sales With Timer

Scarcity Maximizer Review – How To Boost Up Sales With Timer

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Audios are easy to make and there is a variety of software, both free andpaid, that you can use. And you can even get someone else to handle it allfor you.You don't have to hire a professional speaker either. Customers appreciatehearing the "real voice" of the person teaching the lesson.I'll show you how to create audio products, render them in the correctformat and upload them to the Internet in future modules.
Video ProductsVideo products are extremely popular right now and at the time of thiswriting, very few people are actually selling them. Most people don't mindreading, but almost everybody loves watching video to learn instead.The fact that people are used to watching TV, coupled with the explosion ofvideos sharing sites like scarcity maximizer review is quickly making video the new standardfor online communication.Video tutorials are easy to make and you don't have to be a professionalactor to pull it off. I'm talking about screen capture videos where you talkinto the microphone and the software records what you're doing on yourcomputer.People love screen capture videos because they can actually see whatthey're supposed to do instead of reading or listening and then trying tofigure it out.The software I use is called Camtasia. It creates high quality videos, but it'salso about $300. I found a free alternative called CamStudio, which workswell for short videos and it's actually easier to use.You can use either tool to record the screen as you show people how to docertain things or to record a PowerPoint presentation as you speak into amicrophone.You can also combine both methods by telling people what they need to dowith PowerPoint and then showing them by recording your screen.It doesn't matter what your niche is, you can use screen capture videos tocreate video tutorials on almost any topic.
· How to use Windows Vista
· How to use Google
· How to use PhotoShop
· How to use Adobe Acrobat
· How to create a Google accountAnd the list goes on.Quick video tutorials make great content for membership sites.But you can also use video to create a full-blown course like "How to MakeMoney with Google Adwords and ClickBank."And your product doesn't have to be 100% video based. You could conveyall the concepts in PDF format and then show how to do all the technicalstuff on video.
Choosing Your Delivery MethodSo which delivery method should you choose? This is up to you. There's nosingle right or wrong answer, but here are some guidelines:
· If you can't write yourself, and you can't pay somebody to
write for you, don't do scarcity maximizer review. That's probably obvious, butsometimes people overlook the obvious.
· Audio and video are hot…so try to use them. Knock yourselfout trying to think of a way to use either audio or video. You'realmost certain to sell more if people can hear or see (or both) yourinformation.
· Consider combining formats. Combining text and audio orvideo to create a product is likely the best choice. It will give people amulti-media learning experience and therefore have a higherperceived value over any one media on its own.
Action StepsTo summarize, there are three steps you need to take to choose yourdelivery method:
· Step 1: Analyze delivery methods. Which one fits what you wantto do? Is there any way you can work audio and/or video in?
· Step 2: Choose a primary method. This is where you'll start. Forexample, if you want to create an ebook and an audio version, youcould pick either one to start with…but you have to pick one.
· Step 3: Consider combining methods. Can you offerinformation in several different formats that will excite buyers?Once you know what you'll sell and in what form, it's time to create it
Step 4: Choose a Content Creation Methodn this section, I'm going to list several methods of creating contentfor your frontend offer, your membership site and your upsell. Youwon't create your product yet (that's in a later module), but thesecontent creation methods should get the creative juices flowing.
Method 1: Interview An ExpertExpert interviews are great as front-end product, membership content, orupsells. Here's a simple formula that you can use to create a product withina day:
· Find an expert on your chosen topic
· Ask them to do an Skype interview or an online teleseminar
· Grill them for 45-60 minutes on that topic
· Have the audio transcribed
· You have a product!
Method 2: Re-Package Resell RightsSearch the Warrior Special Offer Forum quality resell rights products inyour niche and get all new graphics including header, footer, and e-covers.
· Give the new product away as your free offer with forced continuity
· Create a new package every month, add it to your membership siteand give your members the rights to sell the package
· Bundle two or more products together as an upsell
· Remove one as a downsell
Method 3: Model a ClickBank ProductThe top products at scarcity maximizer review are already proven winners. So you can takeone or more products and create your own outline. Here's how to model aClickBank product ethically (meaning without plagiarizing or stealingintellectual property):
· Purchase the product
· Use some of the techniques and prove they work
· Write your outline
· Add your own twist from your experience
· Then outsource the writing.
Method 4: Screen Capture VideosWe already discussed videos in the previous section. But here's an idea fora perpetual launch model and "sticky content" that will keep your membersactive.
· Create 10 "how-to" screen-capture videos on solutions to problemsfor a hot topic (discussed in the first section) or new software orservices with little support
· Use your best video for the squeeze page (reverse squeeze) - areverse squeeze page is where you give good content up front and askfor an email address to see more videos
· Send subscribers back to the site to watch 2 or more videos beforeyou even ask them to buy anything - you're trying to build reportand get them hooked on your videos
· Finally, give them a free trial to your video-based membership site
· All videos are Flash and not downloadable, so they have to remain amember to access the videos
· Add a new video each week to keep members hungry
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Thursday, April 27, 2017


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I recommend that you do something similar. You may decide to keep all of your ideas inone document but I like to keep things separateWith this setup I have three files that I can go to and get a ton of ideas to create greatcontent. Having this resource is so helpful...especially on the days when you don't havethe inspiration or creativity to come up with something to write about.Some days are going to be great. You will hit the ground running and be full of ideas.Where other days you will struggle to get the words out. Especially when you startcreating large amounts of content each day. This list will be very important on the daysthat you are struggling for livecaster review .Having these ideas laid out can allow you to find something to inspire you to write aboutthat day. Or at least give you a direction or place to start even on those days you don'twant to write.
If you are not familiar with Google Drive it is basically like an office suite with a wordprocessor, spreadsheets, and more. It is really nice because it is accessible online.Anywhere that you have an internet connection you can have access to all your files.You can get them from your smartphone, your PC, etc. Anywhere you are you can getaccess to it.I like to keep all my ideas out there and be able to access them anywhere I want. I evencreate my products and blog posts on Google Drive. It just makes things super easy.Obviously you don't have to use Google Drive but I wanted you to be aware of it. If youalready have a system set up that you like there is no need to change it.
Layout Your StrategyAt this point you have a purpose for your content, a lot of ideas, now it's all aboutformulating a strategy for creating your content.Now, everyone's goal and purpose is going to be different. Some of us might be goingout there and creating products from our ideas while others are using them to createblog content. With that in mind you need to know what you are trying to achieve withyour content.Are you creating products to sell to your audience?Are you writing blog posts to get targeted traffic?Whatever it is, you need define it at this point.Once you have that defined you are ready to start creating content and forming aroutine for creating that content on a daily basis
Creating large amounts of content fastOkay, so how do you create more content than you have ever created before?It starts with consistency. Consistent effort creates consistent results.And it starts with forming a daily habit ofwriting.I am sure you have heard it before but when you start forming habits it can be reallypowerful. Even for simple things habits can be a big transformation and produce bigresults. If you can turn daily writing into a habit and you can get some serious results.I have become a stickler about writing daily content. This has allowed me to createmore training, products, blog posts, and content than I ever have before. I focus somuch of my time everyday on writing content because it is that important.So how do you do it?Set aside time every day to write. Everyone can find at least 30 minutes of spare time towrite. It doesn't matter who you are or how busy you are you can find 30 minutes of yourday that you can exchange for writing time. This could be taking away from tv time,Facebook time, video game time, or other activities.And if you can do more that's even better! When you only have 30 minutes you arelimited by how fast you can type but it is a step in the right direction. And if it's only 30minutes you will still probably be creating more content than you currently are if youaren't writing daily.When I first started out writing a lot of content it wasn’t easy for me. This was certainly alearning process for me. It required me to learn habits and get into a rhythm to write
content everyday and it was something that took a lot of time to develop. But now that Iam focused on doing it everyday it has paid huge dividends for me and allowed me tocreate a lot of products, a lot of content for my website and many other livecaster review.I think back to when I created my first ebook or even the first couple and it was such adrawn out process. I didn't have a system like this in place where I was creating contenton a regular basis. It took me such a long time. At that time I wasn't in the habit ofwriting everyday. It really took way too much time.I wish I could remember the exact time that I started writing content everyday but onething that I certainly remember well was that I was able to write a full­fledged 80 pageeBook even as a newbie writer. And this wasn't just something I threw together...thiswas a book I was proud off when it was finished. This was a big accomplishment for meat the time.Writing something that in­depth, that many pages, in that time frame as a newbie writerwas an eyeopening experience for me. It got me thinking just how powerful contentcreation really is. You see, I wasn't someone out there that was a trained writer orsomeone who was real familiar with doing it.This was something that I just formed a habit, got a drive to do it, and I wrote an 80page eBook in a month. And some of you may already be at that point but a lot of youprobably aren't. And what I want you to understand is that even if you are completelynew to this. Or someone who is not creating any content right now. You can certainly
do this​.And then you get faster and faster until you are a content machine!I know this works because it is exactly what I did.And it starts with forming that daily habit and making it part of your daily routine.
Even if you are only doing your content writing for 30 minutes a day that compiles overtime. And that can give you endless articles, endless emails, and content for products.Think about it this way. If you write 1 ,000 words a day that is 30,000 words a month.And you can't tell me that 30,000 words of content on your topic isn't powerful. Thatcould be a product, multiple blog posts, etc. This kind of thing really compiles and buildsup.Right now, you might be thinking whoa....1 ,000 words a day. There is absolutely no wayI can write that much. And you don't have to when you start out.Start with small goals like 300 words a day and gradually build up to it. When you get to300 words a day it's easy to stretch it out to 400 or 500 and slowly increase yourworkload. You can quickly build up to creating a ton of content!
Creating your content
Now lets get into the actual process of creating livecaster review. As always, your content starts with your purpose. Even at the lowest level of content such as blog posts you have to ask yourself what is the main goal of writing that content. Often times when I ask people that question this is the response I get: “I want to write this blog post so people find my website in the search engines and come to my website."
And that is a piece of it. Yes, you want traffic to your website but what do you REALLY want?
What action do you want that traffic to perform when they get to your website? That is your real purpose. So when you write that content you have to have that in mind. All the time I hear people say "I'm writing content to get traffic." But the real question is why are you trying to get traffic? You have to think about the end goal. Do you want them to subscribe to your email list? Buy one of your products? Do you want them to become a coaching client? These are the questions you need to be asking​. Whatever your purpose is, you have to have it in mind for every single piece of content you create. Once you have that you are ready to outline your content
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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


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YouTube – You What?Have you heard about Maybe you are scratching your head,wondering, “What is it”?
Is it, a catchy name for a catchy service?
Is it a marketing tool?
Is it a website for novice filmmakers?The answer is yes, yes, yes and then some. You see, YouTube is many things tomany people, depending on how they use it and their purposes for its use. Youcan define the website’s purpose traditionally as:
“ is one of the many Web 2.0 sites
popping up on the Web. It is a “video sharing”
website.”However,, like many video ads mastery review , sites is much more than a siteallowing individuals to share video clips. It is a place for public commentary, aplace where people can review the latest and greatest info products, a placewhere people can network and share common interests, goals, andopportunities.The best part? is not too complicated to use, driving away hordesof novice users. In fact, the opposite is true. is easy to master.This website allows just about anyone to sign up for an account, upload, sharevideo clips, and view other people’s video clips. Sounds neat, huh?
Just like many popular sites, registered members can rate videos, or find out howmany times other people link to a video clip for their viewing provides and publishes this information for your convenience, forits loyal fans. Have you heard about Netflix? The idea is the same. Netflix is anonline video “store” if you will, like Blockbuster. Registered members can log inand rent videos sent directly to their home. They can also rate and review thevideos they see. That way, the public has a better feel for what videos are worthwatching (and whether there are some videos they shouldn’t bother with).The site can also tailor its recommendations to you depending on how manyvideos you rate. The big DIFFERENCE between a site like this however, a staticsite, and, is using YouTube, and you can watch video clips rightfrom your home computer. There is no renting, no late fees and no charges tobecome a member.Will you watch a full video? No. You will watch a video clip. In the ten minutes oftime a user has to make a video clip however, you can be sure they will input asmuch valuable and telling information as they possibly can. So, a visit is well worth it.
Is popular? Yes, and not just among the young. In fact, theyoung and old alike are enjoying their newfound “celebrity” status by posting theirown video clips to the Web. And, speaking of celebrities… YouTube is popularamong web fans, your average Jane or Joe, and celebrities getting in on theaction. Just like video ads mastery review attracts many public figures interested inconnecting with their fan base and audience, so too does YouTube appeal to thesame crowd for similar reasons.Alanis Morissette (a well-known singer, just in case you don’t know) just did aspoof of Fergie’s (another young hip-hop singer) “My Humps” video. It’s pretty
funny, if you have a good sense of humor. “You love my lady lumps?” What isn’tfunny about that? Even if you never heard the original song, you will get a goodchuckle out of it. It is also a great example of a good video, and you can use it fora model when trying to create your own video clips for YouTube (we’ll get to thatlater).Check it out: is no cost just to listen, and you will learn a great deal.Of course you can just type it (my humps) into Google and find about anotherdozen sites promoting the video. While is fun, it can also be anextremely useful tool for promoting your business, your website, and fornetworking and connecting with people around the globe. So why write a guideon YouTube? I’ll tell you why…Here’s the point.
YouTube isn’t just for fun, though we have focused so far on some of thefunnier and entertaining features offered by the popular site. But, just is fun, you can just as easily use it to promote your website,advertise your business or simply publicize what it is you have to offer. Forthat reason, people are jumping hand over heals to get their hands on it. Largecorporations including CBS, NBC, Sony BMG and others, people that onceopposed the site, are clamoring to get in on the action. The reason?
YouTube may become the most popular Web 2.0 site on the Net. The sooneryou get in, the faster you will start realizing the benefits YouTube has to offer.Want to see just how useful can be to the ordinary politician, smallbusiness owner or marketer? Check this out: a platform, one you can use to connect with users in ameaningful, directed and intimate way. offers something for justabout anyone.What does YouTube offer? Among the material posted on YouTube includemany TV clips, multiple music videos, and much amateur content, content frombloggers, and content from Internet Marketers interested in getting in on theaction. Celebrities, news organizations, and even musicians are now allowingusers to upload short video clips of their works to this incredibly fast-growingwebsite.
When Did It All Begin?Here are the facts about video ads mastery review  as a business and rapidly growingenterprise. Started in February of 2005, the site gained massive media attentionand popularity, in part because it was something fresh and new. It also broughtwith it some controversy, as many of the more popular and successful websitesdo. Time Magazine suggested it was the most popular invention during 2006. Ofcourse, it is not to say YouTube is not without its share of controversy. Quite theopposite is true. We’ll learn more about the ups and downs YouTube hasexperienced in the next section.
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I guarantee you a couple of those sites would be gold for curating content for my site.You could also do this for popular YouTube channels and Podcasts for your niche! HomeworkCreate your list of fancontact review, websites, youtube channels, and podcasts that you will sourcecontent from. Try to get the URL and the RSS feed if possible. If you can’t get the RSSfeed that is ok.
As the tool we use in the next step will find it. Before moving on makesure you have a very complete list of sites you will curate content from. Now lets get everything set up. Choosing a domainWhen it comes to choosing a domain name you want to keep it somewhat generic.What do I mean?I often see people build a blog around something specific such as a certain product orproduct name.
Then 2 years later that product is no longer relevant and their domainname does not seem relevant anymore either.Choose a domain name that represents your niche and has something in it that is brandspecific. Be creative with it and come up with something you can use for years to come.You are building this for the long­term value right? :) Get your site online Goal:? Get a domain, Get Hosting, Install WordPress, WordPress Setup, SetupWordPress Plugins.Now you want to go through the process of getting a domain, setup hosting, installWordPress, and various other tasks to get your site up and running.
We will show youthe steps using Godaddy but the process will be similar regardless of your host.So now I will walk you through all the steps that you need to take in order to get yourfirst website up and running.There are essentially only three things that you need to get your website started.
Thesethree things are? fancontact review? Hosting? Content Management System Domain Name First and foremost you need a domain name. Your domain name is essentially yourplace on the web. For example Website HostingOnce you have your domain name you need somewhere to host it. Think of yourdomain name as your address and your hosting your home on the web. Your hostingaccount will contain all the files that make up your website.
Content Management SystemWordPress? Its free!? Its amazing? Easy to use? Manage your website anywhere that has an internet connection? No HTML or CSS coding skills required? Themes for designing your website? Completely customizable? A lot of users = great support? Unlimited functionality available with plug­ins? search engines like WordPress? It is what we use on all our sitesTo get WordPress go here.
Usually you can install it directly from your host but if notthat link will take you to the download page. Lets Get StartedTo start things you must have chosen your domain name and a hosting provider. Forthis tutorial we will be walking you through the setup process using GoDaddy.
Setting Up Your Hosting AccountGodaddy actually provides great instructions for setting up your websites. However, asa beginner it is hard to understand what steps you need to take in order to geteverything up and running. For that reason we will lay out the steps in order you need to Adding Domain Names To Your Hosting AccountDepending on your setup you may also need to add your domain name to your fancontact review. If this is your first website this step was probably taken care of when you setupyour hosting account.
However, if you are setting up another website you will need totake these steps to set it up.The instructions below can be found online here. Installing WordPress to your hosting accountAs we mentioned earlier we advise you to use WordPress as your content managementsystem.The instructions below can be found online here. Make sure to make note of your admin name and password.
Getting Started With WordPressThis is a quick introduction to WordPress.GoDaddy support says it may take up to 24 hours to complete the installation ofWordPress but it usually lasts no longer than 30 minutes. When the setup is completeyou will be notified by email. Within that email it will also contain the link that you needto login to your WordPress Dashboard.
You can always get to your dashboard by visiting­admin ifyou ever lose the email. Your WordPress Dashboard is where you edit, add content,and manage your website. Logging into WordPressTo log into your website go to­admin. You will be presentedwith the following screen: Enter your WordPress username and password that you setup when installingWordPress.
Enter your details and choose login. After logging in you will see yourWordPress Dashboard. We wont go into details as there is already a lot of freely available content on the web about WordPress. Site Structure/setupNow you want to layout your site structure to be optimized for both visitors and SEO.You want to establish your structure in an organized manner that flows from main blogtopic to categories, to blog posts within those categories.
We want to funnel our sitestructure for best results.One of the first things you need to do when creating your blog is establish categories tomake sure you keep your blog content relevant and targeted. Anytime you write contentit should fit within those categories that you establish. It doesn’t matter whether you’rewriting a new blog post or a complete series.Anything you write should fit into your overall content strategy and business goals.
Sowhen you choose your categories it is very important that they make sense for your blogand fall in line with the objective of your business. Creating clear concise categories willallow you to stay on topic and create meaningful content for your audience. Blog Silo StructureWhile SEO won't be our main traffic strategy it is alway good to optimize your site forSEO as it will generate traffic for you.
Your categories will be the foundation of yourblogs SEO strategy. It is time to set up a nice silo structure for our blog that will be bothgood for visitors of your site and the search engines.This type of structure will give your blog organization and improve your sitesfunctionality, both of which are important in the search engines eyes.
The silo structurewill format your website in a way that the search engines understand.So lets look at an example silo structure.Example niche: Learn How To Play The Guitar Each one of the items in the secondary level would be your blog categories. So yourblog home page would be focused on learning guitar and would link to your categoriesthat are more in­depth guitar teachings.
You would then support your blog categorieswith more in­depth posts related to those categories. So lets expand this. Now we are getting somewhere. We have a nice structure to our site that is all aboutlearning to play the guitar. It is also very organized so that users and search enginescan easily find content that is related. Some people may only be interested in learningrhythm guitar.
They can go directly to that category which will have a number of postsrelated to learning rhythm guitar. With this layout the search engines will know exactlywhat your site is about. 
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017


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There is far too much to say about covert action bar 2.0 review to include in this book, but here are a few quick general tips that can help get you started and improve your photos right away: • Your camera matters. If you plan to take a lot of photos for your blog, invest in at least a starter DSLR camera. I have used my trusty Nikon D3100 for several years now, and still love it.
It is easy to use and has a great guide mode that helped me shoot in manual mode before I fully understood how manual mode worked. While sometimes I dream of upgrading my camera body, I found that first investing in a premium lens for my starter body was a much wiser choice. The 24-70/2.8 lens is super versatile and gives my photos that great blurriness in the background that I love. • Get the lighting right.
There is nothing more important to a photograph than good lighting! In fact, learning about photography is more about learning to understand light than anything else. Bright, indirect daylight is best. Ifyou are shooting food or crafts, shoot during the day, either outside in the shade or in front of a well-lit window with your back to the window.
Make sure you are out ofthe direct sunlight! Whenever possible, avoid using your flash. • Check your background. Make sure there is nothing weird or distracting in your background. The plainer, the better! • Use the “Rule of Thirds.” For better composition, imagine your photo split into thirds horizontally and vertically, then try to get the main focal point of your photo to be on one ofthe lines or at one ofthe four intersecting points. There are lots of great online resources for learning how to work your camera.
I have personally used and like the MomTog’s Un-Manual. I think it is a great guide with a ton of easy-to-follow information. My only real problem with the Un-Manual was that the author uses and references a covert action bar 2.0 review  for all the detailed instructions and diagrams. Since I shoot with a Nikon, it was a little trickier to learn from.
I have also taken several online photography courses, including Ashley Ann Photography’s Snap Shop, Sweet Violet Photography’s Simply Basics, and MeRah Koh’s Magical Light course. They were all extremely helpful, and I highly recommend any ofthem. Make It Pin-Worthy I’ve already alluded to the importance of Pinterest when it comes to promoting your blog, and rest assured I will be talking about Pinterest a lot more before this book is done. There is a reason for that, and not just because I think Pinterest is fun (which I do!).
Right now there is no single better way to promote your blog content than Pinterest, particularly if you haven’t yet established a platform. Quite honestly, when used correctly, Pinterest is more powerful than Facebook, Twitter, Google+, StumbleUpon, SEO, blog hops, link parties, and even paid advertising combined.
It is, in my opinion, the number one thing worth spending a lot of time on to get it right, and while it is never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket, something must be said for seizing an incredible opportunity. The great thing about spending the time to make your content “pin-worthy” is that doing so actually makes your content better.
Pin-worthy content is also share-worthy via other social media outlets, and more SEO friendly as well. If something does well on Pinterest, it will do well pretty much everywhere else. Pinterest is just the fastest way to draw attention to it. So what makes content pin-worthy? Pay attention now because this part is important: the most pin-worthy posts are the perfect combination of compelling content and highly pinnable images. In the last chapter, we talked a lot about creating killer content and the importance of being awesome. Awesome content is compelling.
Awesome content makes people want to click over right then and there. Awesome content then makes those readers re-pin and share and comment, which in turn convinces other readers to do the same. Awesome content sells itself. But Pinterest is a visual site, which means that the accompanying image to your awesome content must be equally compelling. Your image must sell your content.
In other words, the image you pin should tell enough of your story to make people want to read more. Pinterest is still pretty new, but there have been a few studies on what types of pins get more re-pins. These observations are a good place to start. A recent article from Curalate Insights3 found that: • Colorful images are better than monochromatic images. • Bright images are better than dark covert action bar 2.0 review.
• Warm colors are more likely to be re-pinned than cool colors. • Close-up shots are more likely to be re-pinned than panoramic shots. • Pins without faces are far more likely to be re-pinned. At this point you may be thinking something like, Well, my blog isn’t about crafts or home decor or recipes, so Pinterest doesn’t really apply to me .
Surprisingly, my own anecdotal research and personal experience on Pinterest has found that while recipes and DIY images do tend to get re-pinned quite a bit, they don’t drive nearly as much blog traffic as articles and images that relate to something interesting, helpful, inspirational, or life-changing. People will pin and collect images they like, simply because they are pretty or interesting or inspiring, or because they look delicious.
Converting those pins to page views means taking your beautiful images one or two steps farther. Those images must correspond to great content, and your image description on Pinterest must be engaging enough to capture people’s attention and give them enough of a sense of urgency to want to read that post right then and there.
This means, ifyou are a DIY or home decor or food blogger, your beautiful images must connect on an emotional level or they will simply be re-pinned without really driving traffic. On the other hand, if you are a writer, this means making your accompanying image compelling enough to sell your story, similar to the way a book cover sells its content. Here are a few examples ofsome ofmy own most popular pins to give you a better idea of what I am talking about.
All of the following pins have been pinned and re-pinned thousands of times and have driven tens of thousands of new readers to my blog. Notice that they represent a variety of subjects, from recipes to cleaning tips to DIY projects and beyond, but that each one has three important things in common—great content, a nice image and graphic that works with the title, and a compelling description to make you want to click and read that post.
Before I get you too excited about the limitless possibilities of Pinterest (though it might be too late), we are going to back up and take a quick look at some of the traditional or “old school” methods of building traffic and growing your platform. It seems a little silly to even use the word traditional to talk about anything blogging-related when blogging is only about fifteen years old, but the truth is that blogging and social media are constantly changing.
What worked well five years ago now seems archaic, and what works now may very well be just a flash in the pan. In fact, my main reason for self-publishing this book rather than taking the traditional route was that traditional publishing simply takes too long and technology changes too quickly. I wanted this information to be as relevant as possible right now, even ifthat means I have to update every year.
So why bother with “old school” methods at all, you might be wondering, if technology is changing so fast? The answer is that when you are trying to grow a blog and build your platform, it is best to get traffic any and every way you can. While viral traffic from social media—which we will talk about in the next chapter—can be faster and more efficient when it works, it is also more volatile.
What is white hot one day can be ice cold the next. I have learned the hard way that it is never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. The more diverse your streams of traffic, the more stable your blog will be. The smartest approach to building blog traffic is to approach it from a variety of angles, in however many ways you can, focusing on both short-term gains and long-term growth.
But before I delve into the various ways to build your blog traffic, I have to start with a strong word of caution, as I know there are probably more than a few readers who will go straight to this chapter without bothering to read about the importance of content and presentation first. Are you ready? Don’t try to build your blog traffic if your blog isn’t ready. Just don’t do it.
There really is no point in trying to build your blog as a business if your content is just okay, your navigation is an exercise in frustration, your do-it-yourself design screams amateur, and your poor-quality images are completely uninspiring and un-pin-worthy. Yes, maybe your parents will read it and love everything you have to say. The rest of the world will pass.
Always keep in mind that sustainable blog traffic growth only happens if your content rocks. Getting people to come once is one thing; getting them to come back again and again (then tell all their friends to come too) is what will ultimately build your blog.
If you are working like crazy to build your traffic and you aren’t seeing any results, it might be time to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate your content. But now, with that lecture out of the way, let’s look at some of the traditional approaches to building your blog traffic. Word of Mouth Quite honestly, this is how many bloggers got their start, and how most bloggers continue to get started down the blogging path.
You start a blog, write a few things, then tell a few friends or a few family members who in turn—if what you’re sharing is any good—share with a few more friends and extended family members, and so on and so on. Word of mouth is a great way to start building blog traffic, and to start getting feedback from people you know and trust.
They can tell you if you are on the right track (or what needs work) before you try marketing yourself to the masses. Telling people you know that you are writing a blog is also critical practice; if you can’t sell your blog to your best friend, then to whom can you sell it to? Before you go out and start telling people, put some time and thought into crafting your “elevator pitch”—your thirty-second overview of what your blog is about, and why people would want to read it. Practice it, hone it, OWN it.
Then go out and let people know! If you are in the beginning stages of blog writing, or even if you’ve been writing for a while but haven’t quite dared to tell those closest to you, here are a few ideas: • Send a quick email to everyone in your address book, inviting them all to read your latest (or favorite) blog post. Be sure to include the link! If you’re feeling brave, let them know you would love to get some honest feedback, then ask a few specific questions.
Just be sure you’re prepared for honesty! • Every single time you publish a blog post, share it with a comment on your personal Facebook page. Again, ask for feedback! • Have inexpensive business cards printed, then share them with everyone you know. • Have an inexpensive bumper sticker or car decal printed with your web address.
This is how all my neighbors—even the ones I didn’t know— started reading my blog! (A word of caution—depending on what you write about, that can get weird. Sometimes it is better that your neighbors don’t know about your blog.) • Politely ask the people you trust who you know read (and like) your blog to spread the word.
You can do this via a blog post, or at the end of each blog post, or in person. 

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Building a successful blog requires writing and creating as many killer blog posts as you can. My own personal goal is to write a killer post every single time. What is the point, otherwise? The way I look at it, my vid central review is precious. As a blogger and small business owner, I will always have too much to do and not enough time to possibly get it all done.
I am not going to waste my time writing content that is just okay. I am better off spending that time promoting the awesome, compelling, killer posts I’ve already written—in other words, promoting my pillar content. Pillar content, for those of you who don’t know, consists of those blog posts that draw traffic.
These posts provide the structure to your blog, and they become the posts that people remember, the ones that get lots of comments, pins, Facebook shares, or that are easily optimized for great search-engine traffic. Generally, the more pillar content you create on your site, the more successful you’ll be. On my own site I’ve written lots and lots ofpillar-content posts, and I continue to create several more each month. Ifyou go to vid central review, you will see a series of images on my sidebar labeled “Popular Posts.” Those are some examples of pillar content.
It used to be that many blogs were more like online diaries than websites. Posts were published chronologically, with the newest post at the top. Once a post was bumped off the front page, it was likely to be relegated to the depths of the “archives,” never to be seen or heard from again. Back in the day, a few smart bloggers (and a few lucky ones too) realized that individual blog posts could be optimized for great search-engine results, and they benefited from continued traffic on older posts for popular search terms.
The vast majority of bloggers, however, seem to be either confused or overwhelmed by exactly how to optimize a post for great search-engine results (we will talk more about that later too!), thus often unknowingly limiting their traffic to their most current posts. While search-engine optimization (SEO) is still very relevant, Pinterest has completely leveled the playing field and it is now a whole new ballgame.
Again, we will talk a lot more about Pinterest in chapter 5, but for now just know that pillar content is important because THAT is the stuffthat goes viral. Are you following me? The train ofthought is pretty simple, really We live in a visual world that is only becoming more visual by the day. When it comes to web and graphic design, quite frankly, most people’s expectations are pretty darn high and getting higher all the time.
Websites and blogs aren’t the “new vid central review” anymore, which means there are too many well-designed, beautiful blogs out there for a poorly designed, amateurish-looking blog to ever do well. Here is the brutal truth: you can write the best, most interesting, most compelling articles in the whole world, but if the package doesn’t sell it, you are doomed.
If your site design is garish or obviously looks like you did it yourself, or if your graphics are ugly, your navigation frustrating, or your images are poor quality, most people will turn away before they even give you a chance. I’ve learned this lesson firsthand on my own site. My previous site design was very pretty, at least to me, but it was busy! It had four main colors, flowers in the header, stripes in the background, a navigation bar that didn’t make any sense, and, to top it off, a long footer with a serious case ofTMI (too much information).
The problem wasn’t really that it was ugly, or even that it wasn’t a professional design. It just was way too much, particularly because I had begun writing a lot more about cleaning and organizing and simplifying, since that has been a major theme in my life. The busy design didn’t fit the content, and the blog was floundering. I actually couldn’t see the problem for myself.
One morning I stumbled across a nasty comment that someone had written about my site design on a post of mine they had shared on Facebook. The comment said something like, “Why is this lady talking about organizing? Her site is the ugliest, most cluttered website I’ve ever seen!” Ouch. I’m sure she hadn’t intended for me to read that particular comment, but her brutal honesty was definitely a rude awakening.
It made me realize just how important it was to have a blog design that didn’t just reflect my own personal tastes, but that presented my content in the best possible light. After several months oflicking my wounds and pondering the situation, I finally decided that she might be at least partially right. I contacted my blog designer (Heather Moritz of Moritz Blog Design), and together we came up with a design that was simple, organized, and easy to navigate, with fewer colors and more white space. My traffic started climbing almost overnight, not just a little bit, but dramatically.
I started getting a lot more traffic to older posts because with the new navigation, people could actually find what they were looking for, and all the fantastic pillar content that I had worked so hard to create was finally being read and pinned and shared. Presentation is everything. If you’ve been blogging for a while and already have a blog design in place, this is the time to take a step back and look at it with a critic’s eyes.
Even if you spent money on a professional design, even if you just got it all set up, be brutally, painfully honest. Ask yourselfthe following questions: • Is some aspect of your design holding you back? Is it too cluttered, too garish, or too confusing? • Does your navigation make perfect sense? Can your readers find what they are looking for? • Does your design tell newcomers, at first glance, what your blog is about? Would they be able to tell in thirty seconds the main types of posts at your site, and would they know how to find them? • Are your graphics crisp and clean? Do they use appealing, high-quality images? • Are your fonts easy to read? • Is there a clear call to action? Do your readers know what you want them to do or where you want them to go? Try to look at your site with the eyes of a stranger, and if you can’t, ask a trusted friend or colleague to give an honest assessment.
You might be surprised at what they see. Another great way to get an unbiased opinion is to use Peek2, a free user-testing service. Just go to the site, enter your URL and email address, and they will send you a fiveminute video ofsomeone using your blog for the first time. While improving your user experience is an ongoing challenge, for now, let’s talk about some ofthe most important elements ofa good blog presentation.
Keep It Organized Remember back in chapter 1 when you determined exactly what you planned to write about, and you developed your main site theme, your subtopics, and your subcategories? This is where you use them. Your website’s navigation should make it easy to find the things you write about in a way that makes sense to even the most casual and inexperienced blog reader.
Ifit doesn’t, change it. For the record, creating cohesive navigation that ensures a great experience for the reader does NOT magically happen on its own. Additionally, unless you are paying a whole lot of money for your design, your blog designer will not be creating your navigation either, nor should they be. Here’s why: no one knows your content like you. Take the time to create categories, and to fit those categories into subtopics.
Make sure every post is categorized, and then eliminate categories that don’t fit. Once everything is categorized the way it should be, make sure your navigation bar is clear, concise, and easy to—you guessed it—navigate. Next, take the time to make sure your very best content is highlighted in a way that stands out to people, and make it available to them in as many ways as you can.
Did you write a killer series or e-book? Make a button for your sidebar that highlights it AND make it a category in your navigation bar. Do you have a few awesome posts that readers love? Make a popular post page AND add a “most popular posts” section to your sidebar. Above all, make sure it makes sense. Ask a few honest friends or family members— preferably ones that don’t spend much time on your site—to critique your navigation.
Could they find what they were looking for? What were they drawn to? What turned them off? Then, once you’ve gotten an honest look at what is wrong, fix the problems! Keep Your Design Clean and Simple I suppose this is a matter of personal preference, but I firmly believe that the best blog designs are also the simplest. Your design should include the bare minimum of what people need to be able to find, and nothing else.
Yes, of course you want your blog design to reflect your personality, but it should do so in an understated way. The most important thing to remember is that an amazing design won’t keep people if the content stinks, but a bad or overly busy design will turn people away, even ifthe content is amazing. Your design should be the tasteful wrapping that makes people want to see what’s inside.
You’ll notice that none of these blogs look anything alike, nor are any of them “blah.” Clean and simple means they can let the content show through. Between advertising, social media buttons, subscription boxes, and blog posts, every single site is full of information overload. Do your readers a favor and keep it simple.
Rock Your Images I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have amazing pinnable photos enhancing every single blog post. We live in a very visual world, and Pinterest has only made it more so. If you are not willing to do what it takes to ensure that the images on your site pop, you might as well quit right now. It is that important.
Of course not everyone agrees with me on this point and some people may even be quick to point out a number of very popular websites that don’t have great images or even any images at all. However, I would dare to bet that most—if not all—of the sites in question became popular in the early days of blogging, way before the advent of Pinterest, when the blogging culture was much different than it is now. They now have the luxury ofalready being successful to ensure that their loyal readers will continue reading.
My main contention is that the current culture has changed significantly. There are now thousands upon thousands of blogs out there to compete with, and more being created every day. Just like a beautiful design won’t save your blog but a bad design will sink it, beautiful images will enhance and help you promote the amazing content that is already there, while poor-quality pictures will mean no one even takes the time to look.
Of course, depending on the subject matter of your blog, you don’t necessarily have to take your own photographs. There are plenty of stock photo services available that can provide gorgeous, compelling imagery for your blog. The downside is that most ofthese services charge for their photos, which can get expensive quickly.
In addition to the photos I take myself, I frequently use stock images from stock photo sites such as and iStock generally has a better selection, but their prices have gone up significantly in the past few years. That said, ifyou are a DIY or food blogger, or even ifyou do an occasional DIY project or recipe on your blog, you will be well served to learn as much as you can about photography, staging, and photo editing 
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