Yes, absolutely. This is obviously the #1 way to build a
board commander review. Selling products. And I did just that. I did a $1 WSO which works
very well and a $5 WSO. I created these very quickly (about 1-2 days spent on
each report...stll provided value of course). So I contnued to proft, which
went right back into my advertsing it
was just another $20 to bump the ofer right back up to the #1 spot in the
WSO secton of the WarriorForum. And I added 65 more buyers to my list on top of
the original 90! Plus I made an extra $161.50.As long as I keep bumping these
original products, and keep pumping out MORE products. I'm well on my way. And
I'm building my buyers list for FREE. Actually it's beter than that My promo
emails are stll convertng, and the larger my list grows...the more commissions
I'm earning as a result! A quick summary of this method: Create your own
product covering a topic you are familiar with and feel confdent teaching
others (can be an ebook, audio, video, etc.). Ideas include product creaton,
squeeze pages, graphic design, copywritng, how to xyz, conductng an interview,
etc.Study some sales copy and do it yourself or outsource it (Search for
copywritng in the WarriorForum) Create an account at WarriorPlus or JVZoo. Use
platorms like this to set up your OTO's, buy butons...basically to combine your
products and construct your ofer. Afliates are naturally built in. Post as a
WSO on the WarriorForum. Great opton for frst-tme product creators in the IM
niche. Lots of targeted trafc. Sign up with GetResponse (30 day free trial),
create a campaign then integrate with WarriorPlus to have buyers automatcally
added to your email list afer purchase.Overall, I highly recommend creatng your
own product to build your buyers list...eventually getng to the point where you
can do a very BIG launch with a JV page and network like crazy to recruit big
afliates. A well executed product launch can add 500+ buyers to your list in a
very short period of tme. A crucial part of making this work is joining FB
groups, building relatonships with other marketers, etc. So.Create a separate
FB account strictly for your online business. Then, >click here< to add
me as a friend (this is my FB account strictly for IM). Add all of MY friends
then join all of the groups I'm involved in. Begin to network and strike up
some relatonships. Cons to this method:
Time consuming. Especially if you've never done this can
take weeks. Requires some expertse. If
you're going to create a product, you really need to hit the books . Sometmes this requires
spending money to gain the expertse you need, and a lot of trial and error. So
this method is obviously very popular.I've seen quite a few buyers list
products in the past and many of them talk about this method exclusively. Why?
Because it's that darn efectve. Plus it's simple, and easy. So conventonal
wisdom tells us this... 1. Create your own product (like we covered in Method
#1). 2. Communicate with other marketers who are about to do a product launch,
and ask them if they would be interested in adding YOUR product as a bonus
(which will be added to their download page). You might send them some reviews
of the board commander review and a copy for them to make sure it's quality content, etc. 3.If
they accept, you send them the image of your product and create a bonus squeeze page so that when buyers of that product click on
your bonus, they are sent to an opt-in page. From here they enter their email
and receive your free bonus. Presto! You're adding proven buyers to your list.
If the product launch you scored the bonus spot on does very well, you could
potentally gain hundreds of buyers. The two methods we've just discussed are
dependent on ONE thing: A PRODUCT.We've discussed some pro's and cons of
creatng a product, and I think it's obvious that it's a tme consuming process.
Even if you have a killer idea or have some experience like I did and could
create a product very quickly... You stll have to write the sales copy, become
familiar with platorms such as JVZoo or W+, you need an external sales page or
be familiar with bbcode to post it as a thread in the WSO secton...then you
have to keep creatng more products, etc.But what if you're just startng out and
aren't ready to create a product? Maybe you don't have the confdence or the
know-how at this point in your IM career, but you realize the income potental
of a buyers list and are done wastng your tme with freebie seekers. SO Method
#3: Be A Renegade! Screw the conventional way of doing things. Let's get right
to it...this method is a twist on the frst two methods we've already
discussed. I'm going to show you a very low cost and legitmate way to actually
own your very own product. And NO, I'm NOT talking about PLR ebooks/reports!
It's very high quality and something you can slap your name on and be proud of.
And yes, it will be YOUR product and NO
product creaton is required. You could use
Method 1 and sell it (and I
encourage you to do that), but I'm actually going to recommend Method 2
and use this product to start hijacking some product launches. It's much
faster and you can get started building your buyers list right away.Internet
marketers will have no problem saying YES and adding this as a bonus to an
upcoming launch... Why you ask? Because it's in demand and has a high perceived
value Why plugins? It sells itself Don't need a reputaton. The plugin you're
ofering either does what you say It does, or it doesn't. Plain and simple. No
track record needed, no income proof required. 100% newbie friendly. High perceived value (plugins sell anywhere
from $17 to $97 or more) When ofered as
a bonus, it's going to convert.
You'll get a lot more buyers on your list with a plugin than
with a report or ebook that is usually specifc to a single niche. Everybody
loves plugins, they're like candy! So
yeah, this can work in any IM niche! Whether you're trying to build a list for
SEO, list building, web design, copywritng, etc. Internet marketers have websites
and the super majority of them use Wordpress. Plugins make using Wordpress
easier and more advanced. You have some optons I'm going to cover
them very quickly.
To wrap it up I'm going to cover what I personally
recommend, because it's fast and it's only going to cost you $7 (for a very
high quality plugin): Open Source Plugins All of the free plugins have a
General Public License or GPL. That means the code is open source
and can be used in derivatve
works . Basically this means you can use it for your own plugin. You could just
outsource it ( to have the code modifed, then give it away as a
bonus for a launch or sell it. Problem with this is pricing.
I'm not sure how much a project like that would cost, but
I'm guessing it would be pricey...and overall would end up taking a couple of
weeks. License a Plugin htp:// If you go to CodeCanyon and click
on WordPress, there are thousands of plugins you can buy the rights to. An extended license is going to cost you anywhere from $70 to
$100 or more. An extended license will allow you to use the code for your OWN
plugin. Con to licensing a plugin is obviously price.
Create a plugin from scratch?? FORGET ABOUT IT! Not to
menton these will all require you to outsource which includes choosing the
right programmer, and that's a task. And don't forget it can take a week or
more to develop. Even afer all board commander review ...the plugin could potentally have bugs or
other issues...sounds like a headache. Do this instead: Membership sites! There
are several PLR Wordpress plugin membership sites that will develop a unique
and fully functonal Wordpress plugin once a month for you to download, slap
your name on it and basically do with
it whatever you'd like! Sounds expensive doesn't it? Not quite.
The best one I've found so far (mainly because of price and
the name behind it): htp:// (no af link) This membership
site is run by Suzanna Theresia (Developer of InstaBuilder, InstaMember, Easy
Video Suite, InstaTheme, etc.) So there's no doubt the plugins are going to be
very high quality and 100% original. **Disclaimer: I am in no way afliated with
Suzanna or any of her products. If you sign up for this membership site, I
receive zero compensaton.
I am simply sharing with you what I have found to be agreat
deal at a great price combined with an excellent brand that you can trust. The
frst month is only $7, and you'll have immediate access to your very own
plugin. Full rights and unique source code, the whole package. If you choose to
remain a member, you'll receive a 100% original plugin developed by Suzanna and
her team on the 24th of e/ month for only $27 recurring. But don't forget, the
frst month is just $7. Maybe you just want the plugin that comes with signing
up? I wouldn't blame you if you did.
That would only cost you $7. I mean it's totally up to you.
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