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a successful blog requires writing and creating as many killer blog posts as you
can. My own personal goal is to write a killer post every single time. What is
the point, otherwise? The way I look at it, my vid central review is precious. As a blogger
and small business owner, I will always have too much to do and not enough time
to possibly get it all done.
I am
not going to waste my time writing content that is just okay. I am better off
spending that time promoting the awesome, compelling, killer posts I’ve already
written—in other words, promoting my pillar content. Pillar content, for those of
you who don’t know, consists of those blog posts that draw traffic.
posts provide the structure to your blog, and they become the posts that people
remember, the ones that get lots of comments, pins, Facebook shares, or that
are easily optimized for great search-engine traffic. Generally, the more
pillar content you create on your site, the more successful you’ll be. On my
own site I’ve written lots and lots ofpillar-content posts, and I continue to
create several more each month. Ifyou go to vid central review, you
will see a series of images on my sidebar labeled “Popular Posts.” Those are
some examples of pillar content.
used to be that many blogs were more like online diaries than websites. Posts
were published chronologically, with the newest post at the top. Once a post
was bumped off the front page, it was likely to be relegated to the depths of
the “archives,” never to be seen or heard from again. Back in the day, a few
smart bloggers (and a few lucky ones too) realized that individual blog posts
could be optimized for great search-engine results, and they benefited from
continued traffic on older posts for popular search terms.
vast majority of bloggers, however, seem to be either confused or overwhelmed
by exactly how to optimize a post for great search-engine results (we will talk
more about that later too!), thus often unknowingly limiting their traffic to
their most current posts. While search-engine optimization (SEO) is still very
relevant, Pinterest has completely leveled the playing field and it is now a
whole new ballgame.
we will talk a lot more about Pinterest in chapter 5, but for now just know
that pillar content is important because THAT is the stuffthat goes viral. Are
you following me? The train ofthought is pretty simple, really We live in a
visual world that is only becoming more visual by the day. When it comes to web
and graphic design, quite frankly, most people’s expectations are pretty darn
high and getting higher all the time.
and blogs aren’t the “new vid central review” anymore, which means there are too many
well-designed, beautiful blogs out there for a poorly designed,
amateurish-looking blog to ever do well. Here is the brutal truth: you can
write the best, most interesting, most compelling articles in the whole world,
but if the package doesn’t sell it, you are doomed.
your site design is garish or obviously looks like you did it yourself, or if
your graphics are ugly, your navigation frustrating, or your images are poor
quality, most people will turn away before they even give you a chance. I’ve
learned this lesson firsthand on my own site. My previous site design was very
pretty, at least to me, but it was busy! It had four main colors, flowers in
the header, stripes in the background, a navigation bar that didn’t make any
sense, and, to top it off, a long footer with a serious case ofTMI (too much
problem wasn’t really that it was ugly, or even that it wasn’t a professional
design. It just was way too much, particularly because I had begun writing a
lot more about cleaning and organizing and simplifying, since that has been a
major theme in my life. The busy design didn’t fit the content, and the blog
was floundering. I actually couldn’t see the problem for myself.
morning I stumbled across a nasty comment that someone had written about my
site design on a post of mine they had shared on Facebook. The comment said
something like, “Why is this lady talking about organizing? Her site is the
ugliest, most cluttered website I’ve ever seen!” Ouch. I’m sure she hadn’t
intended for me to read that particular comment, but her brutal honesty was
definitely a rude awakening.
made me realize just how important it was to have a blog design that didn’t
just reflect my own personal tastes, but that presented my content in the best
possible light. After several months oflicking my wounds and pondering the
situation, I finally decided that she might be at least partially right. I
contacted my blog designer (Heather Moritz of Moritz Blog Design), and together
we came up with a design that was simple, organized, and easy to navigate, with
fewer colors and more white space. My traffic started climbing almost
overnight, not just a little bit, but dramatically.
started getting a lot more traffic to older posts because with the new
navigation, people could actually find what they were looking for, and all the
fantastic pillar content that I had worked so hard to create was finally being
read and pinned and shared. Presentation is everything. If you’ve been blogging
for a while and already have a blog design in place, this is the time to take a
step back and look at it with a critic’s eyes.
if you spent money on a professional design, even if you just got it all set
up, be brutally, painfully honest. Ask yourselfthe following questions: • Is
some aspect of your design holding you back? Is it too cluttered, too garish,
or too confusing? • Does your navigation make perfect sense? Can your readers
find what they are looking for? • Does your design tell newcomers, at first
glance, what your blog is about? Would they be able to tell in thirty seconds
the main types of posts at your site, and would they know how to find them? •
Are your graphics crisp and clean? Do they use appealing, high-quality images?
• Are your fonts easy to read? • Is there a clear call to action? Do your
readers know what you want them to do or where you want them to go? Try to look
at your site with the eyes of a stranger, and if you can’t, ask a trusted
friend or colleague to give an honest assessment.
might be surprised at what they see. Another great way to get an unbiased
opinion is to use Peek2, a free user-testing service. Just go to the site,
enter your URL and email address, and they will send you a fiveminute video
ofsomeone using your blog for the first time. While improving your user
experience is an ongoing challenge, for now, let’s talk about some ofthe most
important elements ofa good blog presentation.
It Organized Remember back in chapter 1 when you determined exactly what you
planned to write about, and you developed your main site theme, your subtopics,
and your subcategories? This is where you use them. Your website’s navigation
should make it easy to find the things you write about in a way that makes
sense to even the most casual and inexperienced blog reader.
doesn’t, change it. For the record, creating cohesive navigation that ensures a
great experience for the reader does NOT magically happen on its own.
Additionally, unless you are paying a whole lot of money for your design, your
blog designer will not be creating your navigation either, nor should they be.
Here’s why: no one knows your content like you. Take the time to create
categories, and to fit those categories into subtopics.
sure every post is categorized, and then eliminate categories that don’t fit.
Once everything is categorized the way it should be, make sure your navigation
bar is clear, concise, and easy to—you guessed it—navigate. Next, take the time
to make sure your very best content is highlighted in a way that stands out to
people, and make it available to them in as many ways as you can.
you write a killer series or e-book? Make a button for your sidebar that
highlights it AND make it a category in your navigation bar. Do you have a few
awesome posts that readers love? Make a popular post page AND add a “most
popular posts” section to your sidebar. Above all, make sure it makes sense.
Ask a few honest friends or family members— preferably ones that don’t spend
much time on your site—to critique your navigation.
they find what they were looking for? What were they drawn to? What turned them
off? Then, once you’ve gotten an honest look at what is wrong, fix the
problems! Keep Your Design Clean and Simple I suppose this is a matter of
personal preference, but I firmly believe that the best blog designs are also
the simplest. Your design should include the bare minimum of what people need
to be able to find, and nothing else.
of course you want your blog design to reflect your personality, but it should
do so in an understated way. The most important thing to remember is that an
amazing design won’t keep people if the content stinks, but a bad or overly
busy design will turn people away, even ifthe content is amazing. Your design
should be the tasteful wrapping that makes people want to see what’s inside.
notice that none of these blogs look anything alike, nor are any of them
“blah.” Clean and simple means they can let the content show through. Between
advertising, social media buttons, subscription boxes, and blog posts, every
single site is full of information overload. Do your readers a favor and keep
it simple.
Your Images I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have amazing
pinnable photos enhancing every single blog post. We live in a very visual
world, and Pinterest has only made it more so. If you are not willing to do
what it takes to ensure that the images on your site pop, you might as well
quit right now. It is that important.
course not everyone agrees with me on this point and some people may even be
quick to point out a number of very popular websites that don’t have great
images or even any images at all. However, I would dare to bet that most—if not
all—of the sites in question became popular in the early days of blogging, way
before the advent of Pinterest, when the blogging culture was much different
than it is now. They now have the luxury ofalready being successful to ensure
that their loyal readers will continue reading.
main contention is that the current culture has changed significantly. There
are now thousands upon thousands of blogs out there to compete with, and more
being created every day. Just like a beautiful design won’t save your blog but
a bad design will sink it, beautiful images will enhance and help you promote
the amazing content that is already there, while poor-quality pictures will
mean no one even takes the time to look.
course, depending on the subject matter of your blog, you don’t necessarily
have to take your own photographs. There are plenty of stock photo services
available that can provide gorgeous, compelling imagery for your blog. The
downside is that most ofthese services charge for their photos, which can get expensive
addition to the photos I take myself, I frequently use stock images from stock
photo sites such as and iStock generally has a
better selection, but their prices have gone up significantly in the past few
years. That said, ifyou are a DIY or food blogger, or even ifyou do an
occasional DIY project or recipe on your blog, you will be well served to learn
as much as you can about photography, staging, and photo editing
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