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First of all, it is important for you to understand that a benefit is not a feature. A benefit
is typically the result of a leadsensationz review.
For example: A sample feature in a list building product might be: Feature: “A done for your squeeze page”
A corresponding benefit to that feature would be:
Benefit: “So that you a have a high converting squeeze page without all the guesswork.” So if you put that all together you have:
Feature & Benefit: A done for your squeeze page so that you have a high converting squeeze page without all the guesswork.WRITE OUT YOUR PRODUCT FEATURES AND BENEFITS Using what you just learned write out your product features and benefits using the following format: “Feature so that Benefit” I like to shoot for around 1 0 key benefits on every product I release. Some will have more some will have less but you should be somewhere around 1 0 key takeaways.Now you will create your product introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to give your products “Big picture idea.” Start by answering these questions: What is the end goal or result of using your product?Why is that end goal important to your customer? Now, back up your big picture idea or end goal with proof, or statistics. Write those out.
Note: Your introduction can be as short or as long as you feel necessary. I am a very to the point kind of person and personally don’t like long introductions so I keep them fairly short. But you should play to your audience, what does your target customer desire or expect? Play to your customers needs. Make sure you get them excited about why your
product is important and give them clarity ofthe end goal. If you can do that in your product introduction Mission Accomplished!Organize your product features/benefits you created in step 1 into the order in which they should be completed and/or presented in your product. This will allow you to see your product as a whole in a logical order. Once you have everything in the right order look for things that are missing that would make it a complete product. Sometimes when your create your product and benefits you will leave out some essential steps in the complete leadsensationz review. (Usually the not so exciting steps or information that is necessary to your product but not a sales point.) Now list your features/benefits you created in step 1 in logical order along with any additional steps you need to have a completed product now:In this step we are going to expand the list you created in step 3 into a full product outline. You will take that list and write an additional 5 to 1 0 bullet points under each one.
Tip 1 : If you are creating an eBook you can plan to create a set number of pages with your outline. For example: If you had ten features/benefits and 5 bullet points for each you could expect to create a 50 page book. 1 page for each bullet point you create. And each feature/benefit would become a chapter.
Tip 2: If you are creating a video course your outline could be used to create slides for a slideshow.
Tip 3: Your product outline could be used as a getting started guide, overview worksheet, or even converted into a checklist. All which could add a lot of value to your product or used as product bonuses! Create your product outline.Okay, so by this point you should have a solid outline in place for one of your products ready to go. The process I'm going to teach you right now is going to be the same process that you will go through on every single product that you create. So at this point it's about deciding which format you are going to make your products. Some ways are going to be pretty fast while others are going to take you some time. The most common formats for information products are: ● video course ● eBook/report/guide ● Audio ● Information site
Video Training Video products are one of the most timeconsuming methods. If you're going to do a video course you're going to have to either record your screen as you show people how to do something. Or, you have to create some type of presentation to present to them as you teach them through audio. This can be a lot more time consuming because you are working with multiple types of media and making sure that everything is synced up, looks good, and you have editing time included. Also, video files are big and they can take a long time to render, upload and download so you have to factor that in as well.
Text Creating an eBook, a guide, or a report can also be pretty time consuming. Especially if you write it from scratch.
Audio Audio can be a very fast way to create a product because you can simply start with an outline and record yourself as you teach. The one problem that you will run into with audio training's is that a lot of people are not a big fan of audio. People typically want videos or reports for some reason. While I love a great audio course a lot of people don't.Information site Is typically made up of combination of the above three or one of those leadsensationz review. Creating each format is a similar process but each method has its pros and cons as mentioned above.Now you have a choice. With your outline you can write a bunch of text next to each bullet point to create a book or a guide. Or, you can take those topics and record videos or audio. Then it is as simple as sharing your expertise on those topics and formatting it into a nice packaged product.
Audio If you're recording audio it's as simple as grabbing a mic and recording yourself talk over one of those subjects. Now, if you are someone that struggles with words and thinking off of the top of your head you might be best to actually write out the script word for word. And in that case you might consider creating a report or ebook instead since you will have to write it out anyways.
eBook/guide/report If you're going to write an eBook, a guide, or report then take each feature/benefit and make that a chapter and each bullet point a page of content. (Adjust as necessary).
Video ProductVideo can be a little bit more tricky. If you're doing a screencast or just recording yourself talking it can be fairly simple. However, if you're going to be recording yourself talk while playing a presentation it can be a little bit more difficult. You will want to take your bullet points and make those slides on a presentation and then record yourself as you present it. And this would just simply be recording your screen running the presentation as you talk through itIn this step you will now want to conclude your product (This is very important). To conclude your product you will want to first summarize what you have covered in your ebook, audio, or video training. Next, you want to highlight any key points your audience should takeaway from your product. Finally, this is the point when you want to encourage your customers to take action.
When you create a product you should focus on getting results for your
customers. If you can get results for your customers than you are succeeding as a product creator. When your customers get results they will trust you, buy from you again, invest in your coaching programs, and spread the word. That is powerful!
Bonus tip: Another great way to utilize your conclusion to your product is referring your customers to where they can get more help. Have a coaching program? Link to it in the conclusion.Have another product your customers could benefit from? Link to it.
Homework: In this step you are actually creating your product. The key to success in this step will be listing out your benefits in logical order, adding any missing elements, creating your product outline, and finally recording or writing out your product.Whew…. that was a lot of work right? Well, the good news is that you are almost done. We now want to take an overhead view of our product as a whole. We want to make sure we arent missing any critical components or essential steps that our customers will need in order for this to be a complete product. They must have every step they need to achieve the desired outcome of your product. The best way to do this is look at your product from start to finish and analyze your headings/sub headings/chapters/etc. Doing this you can see every important element you have covered in your product. You can even go back to the product outline that you originally created and review that.
Bonus tip: If you really want to add value to your product create a checklist of all the steps you have in your product. This will not only help you make sure that you have added all the critical steps to your product but it can make a great bonus offer for your product.I like to use formats and headings in the products I create. It makes things easier for your customer to follow and refer back to when you use headings and subheadings. If you created audio or video it helps to break them out into different sections (1 audio/ video per section). This can be very helpful for your customers if they want to go back and listen or watch a specific section of your training. Finally, go through your product and fix any glaring mistakes. You want to eliminate as many mistakes as you can without spending way too much time editing. Go through and proofread or make adjustments to your audio and video. I do highly encourage you to not get too hung up here. Products do not have to be
perfect. If you product is delivering value and has a few typos here and there people will not care one bit!Congratulations! If you have done all the steps above and created your content you should now have a full product ready to go. Now thats what I’m talkin about! Now it is time to finalize things and package them. Let me give you a few words of advice before we move on. If you are just starting out you don’t have to have all the bells and whistles. You don’t need the fancy packaging and sales copy. Yes….those things help but in the beginning you should focus on taking action and creating solid products. If you really did your research before you created your product than there is a good chance it will sell without these things. If you just can’t live without all the bells and whistles outsource them if you have the funds (unless you know how to do it yourself). In the resource guide included in thisproduct I will give you a number of different tools and resources you can use to create all the bells and whistles. I just want to point out the fact that a lot of people focus so much on creating the packaging, the salesletter, perfecting their product, and then they lose steam and never release their products. I don’t want this to be you!
Benefit: “So that you a have a high converting squeeze page without all the guesswork.” So if you put that all together you have:
Feature & Benefit: A done for your squeeze page so that you have a high converting squeeze page without all the guesswork.WRITE OUT YOUR PRODUCT FEATURES AND BENEFITS Using what you just learned write out your product features and benefits using the following format: “Feature so that Benefit” I like to shoot for around 1 0 key benefits on every product I release. Some will have more some will have less but you should be somewhere around 1 0 key takeaways.Now you will create your product introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to give your products “Big picture idea.” Start by answering these questions: What is the end goal or result of using your product?Why is that end goal important to your customer? Now, back up your big picture idea or end goal with proof, or statistics. Write those out.
Note: Your introduction can be as short or as long as you feel necessary. I am a very to the point kind of person and personally don’t like long introductions so I keep them fairly short. But you should play to your audience, what does your target customer desire or expect? Play to your customers needs. Make sure you get them excited about why your
product is important and give them clarity ofthe end goal. If you can do that in your product introduction Mission Accomplished!Organize your product features/benefits you created in step 1 into the order in which they should be completed and/or presented in your product. This will allow you to see your product as a whole in a logical order. Once you have everything in the right order look for things that are missing that would make it a complete product. Sometimes when your create your product and benefits you will leave out some essential steps in the complete leadsensationz review. (Usually the not so exciting steps or information that is necessary to your product but not a sales point.) Now list your features/benefits you created in step 1 in logical order along with any additional steps you need to have a completed product now:In this step we are going to expand the list you created in step 3 into a full product outline. You will take that list and write an additional 5 to 1 0 bullet points under each one.
Tip 1 : If you are creating an eBook you can plan to create a set number of pages with your outline. For example: If you had ten features/benefits and 5 bullet points for each you could expect to create a 50 page book. 1 page for each bullet point you create. And each feature/benefit would become a chapter.
Tip 2: If you are creating a video course your outline could be used to create slides for a slideshow.
Tip 3: Your product outline could be used as a getting started guide, overview worksheet, or even converted into a checklist. All which could add a lot of value to your product or used as product bonuses! Create your product outline.Okay, so by this point you should have a solid outline in place for one of your products ready to go. The process I'm going to teach you right now is going to be the same process that you will go through on every single product that you create. So at this point it's about deciding which format you are going to make your products. Some ways are going to be pretty fast while others are going to take you some time. The most common formats for information products are: ● video course ● eBook/report/guide ● Audio ● Information site
Video Training Video products are one of the most timeconsuming methods. If you're going to do a video course you're going to have to either record your screen as you show people how to do something. Or, you have to create some type of presentation to present to them as you teach them through audio. This can be a lot more time consuming because you are working with multiple types of media and making sure that everything is synced up, looks good, and you have editing time included. Also, video files are big and they can take a long time to render, upload and download so you have to factor that in as well.
Text Creating an eBook, a guide, or a report can also be pretty time consuming. Especially if you write it from scratch.
Audio Audio can be a very fast way to create a product because you can simply start with an outline and record yourself as you teach. The one problem that you will run into with audio training's is that a lot of people are not a big fan of audio. People typically want videos or reports for some reason. While I love a great audio course a lot of people don't.Information site Is typically made up of combination of the above three or one of those leadsensationz review. Creating each format is a similar process but each method has its pros and cons as mentioned above.Now you have a choice. With your outline you can write a bunch of text next to each bullet point to create a book or a guide. Or, you can take those topics and record videos or audio. Then it is as simple as sharing your expertise on those topics and formatting it into a nice packaged product.
Audio If you're recording audio it's as simple as grabbing a mic and recording yourself talk over one of those subjects. Now, if you are someone that struggles with words and thinking off of the top of your head you might be best to actually write out the script word for word. And in that case you might consider creating a report or ebook instead since you will have to write it out anyways.
eBook/guide/report If you're going to write an eBook, a guide, or report then take each feature/benefit and make that a chapter and each bullet point a page of content. (Adjust as necessary).
Video ProductVideo can be a little bit more tricky. If you're doing a screencast or just recording yourself talking it can be fairly simple. However, if you're going to be recording yourself talk while playing a presentation it can be a little bit more difficult. You will want to take your bullet points and make those slides on a presentation and then record yourself as you present it. And this would just simply be recording your screen running the presentation as you talk through itIn this step you will now want to conclude your product (This is very important). To conclude your product you will want to first summarize what you have covered in your ebook, audio, or video training. Next, you want to highlight any key points your audience should takeaway from your product. Finally, this is the point when you want to encourage your customers to take action.
When you create a product you should focus on getting results for your
customers. If you can get results for your customers than you are succeeding as a product creator. When your customers get results they will trust you, buy from you again, invest in your coaching programs, and spread the word. That is powerful!
Bonus tip: Another great way to utilize your conclusion to your product is referring your customers to where they can get more help. Have a coaching program? Link to it in the conclusion.Have another product your customers could benefit from? Link to it.
Homework: In this step you are actually creating your product. The key to success in this step will be listing out your benefits in logical order, adding any missing elements, creating your product outline, and finally recording or writing out your product.Whew…. that was a lot of work right? Well, the good news is that you are almost done. We now want to take an overhead view of our product as a whole. We want to make sure we arent missing any critical components or essential steps that our customers will need in order for this to be a complete product. They must have every step they need to achieve the desired outcome of your product. The best way to do this is look at your product from start to finish and analyze your headings/sub headings/chapters/etc. Doing this you can see every important element you have covered in your product. You can even go back to the product outline that you originally created and review that.
Bonus tip: If you really want to add value to your product create a checklist of all the steps you have in your product. This will not only help you make sure that you have added all the critical steps to your product but it can make a great bonus offer for your product.I like to use formats and headings in the products I create. It makes things easier for your customer to follow and refer back to when you use headings and subheadings. If you created audio or video it helps to break them out into different sections (1 audio/ video per section). This can be very helpful for your customers if they want to go back and listen or watch a specific section of your training. Finally, go through your product and fix any glaring mistakes. You want to eliminate as many mistakes as you can without spending way too much time editing. Go through and proofread or make adjustments to your audio and video. I do highly encourage you to not get too hung up here. Products do not have to be
perfect. If you product is delivering value and has a few typos here and there people will not care one bit!Congratulations! If you have done all the steps above and created your content you should now have a full product ready to go. Now thats what I’m talkin about! Now it is time to finalize things and package them. Let me give you a few words of advice before we move on. If you are just starting out you don’t have to have all the bells and whistles. You don’t need the fancy packaging and sales copy. Yes….those things help but in the beginning you should focus on taking action and creating solid products. If you really did your research before you created your product than there is a good chance it will sell without these things. If you just can’t live without all the bells and whistles outsource them if you have the funds (unless you know how to do it yourself). In the resource guide included in thisproduct I will give you a number of different tools and resources you can use to create all the bells and whistles. I just want to point out the fact that a lot of people focus so much on creating the packaging, the salesletter, perfecting their product, and then they lose steam and never release their products. I don’t want this to be you!
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