Friday, April 14, 2017


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Before we go through the process of fbv commission profits review, I’d like to prompt you to consider how you are going to stay organised and keep track of your business.
I personally like to set up a Dropbox folder for each month and within that folder I then set up sub-folders and then save my relevant documents something like this
This means not only do I have everything organised and tracked, it is saved to
the “cloud” so I can access the information from anywhere and on any device I
have set up.
I also have Dropbox downloaded onto my computers so I can save “locally” and then Dropbox “auto sync’s” my files and folders up to my
account. Believe me staying organised like this really keeps you focused and also allows you to look back through previous months “research” files where you may just
find the price has changed and you’ve a Winner on your hands! Note: I use Dropbox because I have an account with 2TB of space available.
Google Drive (It’s FREE!)
If you have a Google Drive account you can create an “online” workspace where you can set up your tracking files and folders and also utilise the numerous apps available that will allow you to track, find and schedule things easily.
You get 15GB of storage FREE which is more than enough to begin with and you can always increase your limit as your business grows.
The bottom line, the more organised you are the MORE successful you are
going to be!
The use of SPECIFIC folders and tracking documents such as MS Excel or Google Sheets and “note taking” documents such as MS Word or Google Docs will ensure you have all the information you require at your fingertips. Note: once your business grows you can also use Google Drive to collaborate and share “folders” , “sheets” and “docs” with your outsource staff, this really adds POWER to your business!
Here’s an example of a Google Sheet that I use for tracking. This is what I
would use for product that I have chosen to sell only.
As you can see it’s NOT rocket science to create a fbv commission profits review sheet like this; however, being organised from the get-go will ensure your have a clear
view of exactly where your business is at any given point.
The comments are quite self-explanatory, the first column is the Product ASIN
that you will find against products in Amazon, don’t worry I’ll explain this in
more detail as we progress. (We DO NOT always use Amazon!)
For research I like to use a Google Doc or MS Word document as that also
allows me to add the product image, for example.
I’m restricted on how I can show the TRUE value of using Google Docs to
record your sheets within this document; however, in the videos I walk
through exactly how I do my research and how I use the built in features within
Google Docs to speed up my research.
Using Google Docs has reduced my research time drastically.
Using these tools and my research methods I can easily find 50 or more
products each morning that are suitable for listing on eBay™ or selling on
another site etc.
NOTE: Once you have grasped the concept of HOW to research you could
easily outsource this function and have your outsourcer(s) upload their “finds”
into a shared folder on Google Drive!
I use the Amazon ASIN number to track ALL the products I source from
Amazon. This number is specific to each item and ensures I find the EXACT
item I am looking for rather than relying on the product name.
The ASIN can be found within the product description and also in the URL –
Web Address Bar as shown below
How To Research Like a BOSS - Me in this case
These are the EXACT methods I use to research suitable products and I’ve
found it the BEST way to really drill down into some winners that I can source
for a decent price and then sell for a good profit.
My first port of call is ALWAYS Amazon. As I’m in the UK I use;
however, these methods work on ALL Amazon sites around the World.
The process here is VERY simple; all we are trying to do is to use the
“recommended” keywords from Amazon to drill further into the results and
Amazon return the most searched for keywords at that time.
Note: These results change often so please DO NOT forget to use the same
SEED keyword daily to see the NEW results generated. – A “seed” keyword is
basically the starting point to generate more “specific” or long-tail keywords
fbv commission profits review  “easier” to target the exact products people are searching for.
SEED Keyword: Dog – very vague
1st Result: Dog Basket – slightly more specific
2nd Result: Dog Basket for small dogs – VERY specific
I’ll lay out the steps first and then show you some screen shots so you can see
the results I am seeing.
Step 1 – Choose a “niche” keyword, this is your “seed” keyword!
Step 2 – Enter the “keyword” in Amazon search bar with a “space” after the
Step 3 – Make a note of the TOP three “keyword results”. (You can always
return to this Step and grab even more potential keywords later if you wish).
Step 4 – Take the TOP “keyword” and enter this in the Amazon search bar
again leaving a “space”.
Step 5 – “Click” on the TOP result
Step 6 – “scroll” down and on the Left Hand Side of the Amazon results page
look for the “check” box that says “FREE Delivery from Amazon”. It is in the
“refine by” section. Check that box.
Step 7 – scroll down again and select the “Average Customer Review” 4 stars
and up – we are looking for BEST sellers here that customers have reviewed
highly. We only want to promote TOP selling products.
Step 8 – Select the “products” that are priced for FREE shipping only. NOTE: in
the UK we get FREE shipping on orders over £10.00, in the USA it is free
shipping on orders over $35.00, In Canada it is free shipping via their Super
Saver Shipping for eligible products over $25.00. You will be able to find the
FREE shipping limit via your local Amazon site.
Side Note: Even though we may choose a different “source” for the product I
always start by searching Amazon in this way and then I may “uncheck” the
“free shipping” option to discover even more potential products.
Step 9 – Select the TOP products from that page that are above the
“minimum” value and qualify for free shipping and then enter these in your
Google Doc or MS Word or other Word Processing document as shown above.
Step 10 – Now do the same for the other “top three keywords” you discovered
in Step 3 above.
When you research like this you will NEVER be stuck for product ideas and if
you set aside dedicated “research time” you will be able to discover at least 50
GOOD products that you can sell within 15 to 30 minutes.
The main benefit of this exercise is you are uncovering POPULAR products that
sell on Amazon which is a GREAT indication that people are probably actively
searching for these products on OTHER sites etc!
Here is the “seed” keyword
How To Research Like a BOSS – eBay Method.
So far we have used the inbuilt “search function” within Amazon to uncover
potential profits that have GREAT ratings and feedback (above 4 stars), now I
want to show you how to use eBay’s built in search function so you can once
again drill down into BUYERS key phrases and find products that you may wish
to sell.
The steps are similar to Amazon as we will start with a seed keyword and then
drill down once again.
NOTE: For best results it is recommended you are logged into your eBay
account. If you do not have one, please take the time to set one up now and
then return to this section.
Once again I will lay out the steps first and then show you some screen shots
so you can see the results I am seeing.
Step 1 – Choose a “niche” keyword, this is your “seed” keyword!
Step 2 – Enter the “keyword” in eBay search bar with a “space” after the word.
Step 3 – Make a note of the TOP three “keyword results”. Ignore the results
that say “in” i.e. dog cage “in” Dog Supplies
Step 4 – Take the TOP “keyword” and enter this in the eBay search bar again
leaving a “space” after the word.
Step 5 – “Click” on the TOP result
Step 6 – “scroll” down and on the Left Hand Side of the eBay results page look
for the “check” box that says “Buy It Now”. It is in the “format” section. Check
that box.
Step 7 – These results are the TOP selling results for that search term and will
highlight what is HOT on eBay now.
Step 8 – Select the “products” that are priced over your local Amazon
minimum price for FREE delivery. Enter these in your Google Doc or MS Word
or other Word Processing document as we did before.
The REASON you want to be logged into your eBay account is so you can see
the NUMBER of sales and also how many watchers.
Do you think this is a POPULAR product?


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