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Posting In The Groups
going to want to share that article on all 50 groups. Now I know
what you are thinking…posting that article on all 50 groups is going
to take a long time! And you are right, that‟s why I have a short cut
for you guys ;).
Not many people know about this, but there is actually a link on
LinkedIn you can go to that will post your blog entry to multiple
groups at once. Before you do this, remember you have to actually
be logged in to LinkedIn for this to actually work.The reason that‟s happening is because we didn‟t tell it what URL we
want to share within the groups. So you need to add the URL after
the “=”. This means you want add the exact link to your latest blog
post after the “=”. For example, let‟s pretend you wanted to link out
to The Warrior Forum, you would type this in your browserKeep in mind you are going to be linking to your latest blog post, not
The Warrior Forum, this is just commission cobra review
The first thing you will want to do is click the “edit” button and edit
the Title and Description. This is what people will see when you post
in groups so you want to change the title and description to
something that will catch their attention and make them want to
click. Ok, so that might not be the best example, but you get the idea!
Once you make those changes just select the blue “Preview”
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