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In addition to visualizing in your mind, I highly recommend that you create some
visual aids for yourself. Put them in a prominent place where you can look at
them every day—put them in a place where they’ll inspire you.
For example, you can create a mind movie or vision board. A mind movie is just a
movie you create that contains pictures, images, and video, featuring the kind of
life you want to live. You’ll watch this video over and over again, every day, until
the images of success are burned in your mind. This will help to make your
success inevitable.
A vision board is just a poster board, discount pop review , or whatever you want it to
be. You’ll fill this board with pictures, images, quotes, and text of the life you
want to have. Fill it with things that inspire you and give you an instant mindset
see it constantly.
If you’re read my original book, 5 Bucks a Day, you’ll remember how I just put a
simple little Post-it note on my printer with a number which was the amount of
income I intended to earn per day. Every time I looked at my printer, which was
often because it was right beside my computer monitor, I saw that number, and
even if I didn’t pay much attention to it, my mind did, and it knew what it meant,
and it became like a GPS device, seeking out that number as a goal.
When I reached that goal, I took down that note and replaced it with one with a
higher number.
It's easy to dismiss visualization and creating mindset-boosting visual aids as
something that doesn't work or something that's a nice idea but that you don't
practice. It will dramatically improve your mindset and your chances of success.
You’ll probably start to see the benefits right away. It’s another piece of priming
your brain to see yourself as a 6-figure earner.
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