Saturday, February 24, 2018

Targeting Academy Review – A Path to Find the Right Customers

Targeting Academy Review – A Path to Find the Right Customers

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The key word there is “might,” because that’s where testing comes into play.
However, I encourage you to develop your own targeting academy review to the “big picture” of testing.
You must do what works for you. If “thought experiments” (or DOE or whatever you
wish to call it) works, then great! If something else works better, I say “go for it.”
The truth is I tend to take a more “holistic” approach when deciding what to test. Instead
of thinking about testing a new caption under a photo or testing some handwritten text in
a certain spot, I try to envision the bigger picture and how the pieces fit together to match
the message I’m trying to convey as a whole.
That’s the same approach I showed in Figure 7 above. In that DOE, I could have just split
tested the new price with the same sales letter otherwise unchanged (and I would likely
do that
also). But with a wholistic approach, I’m looking at the bigger picture. Because a
straight split test might be a failure in terms of raising my price and hoping for a bigger
ROI. But when I include the other elements to test in my DOE, I may get better results.
Or I may get worse. Such is the nature of testing.
Sometimes that approach works for me, other times it just muddies the waters.
When Science Meets ArtIf you do enough testing, you’re going to find that a lot of changes have a negligible
effect on conversion, and sometimes results aren’t reproducible.
That’s because there are so many factors that go into why a visitor decides to make a
at that precise moment in time.
Given enough visitors (samples), the results tend to be more statistically valid, but you
must be careful not to overanalyze your targeting academy review.
Everything from the time of day and day of the week to the weather at your prospect’s
location probably has an influence of sorts, but much of it will be in the form of “noise.”
This is where you can go a little bit overboard with your analysis.
The truth is, your prospect’s state of mind probably has a lot more to do with anything,
and how do you measure that?
This is where the science intersects with the art.
Maybe you’ll do better developing a Zen-like approach instead of using thought
experiments or targeting academy review.
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