Monday, February 5, 2018

Visualai Review – No Need to Waste Time Creating Captions

Visualai Review – No Need to Waste Time Creating Captions

Official site:
This ad sticks out like crazy on my blog because my color scheme is blue and black 
similar to the logo on the header of this page. This green really stands out on the blog. 
Then you notice the download button. That really increases the amount of clicks this ad 
gets. Once someone clicks this ad they are taken to my visualai review page where they enter 
their email address to get their free guide. 

Every theme is different so I won't get into the specifics of how to do this but I am sure 
you can find instructions for how to do it on your theme or even a plugin to insert the 

For example: I use a Studiopress theme and the genesis simple hooks plugin to input it  
under the menu in my theme. 

2. In Content advertisements​  ­ One of the next best places on my site that I get a lot  
of leads from is in content advertisements. Now most people will put an AdSense ad or 
a link to an affiliate product in their content but they never actually link to something of  

In this case again we're going to use an advertisement of our own that links to our 
squeeze page. And again we are trying to get our potential leads to make a small  
commitment by clicking our ad and then going to a squeeze page to capture their email  

Now all you have to do to implement this is add your advertisements as you're creating 
your blog posts. If you want to go back and optimize your old posts to capture leads 
here's what I recommend that you do: 

Go into your Google Analytics account and see which pages of your site are getting the 
most visualai review. You may have a couple or a dozen blog posts that are accounting for the 
majority of your traffic. So those would be the first places you would want to go back in 
and add in content advertisements to. 

One final note here is that it doesn't just have to be image advertisement either. You 
can also use anchor text links that link to your squeeze page. However, images will 
typically get a better click through rate. Especially if you make them stand out like we 
did with the header image. 

tag: buy visualai, get visualai, purchase visualai, review visualai, visualai, visualai bonus, visualai bonus review, visualai by mario brown review, visualai demo, visualai honest review, visualai oto, visualai oto review, visualai price, visualai review bonus, visualai review by users, visualai review oto, visualai review upsell, visualai software, visualai software bonus, visualai software oto, visualai software review, visualai upsell, visualai upsell review

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