Saturday, January 7, 2017


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Step #5: Talk Smarter
After you master the five types of tweets, you are ready to attack the big question: What should I talk about on fb auto review?
For every business, the answer is different. In general, you want to find the sweet spot between what your target audience wants to hear and things that promote your business. For many businesses, the answer is to focus on how your products and services benefit your customers.
Give people useful information and answer their questions, and they will consider you a valuable member of their community. That’s an important first step to winning a new customer.
There’s a real art to writing a headline-style message on Twitter. Experiment with different ways to say the same thing, and see what gets the most response. With only 140 characters, it’s important that every word pull its weight in your messages.
Over time, the quality of what you share will help you grow a strong Twitter following. Now, you are ready to take a step back and come up with a Twitter communication plan. Your plan focuses your Twitter conversation on topics designed to draw in potential customers and publish your tweets at the times you are most likely to engage people.
Step #6: Drive Traffic to Your Website
Twitter is a great tool for driving traffic to your website. To do this, you create a tweet around a link, writing a message that compels people to click to learn more. Write a compelling headline-style message to get people to click on the link in your tweet.
Because space is at a premium in a tweet, there isn’t room to post the entire web address. That’s why all of the Twitter tools allow you to shorten your web addresses using a URL
shortener. nWhen you paste a web address into a tweet, Twitter automatically shortens it, giving you more space for your message When you use, the Twitter URL shortener uses just 20 characters for your web
address, no matter how long the actual web address.
Step #7: Connect Your Online Presence
Now that you have Twitter rolling along, it’s time to integrate it into your overall online business presence.
There are three ways to do this:
1. Add your fb auto review information to the social media account information on your website. Most of the social follow tools used on websites allow you to add your Twitter account easily and quickly to your list of social media accounts. Note: Twitter offers a Follow button you can add to your website.
2. Add a timeline of your Twitter messages to your website . Twitter provides widgets that allow you to share a tweet timeline on your website. This can be a great way to share your Twitter conversations with your website visitors, getting double exposure from the same effort.
Note: You want to make sure that the tweets you share contribute to your business story, so be selective about which tweets you share on your website.
3. Make it easy for people to share your website content on Twitter. There are several ways you can add a Tweet This button to your blog posts and website pages, including a tweet button from Twitter. This allows your visitors to easily write a tweet about your content and share it with their followers.
Another way you can move the Twitter conversation to your website is by embedding a tweet.
This allows you to select any tweet and insert it into a post, for example. By embedding the tweet, you allow people who visit your post to jump into the Twitter conversation.
Step #8: Get Mobile With Twitter
Nearly every cell phone can connect you with your Twitter audience.
• Smartphones (iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry) allow you to use the Twitter app and Twitter mobile website to easily send and receive tweets.
• Non-smartphones with texting service (SMS) allow you to use Twitter using text messages. The Twitter app on the iPhone allows you to perform nearly every Twitter activity from your phone that you can do on Twitter allows you to set up push notifications to your smartphone so you know when selected activities happen on Twitter:
• People mention you
• Someone retweets or favorites a tweet you sent
• You get a new follower
• Someone sends you a direct message
With Twitter, a speedy response is best, and push notifications make it easy for you to know
when things are happening for you on Twitter.
Step #9: Share Photographs in Your Tweets
People love to look at pictures, so include photographs in your tweets whenever possible. You don’t have to be a professional photographer or have a fancy camera. All you need is a smartphone.
You can share your photograph from your desktop on or from the Twitter app on your mobile phone. Get into the habit of taking photos of your business activities that you
can share with your Twitter community. Twitter integrates into your smartphone’s camera roll. This allows you to easily share photos
you have taken with your Twitter followers. You can tweet directly from the photos stored on your smartphone, as shown here on an
Twitter adds the photo to your tweet and makes it available for everyone to see. A tweet with a photo allows your followers to view the photo within their tweet timeline. Twitter adds every photo you share to a photo (and video) gallery. The first six appear on your profile page. Take advantage of this feature to share pictures that tell your business
Step #10: Add Video to Your Twitter Timeline
Video is another powerful way to tell people about your business. You can add videos to your Twitter timeline, but you cannot add them directly from Twitter. You must first upload them to another service like YouTube, and then link to them in your tweet.
Twitter allows you to play videos without leaving the platform.
Recently, Twitter launched a new video service called Vine that allows you to take short, 6- second videos from the Vine app and play them on an endless loop inside Twitter.
Step #11: Organize Your Followers Into Conversation Lists
As you follow more people, it can be challenging to focus on the information coming from specific people and groups. That’s where Twitter lists come in.
A Twitter list allows you to separate the Twitter accounts you follow into fb auto review. You might create separate lists for:
• Customers
• Potential customers
• Neighborhood or community businesses
• Trade or professional organizations
• People who inspire you
• People you talk with the most
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