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Yvonne: I think you said a really important serplify review and that is that you kind of have to
train the people in your environment about how you want to work. And how to be
respectful of your time. I mean you may not put it to them that way but I know one of
the things that I find that I’ve done a complete about-face about is, having an open-door
policy; you know, where people can come in and drop in any time they want to. You
know as, as I’ve done more business, it’s not that you don’t want to be open and
accessible to people but they don’t need to, you know, be able to pop their head in
every two minutes. So again, getting people to work with you the way that you need to
work to be efficient is all part of, of getting your time back.
So, to recap time wasters: we had lack of planning and procrastination; we had
interruptions and putting out fires; we had, the biggest one, which is the telephone,
text, email, and Internet, then we had lack of organization and meetings. So, those are
five areas that if you can just get, you know, 10 or so minutes a day from, that right here
is a whole hour. Okay?
So, that is one way to get an hour. If you go at it big time you can get more than an
All right; so, what’s the second thing we’re going to look at Andrea?
Andrea: Well, I think, getting rid of time wasters is absolutely essential, but really what’s going to get you really good results in getting more time is systems. When you have systems in place, you’ll get better results in less time. You know, I worked with somebody once who said, if you do something twice, more than twice, you need to have a form; you need to have a system in place. And, I think when you work in large companies you had systems all the time. But when we work for ourselves, we tend to want to go by the seat of our pants. But I think it’s really worthwhile to think about how do I work? How do I function? Are there tasks that I do on a regular basis and can I make a system for them so that I don’t have to re-create the wheel every time I’m doing this particular task?
Andrea: Well, I think, getting rid of time wasters is absolutely essential, but really what’s going to get you really good results in getting more time is systems. When you have systems in place, you’ll get better results in less time. You know, I worked with somebody once who said, if you do something twice, more than twice, you need to have a form; you need to have a system in place. And, I think when you work in large companies you had systems all the time. But when we work for ourselves, we tend to want to go by the seat of our pants. But I think it’s really worthwhile to think about how do I work? How do I function? Are there tasks that I do on a regular basis and can I make a system for them so that I don’t have to re-create the wheel every time I’m doing this particular task?
So, one of the things I think we’re going to talk about, Yvonne, is leveraging your
actions. So, what, what do we mean by leveraging actions?
See workbook page 7
Yvonne: Well, I think what that means to me is that if you do something once, you can
get more than one thing out of it. Or, it can make things easier as you’re going forward.
For instance, one of the things when I first started my coaching business that my coach
told me that was wonderful was, you know, once I sat down and put together an
introductory package or a welcome package, it was worth the effort to really sit down
and plan what I needed to put in that so that when I ran one off I could run off three.
And, so the next client that I had, I just had to make one small change or whatever and it
was ready to go; as opposed to having to say, oh my God, I have to start from scratch,
The same thing is true with work agreements. If you do a letter contract kind of thing,
you can have, a kind of a boiler plate on those kinds of things and you just have to stick
in one new paragraph or one, new things so that you can actually get that done and get
it out quickly as opposed to having to start all over from scratch. That’s true of your
marketing pieces as well.
So, one of the things that you may want to do is you, know really sit down and think
about; take the time to plan. You know, what’s your marketing campaign is going to be
for the year and how you can use those marketing campaigns that you have and put
them in place, and spend a day putting that all together so when it’s actually time to do
it you know what you need to do and you know, how to get it down faster.
The other thing is when you’re doing something, think of how you can use it again and,
and this happened to me just the other day. I also have a radio show; a BlogTalk radio
show on health. And I was like, “What am I going to do, what am I going to do?” And I
thought; you know what? We’re talking about making time for yourself and for
marketing. Well, that’s a topic that I can do and the radio show for health too. Because,
a lot of times we don’t make time for ourselves to exercise and to eat right and to cook
on my radio show. So, I’m getting two uses out of the same topic. So I think that’s a really important thing to do. And the same thing is true is if you take the time to do, a
brochure that you can give out to new business, you only need to create it once, but you
can use it on many, many new clients.
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