Monday, January 30, 2017


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Use a Virtual Staff-Finding Service
I’ve been using a service that actually goes out there and does the search for me. It
filters through the first tubesync review . So I don’t really spend much time searching for people
myself anymore.
When I first started, I spent weeks on end trying to find the right person, to negotiate
the best price, the best working conditions, and all that kind of stuff. But in the end,
they didn’t even stay.
So nowadays I work with a very close provider in the Philippines and Chris Ducker from
Virtual Staff Finder. He helps me source out all the virtual assistants and people I need
for my business.
How it Works
They go through the whole process and you pay a one-time fee. They come back to you
with three candidates, you meet them and find out if they’ve got the right skills for
you, and then – bang –you’re up and away.
That saves you a lot of time.
If you don’t want to spend that money up front, then you can definitely try out all the
other outsourcing sites out there, like Elance, oDesk, and
I would not be so confident about going to Elance and oDesk because most of those
people are contractors or looking for just one-time jobs. Usually, my goal is to find a
full-time virtual assistant or full-time virtual worker who can focus completely on my
business and concentrate on all the things I need.
When to Hire
A lot of people say, “Oh, I can’t really afford someone right now because we’re just
starting out.”I say, “Look, if you really want to fast-track your success right now, hire a virtual
assistant to overtake all of your administration, so that way you can start managing
money much faster.”
Particularly in blogging, it’s a long journey. It’s a lot of hard work to be able to produce
all of that content and you can’t do that all by yourself. You need help. So, the faster
you can get content produced, the faster you can get your blog marketed, the faster
you’ll achieve success. You definitely need an extra helping hand. But that is only if
you’re just starting out.
Established Businesses
For the people who are already currently have a successful business running behind
them, if you haven’t outsourced a lot of the administration side of things, then that’s
the first thing that you need to get done. Get somebody to help – whether it’s by
managing your email, customer support, backend posting of you blog posts, or
handling any of the financial side of things.
Get a Personal Assistant
The first position to outsource is the virtual assistant.
Virtual assistants can do quite a number of things – anything from handling emails to
posting articles on your blog. With blogging, there’s a lot of behind the scenes that you
don’t personally need to do and that’s the reason why I recommend hiring a virtual
Responding to emails can be very, very time consuming. Facebook, Twitter, social
networks – all those things really take a lot of time. You could get someone to update
all of that for you as well and manage all of those comments. There’s a lot of the
behind the scenes things that you don’t need to do yourself.
People struggle with it, because they want to answer those emails themselves. I
understand, but you’ve got to think like a big business owner and think, “If I’m going to
manage a business, then I should find a team that can actually take over that side of
things, train them up to be able to answer very similar questions and hopefully
minimize it with an FAQ page.” That allows you to free your time up to focus on things
that will generate income for your site.I know that a lot of pro bloggers who have full-time virtual assistants. If there’s
anything that they need to respond to personally, they’ll personally hop on and take
care of it. But having a virtual assistant allows them to focus on producing more
Get a Programmer
If you want to grow in blogging, then you could consider hiring a full-time programmer
to manage the technical side of things. I think that’s probably one of the biggest things
that people struggle with, doing all of the graphical work, making sure that the blog’s
up to date, and creating a really neat, cool blog that will stand out. You shouldn’t be
doing that yourself. It takes a lot of time out of you.
Get a Writer
From there, if you’re blog is going to another level, then you can hire full-time writers
to be able to write articles for the blog and post them for you. Turn it into a magazinestyle blog, if that’s the direction that you want to head.
Think Full-Time
I’ve tried using a contract virtual assistant who charged me by the hour. But that hasn’t
been very effective for me, because they end up having other jobs that they’ve got to
When they get distracted with other tubesync review (they might have five or six others), they’ll
probably put your work down at the bottom of the pile. That’s not a position that you
want to be in.
Not Ready to Hire Full-Time?
Find another blogger out there who also wants to hire a virtual assistant to share the
load with you. You can both hire them on a part-time basis, half and half. If you’re both
doing very much the same stuff, then it makes sense.
Don’t be a Manager
If you’re going to build a business, the most important thing is you want dedicated
people to run your business for you. There’s no point in you having all these
outsourcers doing all your work, if you still have to be the one managing the whole
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