Official site:
When you contact the client with the video so they can review it make sure to let them know that
once they approve the video your team will be marketing the video for them for free! This does
two things 1 ) it encourages them to approve the video quickly (which saves you time and effort
making changes) and 2) gets them excited for more results.
Now, NOT EVERYONE WILL LIKE THIS VIDEO!! It’s very important to understand that. It’s
also important to understand that it's ok that not everyone will like it.
Just like the the questionnaire, this stage is designed to eliminate bad apples. If the client does
not see the value of having a video like this for their my product store review (or if they have a bunch of change requests for the video) they are most likely going to be a bad client to work with in the future.
I’ve found that the cheaper the person is the more they want. If they want the moon for free
imagine how needy they will be once they start paying you?
The best clients I’ve ever had come in through this method have been the ones who filled out
the questionnaire and approve the video without any changes because they are excited to see
how I will market it for them. In the long run, they pay me the most money and have been the
easiest to deal with.
So be very comfortable rejecting people at this stage if they don’t like the video.
Now with that being said I also get requests to add images in between the reviews (something
I’ve starting doing regularly now) and remove some reviews from customer/clients/patients they
don’t feel comfortable showing (weird but it happens). I’ve also had a few people who request
me to remove the last names from the reviews for privacy reasons (I don’t do this because we
are copying reviews from websites on which the person willingly placed their information so
there is no need to remove any identification info).
If they DO like and approve the video, the next stage is promote the video on either Youtube
(free) and/or Facebook (paid).
Impress Part II: Video Promotion
To promote the video and impress the client I rank it on Google/YouTube for “client business
name + reviews” AND spend $51 0 on Facebook to promote it as a video ad.
I do this for two reasons. 1 ) I want to overdeliver on my initial promise and 2) I want to show off
what my company can do.
By overdelivering I am creating a sense of reciprocity aka I am subconsciously causing the
client to feel like they owe me (which is obviously important when the time comes to pitch them
on my services). By showing off my services I am also getting them excited and wanting more. It’s a highly effective combination and results in over a 60% conversion rate from free to paid
services (due in large part because you eliminated so many businesses in the initial freebie
However I understand if you don’t have the budget for Facebook ads (I didn’t when I got started)
so just ranking on Youtube is enough to get their my product store review .
Let’s start with Facebook Video Ads
Launching a Facebook video ad is in my opinion the easiest type of ad to create on Facebook
(once you have the video of course which you already do). I’m not going to show you the exact
steps to create a video ad (you can just check out YouTube for plenty of tutorials on how to do
that) but I WILL show you the most important pieces that I do that others do not.
Here is a screenshot showing a recent campaign for a client. Notice how the cost per view is
$0.02 and the total amount spent is only $1 7.32. This particular campaign will be run to about
$20 and then we will show the results to the clientNow that you’ve seen how cheap this method is, let’s talk about how to actually pull it off.
First you MUST use Power Editor to create your video ad.
The “secret sauce” reason I use Power Editor is that I want to build an audience of people who
both 1 ) viewed the video and 2) completed the video (aka watched the entire video). Then
when I’m on the call with the client (which I’ll explain in more detail later) I SHOW the client
these audiences of people who interacted with their video and go “imagine if you could run an
ad JUST to these people who have already proven they are interested in your services?”. That
right there will close you deals even if you screw everything else up.
Now in the past you had to actually “check” the button to have power editor create audiences for
you but now Facebook has changed it so it happens automatically AS LONG AS YOU setup the
video ad in Power Editor.
The last thing you need to do for the video ads is set your audience and targeting. If you setup
your questionnaire correctly your client will have already told you who their “ideal
client/customer/patient” is. You just set that information in Facebook targeting tools and set a
radius of 58 miles around their location.
Set your budget as $1 2 per day and let it run for a few days. By the time you have your review
call with the client you will have results (video views) and the audiences ready to show them.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To get around the Facebook “20% Text” Rule make sure to create a
special version of your video commercial for Facebook. In your “Facebook” version, add a
image to the very beginning of the video with NO text on it. Have the image appear for about
half a second. If you are unfamiliar with the rule, you can look it up but just trust me on this.
Ranking on YouTube/Google is even easier.
If you are unfamiliar with Facebook ads or don’t have the budget for them I highly suggest you
get started with Youtube.
What I do for my YouTube/Google rankings is easy. I only target ONE keyword when I do this,
“Client Company Name + Reviews” (example: Sally’s Plumbing Reviews).
The reason I do this is simple. First, it's the EASIEST local keyword you can possibly rank them
for (I see rankings in a few minutes to a few hours sometimes) and second this keyword is being
searched for by their customers/clients/patients (even though it will show as having zero search
results in Google Keyword Planner). Having a video with only 5 star reviews on Page 1 of
Google is going to help convince people they are a good company (especially if they have
negative reviews in other places).
NOTE: a great way to prove this is a valuable keyword for them during your review meeting is to
go to Google and start typing in their company name and look at the “instant” Google
suggestions. If their Company Name + Reviews is one of the suggested keywords you have all
the proof you need (as any search phrase that shows up there has enough search volume to
produce ROI if monetized).
To rank on YouTube and Google for Client Company Name + Reviews it’s usually as easy as
just uploading the video with the file name changed to Client Company Name Reviews(example my product store review) and putting the title of the video (in Youtube when you
upload it) as Client Company Name Reviews (aka Sally’s Plumbing Reviews).
In cases where the client’s company name is similar to other companies in other areas I will add
the city and state to the video title when I upload it (aka “Sally’s Plumbing Reviews Miami FL”).
99% of the time that's all you need to do to get the video on Page 1 . I will go through and add
the “location” of the video in YouTube’s upload settings as the City/State of the client’s location
but I’ve tested and found that doesn’t matter in easy cities
once they approve the video your team will be marketing the video for them for free! This does
two things 1 ) it encourages them to approve the video quickly (which saves you time and effort
making changes) and 2) gets them excited for more results.
Now, NOT EVERYONE WILL LIKE THIS VIDEO!! It’s very important to understand that. It’s
also important to understand that it's ok that not everyone will like it.
Just like the the questionnaire, this stage is designed to eliminate bad apples. If the client does
not see the value of having a video like this for their my product store review (or if they have a bunch of change requests for the video) they are most likely going to be a bad client to work with in the future.
I’ve found that the cheaper the person is the more they want. If they want the moon for free
imagine how needy they will be once they start paying you?
The best clients I’ve ever had come in through this method have been the ones who filled out
the questionnaire and approve the video without any changes because they are excited to see
how I will market it for them. In the long run, they pay me the most money and have been the
easiest to deal with.
So be very comfortable rejecting people at this stage if they don’t like the video.
Now with that being said I also get requests to add images in between the reviews (something
I’ve starting doing regularly now) and remove some reviews from customer/clients/patients they
don’t feel comfortable showing (weird but it happens). I’ve also had a few people who request
me to remove the last names from the reviews for privacy reasons (I don’t do this because we
are copying reviews from websites on which the person willingly placed their information so
there is no need to remove any identification info).
If they DO like and approve the video, the next stage is promote the video on either Youtube
(free) and/or Facebook (paid).
Impress Part II: Video Promotion
To promote the video and impress the client I rank it on Google/YouTube for “client business
name + reviews” AND spend $51 0 on Facebook to promote it as a video ad.
I do this for two reasons. 1 ) I want to overdeliver on my initial promise and 2) I want to show off
what my company can do.
By overdelivering I am creating a sense of reciprocity aka I am subconsciously causing the
client to feel like they owe me (which is obviously important when the time comes to pitch them
on my services). By showing off my services I am also getting them excited and wanting more. It’s a highly effective combination and results in over a 60% conversion rate from free to paid
services (due in large part because you eliminated so many businesses in the initial freebie
However I understand if you don’t have the budget for Facebook ads (I didn’t when I got started)
so just ranking on Youtube is enough to get their my product store review .
Let’s start with Facebook Video Ads
Launching a Facebook video ad is in my opinion the easiest type of ad to create on Facebook
(once you have the video of course which you already do). I’m not going to show you the exact
steps to create a video ad (you can just check out YouTube for plenty of tutorials on how to do
that) but I WILL show you the most important pieces that I do that others do not.
Here is a screenshot showing a recent campaign for a client. Notice how the cost per view is
$0.02 and the total amount spent is only $1 7.32. This particular campaign will be run to about
$20 and then we will show the results to the clientNow that you’ve seen how cheap this method is, let’s talk about how to actually pull it off.
First you MUST use Power Editor to create your video ad.
The “secret sauce” reason I use Power Editor is that I want to build an audience of people who
both 1 ) viewed the video and 2) completed the video (aka watched the entire video). Then
when I’m on the call with the client (which I’ll explain in more detail later) I SHOW the client
these audiences of people who interacted with their video and go “imagine if you could run an
ad JUST to these people who have already proven they are interested in your services?”. That
right there will close you deals even if you screw everything else up.
Now in the past you had to actually “check” the button to have power editor create audiences for
you but now Facebook has changed it so it happens automatically AS LONG AS YOU setup the
video ad in Power Editor.
The last thing you need to do for the video ads is set your audience and targeting. If you setup
your questionnaire correctly your client will have already told you who their “ideal
client/customer/patient” is. You just set that information in Facebook targeting tools and set a
radius of 58 miles around their location.
Set your budget as $1 2 per day and let it run for a few days. By the time you have your review
call with the client you will have results (video views) and the audiences ready to show them.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To get around the Facebook “20% Text” Rule make sure to create a
special version of your video commercial for Facebook. In your “Facebook” version, add a
image to the very beginning of the video with NO text on it. Have the image appear for about
half a second. If you are unfamiliar with the rule, you can look it up but just trust me on this.
Ranking on YouTube/Google is even easier.
If you are unfamiliar with Facebook ads or don’t have the budget for them I highly suggest you
get started with Youtube.
What I do for my YouTube/Google rankings is easy. I only target ONE keyword when I do this,
“Client Company Name + Reviews” (example: Sally’s Plumbing Reviews).
The reason I do this is simple. First, it's the EASIEST local keyword you can possibly rank them
for (I see rankings in a few minutes to a few hours sometimes) and second this keyword is being
searched for by their customers/clients/patients (even though it will show as having zero search
results in Google Keyword Planner). Having a video with only 5 star reviews on Page 1 of
Google is going to help convince people they are a good company (especially if they have
negative reviews in other places).
NOTE: a great way to prove this is a valuable keyword for them during your review meeting is to
go to Google and start typing in their company name and look at the “instant” Google
suggestions. If their Company Name + Reviews is one of the suggested keywords you have all
the proof you need (as any search phrase that shows up there has enough search volume to
produce ROI if monetized).
To rank on YouTube and Google for Client Company Name + Reviews it’s usually as easy as
just uploading the video with the file name changed to Client Company Name Reviews(example my product store review) and putting the title of the video (in Youtube when you
upload it) as Client Company Name Reviews (aka Sally’s Plumbing Reviews).
In cases where the client’s company name is similar to other companies in other areas I will add
the city and state to the video title when I upload it (aka “Sally’s Plumbing Reviews Miami FL”).
99% of the time that's all you need to do to get the video on Page 1 . I will go through and add
the “location” of the video in YouTube’s upload settings as the City/State of the client’s location
but I’ve tested and found that doesn’t matter in easy cities
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