Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Official site: https://goo.gl/7Tm9jN
Google’s 2016 updates—what’s on the ​zen titan review ?You don’t need a crystal ball or secret informer at Google to get a general sense of what may be onthe horizon. After reviewing a decade of updates made to Google’s search algorithm, it’s easy to get asolid idea of what changes Google is likely to make, before they roll out.Before we take a look at what’s coming up, let’s look at something previous Google algorithmupdates have in common. Almost all previous updates can give us insights into upcoming updates.Previous updates generally focus on two things; 1) filtering out spam and low quality websites, and 2)making the Internet and Google a better user experience. To figure out what Google may be workingon, we should look at possible changes with these qualities.1. Google further rewards secure sites.Google has already publicly admitted user privacy and security are becoming an increasing area offocus. After the HTTPS update rewarding websites secured with SSL certificates in 2014, it makessense for Google to continue this trend, and give more website owners a nudge to improve usersecurity, perhaps increasing the boost SSL-secured sites receive in search results.2. Further Penguin and Panda updates.Penguin updates are generally those made by Google focused on link quality. Panda updates aretypically focused on content quality. A solid update or refresh for each of these areas usually happensonce every year. It’s likely Google will improve its accuracy in finding low-quality, non-relevantspammy type links, and further devalue their power, in a Penguin update. Google may also make afurther Panda update devaluing websites with low-quality content, scraped content, or over aggressiveads.3. Google targets ‘bad neighborhood’ type sites.As more traditional businesses move online, leading to increased pressure on Google fromcommercial advertisers, we may begin to see fewer results for zen titan review perceived as part of a ‘badneighborhood’ type network showing up in search. This includes sites advocating user privacy suchas sites streaming illegal versions of TV shows and movies. Authoritative brands with large socialaudiences and brand recognition may continue to be rewarded with higher positions.4. More mobile updates.Google has spearheaded a very large ‘pro-mobile’ initiative in 2015 and in 2016 this is likely tocontinue, with mobile Internet usage expected to surpass desktop in 2016. Google’s mobile index isseparate to its desktop index, meaning mobile users are seeing different results pages than desktopusers. Now Google have specialized their focus on mobile users, this will be optimized andimproved. Expect more severe impacts on sites that don’t support mobile, or more sophisticatedalgorithms for assessing how ‘mobile friendly’ a website really is.5. Google search result layout changes.Google continually makes small adjustments to how its search results appear to make Google moreuseful. Potential layout changes to results pages include better listings for mobile apps, more detailedlistings for local businesses, and better support for listings using structured data markup such asschema.org. We may also see improvements to results for direct question type searches, such as FAQsand how-to type searches, as mobile users increase, Google will improve their support for mobileusers needing information on-the-go.That covers probable areas of focus for Google over the next 12-months, based on current onlinetrends, and what many industry insiders believe are pending changes.I don’t have a crystal ball, and cannot see into the future—the above are just educated guesses. Don’trun out and change your whole business based on speculation. That said, keep these areas in the backof your mind, so you don’t get caught with your pants down from a Google update.Focus on improving the quality of your site, provide good mobile support, and earn good qualitybacklinks and social media activity. If you focus on these areas, it’s unlikely you will run into anymajor problems, and you will increase your online zen titan review at the same time.
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