Thursday, January 5, 2017


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5 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ads
Facebook ads continue to grow in popularity as more and more people discover the value of them.
However, if you aren’t using these display ads correctly you could be wasting your marketing dollars.
Let’s look at 5 ways to improve your Facebook ads.
#1 Create & Test Various Ad Versions
You should create a number of different versions of your webinar master review with just minor changes in the text, design,
pattern, etc. Once you have created these variations you should run your test ads for a specific period of
time. This is a good way to test to see which ads are having the most impact and reach on your target
#2 Run the Ads for The Correct Period of Time
Don’t just take your ads down if you think they are under performing. Eventually, every ad on Facebook
will undergo what’s called ‘ad fatigue,’ and you will start to have a decline in CTR. This happens because
users have already seen your ad, so it loses its impact. You need to be constantly assessing the ROI on
your ads so that you can revise, remove, recycle your ads to get the most out of them. Watch for when
your CTR dips – that’s the time to change your ads.
#3 Use Low-Friction Conversion
Facebook ads will drive the user right to your site, but you need to make sure you have only a ‘single call
to action’ on the landing page. This is how to convert the highest number of people. Any more than one
solid call to action your conversion rate will actually drop.
#4 Drive Traffic to a Landing Page That’s Been Optimized
Drive the traffic from your Facebook ad so that you can capture leads. You need to make sure your ad is
going directly to your site page and there your potential customer has to know what is expected of them
next. If you don’t do this correctly, you are going to be throwing your money out the window.
#5 Don’t Drive Traffic to a Sales Page
If you do this you will watch them click the back button faster than you can say ‘bye.’ Instead, what you
want to do is offer them something they can sign up for like a newsletter, give something of value away
for free and in exchange have them sign up, etc. If you are giving your prospects something they want
like free help, your next step will be to convert them to a paying customer.
Take advantage of what Facebook ads can do for you!
Bid Higher and Get Quicker Approval of Your Facebook Ads
Facebook ads can be an effective way to increase your 
webinar master review  , build new likes, direct people to your website, create a one time offer, and much more. Facebook ad placements are based on your bid and
what most advertisers are aware of is that the higher your bid the higher your placement but what most
advertisers don’t know is that the higher your bid rate is that faster your ads will be approved.
If it takes a while for your ads to be approved, you are losing time when you might be testing your ads.
Just by increasing your bid rate after your ads can get approved faster. This doesn’t work forever, but it
does work to get things moving.
Why does this work? Because Facebook’s system prioritizes the advertisers based on how much you
spend on a regular basis. So if you bid $1.00 CPM but then switch it to $0.05 Facebook is going to figure
it out. So, you won’t want to use this trick for just too long of a time. However, it is an excellent
technique if you are a new advertiser.
You should take advantage of the Facebook conversion tracking tools that are offered. While driving
fans is a main reason for using Facebook ads, there are other reasons like driving traffic to your site.
Fortunately, if you are one of these people, Facebook has tracking tools that you can take advantage of.
This is a great technique to use to determine how well your ads are performing along with how much
revenue the ad is generating.
When you use these tools you can decide if your current ads are causing you to lose money or generate
profit. If you are not running a cost per fan ad campaign, then you should be taking advantage of this
Facebook tool.
Always keep the ‘passion factor’ in mind when you are creating Facebook ad campaigns. When you
create your ad campaigns if you don’t consider the fact that some groups are far more passionate than
others, you aren’t alone – it’s a common mistake among marketers and advertisers. Passionate fans will
click on your ads far more often. Your job is to invoke a passionate response from your ad and the best
way to do this is with passionate people.
Of course, you should also avoid boring ads. Create ads that are going to generate an emotional
response and then target viewers that are passionate about your interest.
It’s Time to Talk About the Uncommon Tips for Facebook Ad Success
When it comes to talking about tips that will make your Facebook ads a success there are certainly
plenty of them floating around. However, there are also, many uncommon tips that we don’t hear so
much about that can make our Facebook ad campaigns that much more successful. That’s what we are
going to look at right now. That way you can combine all of the great tips you get together to create a
solid Facebook ad campaign.
#1 Track Your Performance
One thing that’s often omitted is the tracking of ad performance. Far too many marketers throw up their
ad then sit back and wait. The trouble is you never know if the ad is performing well or poorly. Take
advantage of Google Analytics to regularly track your ad performance. Make sure your ad is generating
interest and make sure it hasn’t reached the ‘burn out’ phase. You should change your ads at least every
six months. This includes new copy, headlines and images.
#2 Have a Landing Page Clear Call to Action
Once the user clicks the ad, they need to know what they are supposed to do next. If the message is
mixed on the landing page, they’ll simply click the back button and be gone. You need to ensure that
you have a single clear call to action that your visitors can easily understand and that they can easily
follow the directions. For example, ‘click here,’ or ‘signup now.’ Graphic call to actions tend to work the
#3 Understand ROI
ROI or return on investment is a very important part of knowing your ad success. You need to know how
to track your ROI and how to calculate it. There are 5 things needed to calculate your ROI.
1. Total number of impressions
2. Total cost of your Facebook ad(s)
3. Click rate/response rate
4. Conversion rate
5. Average profit per sale
What you are going to calculate is the cost to get the sale. Once you do this calculation you will be able
to determine your profitability.
#4 Keep Your Landing Page on Facebook
Consider creating a custom landing page right on Facebook. This will help you keep the cost of your ads
lower than when you send traffic to another 
webinar master review . It also gives you the added bonus of being able to pickup more likes and still meet your conversion goals.
Facebook ads are a valuable tool especially when the user makes the most of them!
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