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Let’s begin building reliability into your book selling business. This strategy I’m going to cover is simple and builds your platform with each and every book you launch, from now until the day you die. (Or stop writing books) The strategy is actually rather simple. Let me draw you a pretty picture.You launch your book at 99 cents. (After gathering reviews) You then utilize the free/low cost traffic sources to bring traffic to your curation studio review. At the beginning and end of the book, you include your platform information. In short, where they can sign up to follow you. In the past, I would recommend an email list almost exclusively. I still do recommend an email list and we will cover that, but I now think it’s wise to also include “easier” ways to follow you that doesn’t require giving away an email list. Twitter and Facebook are super simple. They click a button, like or follow, and that’s it. It’s less commitment than giving out an email but still allows them to follow you. Ideally, you should focus on moving them up the chain, getting them on an email list eventually. In fact, you should get them to sign up for everything they can.
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Blog RSS Feed
- Email list
In this way you can hit them multiple times. You can email them, send out a Tweet they’ll see, acuration studio review notification, etc. The more times they hear your message, the more likely they will come and
buy! You probably also noticed that each launch you want to send people back from your platform to your book. That should probably be a given. This Strategy Constantly Increases Your Platform Size
Every time you launch a book, your platform increases. More people are added to your audience at each launch since you are bringing new traffic in as well as using your current platform to make more sales. The result is a rapidly growing business. The only limit to growth speed is how fast you can release your next book.
Alright, so now you know the basic strategy, let’s start covering the nitty details.
Pen Names, Book Series, Genre’s, Fiction and
So we’re here at the starting point and there is already confusion, I can sense it! “How should I organize my pen names? Genres? Book series? Do I build a platform around a pen name, a book, a series of books...what?”
This is a great question – how do we build our platform? The problem stems from the great flexibility books and the way we categorize them. This is actually easy enough to solve once you think about it. A platform is built around an author. You. Well, sort of you. Your pen name in the niche or genre that you operate in. That pen
name might be your actual name or not, but regardless, you build your platform around you, the author, and your pen name. I organize everything like this:
Fiction -> Sci-fiction/fantasy = 1 Pen name.
Nonfiction -> Romance Help = 1 Pen name.
Nonfiction -> Business (This niche) = 1 Pen name.
Each one has a different pen name and each audience/platform is completely different from the others.
One platform for my fiction books. A different platform for my nonfiction romance/relationship help. A different platform for my business/kindle help and each with their own pen name/author that the platform is built around.
To me, this makes the most sense and is the easiest to organize. That way, if I write a series of books (or even multiple different series) in one niche/genre, I can promote it to that single platform. You will note that I don’t mix platforms or pen names. There are several reasons for that, some due to business organization and
tax benefits. However, the biggest reason is to lessen buyer confusion. For example, my platform for fiction books knows if they get a message from me about a new book, they know without thinking that this new book would interest them. And to be honest, I want people to love me to the point they purchase without thinking! (And so do you) This is how I recommend you set up your pen names and platforms. If you write books in multiple, widely different niches (nonfiction biographies vs. kids books, for example), then separate them via pen name.
Starting Point: The Book
Now that we have the pen names and curation studio review out of the way we need to dive into organizing promotions based on books. As you already know, each book is promoted and the buyers are added to your platform for future promotions. Now, the next question is, what about book series? It doesn’t make much sense to do individual, outside book promotions to books in the middle of a series. If you pay for book promotions or do free book promotions to middle books, then you have new buyers coming in half-way through a series and that will be confusing. (Unless you write each book in the series as a standalone – which takes place in the same universe but not the same story arc/timeline) So how do you drive new traffic to this series? This is where promotion funnels come in and there are all sorts of ways to do this. I’m going to recommend two methods, the free lead and the low priced lead. Before I explain these, however, let’s define some terms. Lead or Front End: The book which a new reader is introduced to you. Backlist: Other books in the same genre/niche that get sold to your platform. (Note: Some or all of your books on your backlist could be their own lead! Why? All of your regular buyers are part of your platform, but an individual buyer, who we’ll name Bob, only came in from one book lead. Bob bought To Kill a Zombie, but didn’t know you had Alien Invasion, which is a related sci-fi apocalyptic book. To Bob, Alien Invasion is part of your backlist.) Funnel: The process of taking your platform and promoting your backlist.
Series: An arc of related stories. From a marketing perspective, the first book is your Front End that you promote heavily, while the next books in the series are the backlist or the funnel. Event: A reason for running a new promotion. Typically the introduction of a new book.
So here is how this works – say you are a new author who is writing a book series, Zombie Flesh, and you are going to have 3 books in the series:
- Zombie Flesh
- Zombie Flesh: Regurgitated
- Zombie Flesh: Digested
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