Wednesday, February 22, 2017


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Part 2: How To Partner With People To Help Grow Your Blog The problem with writing a blog by yourself is your entire income is dependent on you and you alone.You can’t stop working while on holidays (that is not a holiday!), you can’t get sick for long and you always need to produce content. Without you, your blog suffers and your income does too. While blogging is potentially a highly leveraged source of income, meaning you can derive a lot from little work once you get momentum behind your blog, it is still smart to think of your blog as a vitraffic review . You should consider how it might continue operating one day without you. Since the lifeblood of a blog is content, if you bring on new authors to write for your blog, it becomes much less reliant on you for success. Attracting quality new writers to your blog is a difficult process and there are many variables to consider. Your goal is to sustain the value that your blog offers, or ideally, increase the value that it offers to your readers, by
leveraging other people’s talent in a mutually beneficial relationship.
It’s pretty clear that the best blogs have talented people writing them. While
talent alone isn’t enough, it’s important to focus on attracting, then filtering and finally retaining talented individuals as the key outcome of your outsourcing efforts.
Even if a blogger can’t commit to as many articles as you would like them to write, having one great blogger send in one article a week will do more for your traffic and blog growth than a mediocre blogger writing once a day. Finding talent is not a process that can be done quickly and you won’t really know if a new writer you bring to your blog works well until they have published to your blog for a period of time. Watching how people react to your hired bloggers is a good way to determine if you have added a quality person to your team. Look for comments, social media sharing, traffic and incoming links from other blogs and websites generated by your writers as key metrics to assess their performance.
When Is The Right Time To Hire Bloggers? This is an important question to answer. You have two variables to consider -
1. You How much writing do you intend to do yourself and what roles do you want to perform for your blog?
2. The current status of your blog
How much traffic do you have? How much revenue, if any, do you make? What can you offer to writers to incentivize their contributions?
The first part I can’t really help with since you know what volume of work you want to contribute to your blog and what role you want to play. Your end goal might be to stop writing altogether and act as the manager of a team of writers. Or you may want to continue writing to your blog but bring on additional writers to increase content and thus traffic, or perhaps start a new blog or even build a network of several blogs around a topic area with a writing team (a great strategy to increase the size and value of your company). The current status of your blog is a crucial element because it determines what leverage points you have to offer the people you hire. If you have a hugely popular blog then many people will consider it a privilege to write for it and will likely give their best work because they know how much they gain from the exposure your blog provides. The less traffic you have the harder it is to attract writers without offering some form of payment. If you plan to outsource from the start, with no traffic or brand in the blogosphere, you will either have to offer partnership or pay money in return for 
vitraffic review . Other options include a contra deal where you trade products or services you provide in exchange for blogging, for example consulting, or web design/hosting, or SEO work in exchange for writing. An internship might work as a way to find a blogger too, but you will have to be selective and choose a talented person. In short, the position you are in now dictates what options you have and what resources you can leverage.
How To Get People To Write For No Money If you were to ask me how to get a person to write for “free” I would suggest
focusing on building one great blog. If that means working on it yourself for the short-term future then so be it, you have to start somewhere. Make one great blog, grow the traffic and brand into something well known and liked within your niche and then you have something you can leverage. People will be more interested to work as a volunteer, if you can offer them exposure in return, but you need an audience to be able to offer that.
Like my story with Small Business Branding you don’t necessarily have to build the blog from scratch yourself - you can go out and buy a blog that’s already established. With an asset available you can offer exposure and traffic to your potential writing recruits in exchange for content. Another alternative is to bring on a partner or several partners as writers. The downside with this method is you share ownership of your asset with someone; the upside is they may be as motivated as you are (or more!) to see your blog succeed. You could consider offering a deferred payment plan. Make a pledge to pay a set amount in a set time period regardless of the performance of the blog, provided they agree to contribute a certain amount of writing. This agreement lets you “put off” paying your writer until your blog is producing revenue, and is also secure for your writers since they are
guaranteed a certain amount of money even if the blog doesn’t take off. It’s a gamble, but it might help you get started if you have little cash to begin with. No matter what option you choose, there really isn’t any way to hire a
blogger for free; you always offer something of value in exchange for
their work. But remember it doesn’t necessarily have to take the form of upfront cash.
How About Paying Bloggers Money To Write? How Much
Should You Offer Them? If you have cash to spare (or should I say invest!) then paying for blog content is a great way to motivate writers. If you are serious about building a quality blog, then you better be serious about rewarding your writers well. Bloggers who write for big online publications such as the 
vitraffic review, have formal contracts and sometimes are employees (not just freelancers), much like a journalist at a magazine or newspaper.
Chances are in your case, you won’t be hiring anyone on a full time employee basis, at least not initially. You will focus your blog outsourcing on the freelancer/contractor model. This is important to note because it impacts the payment structure, and is more flexible for both the writer and you as the blog owner. Generally most payment agreements are based on the number of blog posts (number of articles published), either paying per blog post, or paying a set amount each month or week in exchange for a set amount of posts. 
On top of writing, you may also require bloggers you hire to perform some marketing and social media tasks related to their content in order to build an audience, and also engage with people who leave comments on their articles.
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