Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Official site:
The Future of Monetization
I feel like monetization is really heading in the right direction now. People aren’t as
focused on making a quick buck.
They’re also using fewer adverts. Instead of four adverts, they have one advert that’s
as big as four used to be. Then they’re charging 400-600% more money for that advert.
Not only is it more profitable, it’s also more reliable.
Michael’s New Affiliate Model
Like I said, you have all of your products on one site. Then you have affiliates driving
traffic to your blog (not directly to wp twin review). The people they send to your blog will,
at some point, buy one of your products, at which point the affiliate makes a
I feel that’s the way a lot of sites will be going, because there are a lot more people
creating products. There are a lot more blogs becoming quite big, because they’re
working harder and investing more.
Michael’s Goal
I want to do this on my terms. I want to know that I can completely walk away from my
business. It’s not that I don’t want to have anything to do with my business. I just love
the fact that I don’t have to if I don’t want to.
I like knowing that if I want to go on holiday for the next six months, I could. I could
jump on cruise ship and go on one of those six month cruises. If the Internet didn’t
work on the cruise ship, I would still become wealthier every day I’m on that ship.
Last Words
People buy because of what you have to write. People visit your 
wp twin review for the exact same
Focus on Content
Great content will bring people to your site. If the content is geared towards some sort
of affiliate product, they’re going to end up buying it.
I think content is the way to go and that’s why I pay people to write. I don’t accept free
posts very often because there’s a massive difference in quality between free posts and
paid posts. If you want to make more money, offer higher quality.
Don’t rely on one thing. You can only make so much money from an advertisement.
You can only fit so many ads on your site. Therefore you know you’re only worth this
However, if you have your own product on top, you can make more. If you promote
affiliate products in your blog posts, then you can make more. It just makes sense.
1. Experiment with Google AdSense.
The nice thing about AdSense is that you can get started with it right away. You
don’t need to have a big audience like you would for most other monetization
2. Begin blogging.
If you want to make money online, you need to start attracting an audience.
The best, and cheapest, way to do that is with content. Choose an audience and
start writing blog posts that help that audience.
3. Start with affiliate marketing.
Once your blog starts to get traffic, 
wp twin review  becomes like a retail store. Pick and
choose which products you’d like to sell, and then occasionally reference those
products at the end of blog posts. If people click and buy, you’ll get a
commission. If the product helps them, they’ll buy the next thing you
recommend. If it doesn’t, they’ll leave forever.
4. Develop and sell a product.
Michael’s biggest lesson is to make something that people are asking for. He
sells educational products and software. Everything he sells was originally
created because, either, he needed it or people were asking for it.
5. Sell private ad space.
Michael only has two ads on Income Diary. Both are in the top-right corner.
Instead of going through a service like, he sells directly to the
website owners. Find companies that are already advertising on sites like yours
and make them an offer. Then, just make sure they’re happy at the end of every
month and they’ll stay.

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