Wednesday, February 22, 2017


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First impressions last a long time.
When your subscribers discover you for the first time, they’re going to naturally try to categorize you and figure out where you rank in terms of dropmock review , legitimacy and most importantly – a sense of commonality. This happens instantly whether they know it’s happening or not. The truth is, most marketers try to get away with just being average. But an average marketer produces mediocre results. It's the ones that put in a little extra effort to exceed subscriber expectations that create raving fans who purchase more often and share their
experience with others. In this chapter, you'll learn the importance of exceeding subscriber expectations to build a business that breaks past mediocrity and makes more money. Are you up to the challenge? The One-Time Opportunity You’d Be Crazy To Squander Your welcome email is the message that’s sent automatically to new
subscribers after confirming they want to sign up for your list. In its simplest form, it’s a short thank you message. And if you offer your subscribers a juicy sign-up incentive, it’ll tell them how to get that Given those numbers, you’re missing a huge opportunity if your welcome email says nothing more than “Thanks for subscribing!” When your new subscribers open that first email, their interest levels are at an all-time high. It’s a rare situation in which you have your reader’s undivided attention. So here’s a quick and highly effective way to make sure you (and your subscribers) get every ounce of value from your welcome email. Over-deliver With The Best You Have To Offer When subscribers first join your list, they have a mixture of emotions. They hope they’re going to get a ton of value from being on your list, but they also fear they’ll be disappointed. That’s why you need to impress them as soon as possible after signing up with the very best you have to offer. This will widely depend on what niche you’re in but… because free “bribes” are so commonplace, even a genuinely valuable giveaway can sometimes feel underwhelming. Here are my favorite ways to over-deliver with my welcome email:
1. Give away my very best material in a free report or
2. Include an unexpected free bonus report or
3. Include a list of links to my best blog posts that have already proven to be popular with my audience This is a great way to build trust early in the relationship and to position yourself as a person who can deliver the goods.
Results In Advance
Know the best way to make sure people are glad they joined your dropmock reviewProvide them with a solution that will get them some results right away. Or even something that they can implement right away. Even a teeny tiny tip that teaches them something valuable right now can have a powerful effect. It doesn’t need to deliver huge results, just quick results. Here is my welcome email:  For long-term success, you can’t expect to survive the changing online business environment, without delivering trust-building quality content.
This isn’t anything new of course, but realizing how to truly embed this culture into how you run your business is more difficult than you might think. Why? Because it’s so easy to fall for the lure of the quick buck.
It’s too easy to be lazy, and most people aren’t prepared to wait and put in the effort to establish themselves. They want a return on their work in a matter of days, not the weeks it’s going to take to build your following, set up systems and ultimately, establish a quality business. Most online marketers in recent years have built email lists that they essentially use to constantly promote affiliate products and launches. Finding a marketer who sends content out to their list, even as often as 50% of the emails they send, is rare. Once customers get sick of the spam, it’s those marketers who built an autoresponder system that uses quality content to foster trust, and not hit their customers with excessive pitches, who succeed. The Emotional Bank Account Imagine a person gives you their email because they want to read your report on how to improve your putting game in golf. Following the email that gives the report, the next day you send them an email that asks them to buy a putter you recommend (through your affiliate link of course). In fact, that might be the reason that welcome emails have the highest open rate – up to 70% – of all types of marketing emails Then you ask them to buy golf balls (affiliate link), then a manual onhow to chip out of bunkers (affiliate link), then something else.
Your subscriber may have tolerance for one or two pitches especially since they are related to the reason he first subscribed, but by the fifth email they’re starting to wonder why they should keep their relationship with you if all you ever do is show them things they can buy. Instead, imagine if the emails that follow the report include a free video showing a tip on how to hold a putter correctly, then a free interview with a professional golf coach who explains what most amateur golfers do wrong with their putting. The next email gives a great story from the game of golf you played on the weekend, which relates how you learned a special way of thinking to improve concentration during putting. Think of it this way… Trust, which is an emotion, starts at zero in the emotional bank account (maybe even negative in markets that have a reputation for scamming people). Each time you help your subscriber without asking anything from them, they trust you more – and that’s a deposit.
Each time you include a pitch that requires they spend their money, you’re subtracting from that bank account.
Obviously there are subtleties and ways you can pitch with content, but the base rule is clear because we all know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of an email that asks you to buy dropmock reviewIt’s not usually something that makes you like the person who sent you the email.
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