Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Easiest System Review – The first easiest sale online

Easiest System Review – The first easiest sale online
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In most of the businesses I’m involved in, I’m the sole owner and easiest system ever review.
Business Development As the years progress, I’m trying to build one business on top of the next. We’ve got some big projects that we would love to do a few years down the road. I don’t have a lofty goal to make millions and millions of dollars, because I know that that’s not necessary. I just need to make a sufficient amount of income to cover my costs, live a great lifestyle, and then reinvest most of it back into the business.
Millionaire Lifestyle People want to live like millionaires, but if you’re creative it doesn’t have to cost you millions of dollars. That’s what I’ve found living abroad: you can have a fantastic experience and feel like a millionaire, but it’s surprisingly affordable. I’m living in a place where, if I can bring in a couple thousand bucks a month, I’m sorted. You live like a king. You don’t need millions. If you get there, that’s fantastic. But my goal is just to do work that I enjoy, help people out, make a bit of cash, and have fun with it.
Spend Deliberately Everything boils down to living your life consciously and deliberately – not left to chance. Part of that means that you’re spending your money consciously and deliberately. A lot of people blow money on all kinds of stuff. It’s fine to spend tons of money on the things that really make you happy, but stop wasting it on other things just because. Use your resources wisely.
Look Forward Even if you have a great thing going on now, nothing lasts forever. In entrepreneurship, you want to stay on the lookout for future opportunities. So always be building multiple 
easiest system ever review ideas and seeing what works.Reinvest Reinvest in yourself and in your business. That’s something that I wish I had done sooner. Don’t be a penny pincher. Early on, you might consider selling your television and dropping your $130 a month phone plan. Stop going out on weekend benders and spending $200 on beer and instead think about the smartest, best place that you could put that money. You could outsource some of the work or buy a resource to build your business. Don’t be afraid to reinvest. It’s the smartest way you can use your cash.
Do What You Love Focus on the things that you really enjoy. If you’re in a position to bring in other people to cover the stuff that you don’t enjoy and focus on what you do, that makes everything so much easier.
Help People Remember, at the end of the day, you’re in business to help people. Focus on the people that you’re serving and establishing a connection with your customers. That will make all the difference. In business and life, it’s all about the people. I’m 100% focused on people. I love to go to places because I know there’s someone living there who I want to go visit. I love sharing unique experiences with other people.
ACTIONABLE TAKEAWAYS 1. Figure out what you love. When living abroad, life outside of work is especially alluring. In order to run a business in that environment, you need to enjoy it just as much as you enjoy sitting on the beach. 2. Secure foundational clients through networking. When Cody left for Thailand, he had $2,000 to his name. But he was confident he could bring in business because he had a small group of recurring clients that he built up through 
easiest system ever review. 3. Learn the rules of living abroad. Before you can move to a new country, you need to learn about the logistics ofstaying there long-term. Use the CIA World Fact Book to start learning about the legal and tax guidelines. 4. Seek the entrepreneurial lifestyle. It’s nearly impossible to live the nomadic lifestyle without the freedom of having your own business. Find a way to make your business globally accessible. 5. Live like a millionaire abroad. Since the cost of living is so much lower in developing parts of the world like Asia and South America, you can make the same amount of money but live like a king

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017


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Starting Out We started doing fan marketer review three years or four years ago, when they first started coming out. My very first webinar was for a product called “8 Weeks to Profits”. We had already sold it a few times, but then my very first webinar I think we made $32,000. We made $16,000 on the webinar itself and another $16,000 with some follow up emails and cards and stuff. “Wow,” I thought, “I have found my niche!” I learned that the keys were just to put together a good PowerPoint, practice it (but practice the pitch more than you practice the content), and then just be really respectful of people’s time.
What’s Next with Webinars People want to learn. The internet marketing space has gotten really crowded lately. It’s gotten very loud. Everybody promises stuff. If someone would take webinars into these other things, like dentists, and chiropractors and weight loss and all these other, you know, off-shoot type niches, I think a person could make a killing doing them. I won’t say that Internet marketing’s totally saturated. But mostly people in internet marketing have seen a lot of webinars. However, when you go into these other niches that haven’t seen so many webinars, it’s like a gold rush. It’s easier to find gold when it hasn’t been picked over so much.
What’s Changed There are more of those recurring webinars. People have gotten burned by them because they get in on webinar, they see the countdown clock, and then they realize, “Oh, this is just a video.” I still like the live webinars. I’m partial to them. I don’t mind recurring webinars, after my live webinar. But I like the live webinars – and I think they’ve gotten easier. There are the tools to help you put up the replays and do the registration page. The technology’s better. It used to be we got bumped off a lot of webinars. Nowadays, rarely do you ever get bumped off a webinar. With that said, I tell people to close their browsers. If they have ten browsers open, that’s going to eat up a lot of bandwidth and they’re going to get bumped off the fan marketer review. So that’s one thing you can say at the outset: “Look, turn up your speakers, and close all your other browsers, because you’ll get bumped off.” The added advantage is that they’re only focusing on you and they’re not trying to do ten things at once.
LAST WORDS You’re going to make some mistakes, so follow a recipe. Don’t try to learn all of this on your own. Go out and get a webinar course. We have one and other people have one. Doing it all on your own would be like me going to an auto parts store and buying a bunch of singular parts and trying to build an automobile. That would be ridiculously crazy. No, it’s already there: just go out and get an automobile. Don’t spend the next three months of your life trying to piece and hash this together. Follow a proven formula. Follow in the footsteps of someone who’s done thousands of webinars and take their advice. Follow it to a T. Then you can start tweaking it to kind of make it your own.
ACTIONABLE TAKEAWAYS 1. Use GoToWebinar and PowerPoint. That software combination has become the industry standard for hosting webinars because it has all of the functionality and flexibility that you’ll need. 2. Schedule webinars at 9pm EST on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the nights that most people have free. If they’re mostly US-based, that time works well for all fan marketer review. 3. Attract JVs to partner on webinars. Start by building relationships with other internet marketers. When it comes time to ask, they’ll already be your friend. Make scheduling and managing the webinar as simple as possible for them. Then give them 50% of the sales. 4. Sell through and after webinar. 50 minutes of great content, 10 minutes of pitching, final tip, and then Q&A. Immediately afterwards, follow up with an email with a link to purchase the offer. If they don’t bite, send them a physical card with a coupon. 5. Create products from webinars. If you host a webinar and it garners a lot of interest, sell the recording to people who want that information later. Use Kunaki to create and fulfill physical products.
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Thursday, May 25, 2017

List Janitor Review – Give your email marketing a boost

List Janitor Review – Give your email marketing a boost

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Ahead of the Curve I think that at the moment, most people still don’t run split-tests. So even though more people are thinking about conversion, we don’t see many people actually running splittests and scientifically measuring what page elements and what changes have the biggest impact on their businessI think that more people adopting split-testing is important. It’s definitely going to happen, because if you’re not running split-tests, then you’re going to get squeezed out the marketplace. It’s no secret that those companies that have been split-testing the longest are the most successful ones. You look at the likes of list janitor review, Google, Expedia, Ebay – all of these hugely successful websites are data-driven and invest heavily in testing. There are many tools out there for split-testing and you can do it for free, so there really is no excuse. There are also a lot of good tools for interacting with your visitors. Again, at the moment, most website owners don’t actively gather feedback from their visitors. Those that do will be the ones who are going to stick around and the ones who are going to dominate their niches. Those who don’t will get squeezed out of the marketplace.
Future Trends Ad costs are going up. It’s going to cost more to get customers on the web. It’s going to be more competitive. Every day, millions of new websites, and therefore competitors, are created. There are a lot of big web businesses out there now. Ten years ago, you could start a website with zero budget, from your bedroom, and you could have a very successful business very quickly. SEO was very easy and prospecting costs were fairly low. That’s different now. It takes money and investment to get a web business off the ground. So, I think the barriers to entry are higher, it’s really important to have a great product. Obviously, you can have the best website in the world, the most user-friendly website in the world, the most persuasive copy in the world, but if your product is something that lets your customers down, you likely won’t succeed. Ultimately, spending time on your product is time well spent, because the product should sell itself. I think the Internet really accelerates people’s expectation for quality products and it’s near impossible to be successful with a product that isn’t a category-dominating product, which is why so many people choose to niche themselves. That’s a smart move. It’s much better to dominate a small niche with a very personalized, very good product, than it is to bring a broad product to huge niche and not be the best. Being the best is really important on the web. It’s a winner-takes-all environment.
The person with the best lifetime customer value and the best conversion rate is the person who can bid the most to get visitors. The person who can bid the most to get visitors is the one that gets all of the super affiliates, the one that can spend the most on AdWords, the one that can hire the best SEO’s, they’re the one who can afford all of the offline marketing as well, and they’re the one who squeezes the smaller players out of the marketplace. So, it really is a winner-takes-all-environment and if you’re not doing this stuff already, you really need to be. It is going mainstream. It’s really important to start focusing on your conversion rates and your lifetime customer value, because it’s a bidding war to get customers.
Last Words There are lots of tools out there that are really low cost, if not free, and really useful. We could probably talk for another hour just about the tools. We have a couple of free reports on our website. You don’t even need to give us your 
list janitor review. There’s one called “15 tools that reveal why potential customers
abandon your website.” Visit any page on our website, and in the sidebar, there’s a “Most Popular” list featuring that report. It’s worth checking out. We also have a list of 108 things to test. So, once you really understand why your visitors aren’t converting and you understand what areas you need to address, we have 108 things that you can test to overcome those issues. Again, that’s on our website in the “Most Popular” list in our sidebar. We also have numerous case studies, where we show you, in detail, how we’ve applied our methodology and this thinking to real web businesses and what the measurable outcome was. So, the case studies are really valuable too. The main thing is this: traffic becomes easier when you have a high conversion rate, because you can afford to acquire it. So, it’s really something that’s quite urgent. The great news is that most people still aren’t doing this stuff, so if you can get started today and you can start making progress, you’ll really be in a strong position when everyone else piles into your marketplace.
ACTIONABLE TAKEAWAYS 1. Define your vision. What do you want your website to do? What metrics will you try to increase? Before you can start testing, figure out exactly how your website funnel works with your business model. 2. Survey your audience. Use a tool like KISSinsights to find out why people don’t do what you want them to do. It comes down to one of three things (1) visitor intention, (2) user experience, or (3) overcoming objections. 3. Learn from selling in person. If you can’t sell your product or service in person, then you probably can’t sell it on a website. Take some time and talk with real people. Figure out their objections and record your actual sales pitch. Then, take what works in person and transfer that to the website. 4. Begin split-testing. Once you have the solid understanding of how to actually sell your product, start split-testing that sales video or sales copy. If you want a free split-testing tool, use Google Website Optimizer. Go to to find an unbiased list of multivariate testing tools. Test your headline, social proof, competitive advantages, call to action, the offer (most important), risk reversals (i.e. guarantees, free trials, etc.), price levels, and body copy. 5. Test out other revenue-boosting strategies. Once you have a solid, high converting sales page, implement cross-sells, upsells, and refer-a-friend programs to boost the lifetime value of your existing customers.Through his teenage years, Yanik mastered his craft as a salesperson and helped the family business grow. That’s when Yanik got a bright idea: by putting direct response ads in medical journals, the company could sell medical supplies all across the country. The business thrived as Yanik became an expert at writing effective sales letters. Before long, Yanik was working as a consultant for other businesses. One day, Yanik Silver woke up in the middle of the night with a question on his mind, “How do I create fully automatic websites that makes me money while I sleep?” He wanted to take his knowledge of making sales and start turning profits on the fastgrowing list janitor review. A month and a half later, he had created, a website where he sold sales letter templates. He made $1800 in the first month. Within three months, he was on track to make six figures from the site. That was 2000 – and is still bringing in thousands of dollars every month. It was so successful that Yanik has created a whole new career in helping people taking their expertise and leveraging it to earn a passive online income. He has since made over $15 million from the Internet.
Yanik Silver Today To that end, he’s started an online seminar called Underground that is sold-out year after year and Maverick Business Adventures, an unconventional consulting company.
What You Must Do Before You Begin Writing Copy
The Importance of Story
Formulas and Strategies
How Visuals Can Make Your Pages Pop
Video Sales Letters
How to Overcome Their Objections
The Risk in Hiring Somebody Else to Write Your Copy
OVERVIEW Copywriting is probably one of the most important skills that you can learn. It’s really powerful. It’s a very learnable skill. It’s not something that you either have or don’t have. It comes down to understanding human psychology and influence. You’ve got to come up with the ways to frame things that are in your audience’s best interest. Of course, some people have better natural instincts for it.
Before You Start Writing
Get inside the Mind of your Reader Let’s say we’re sitting here and we’ve got our product and idea. Before we even write anything, we’ve got to understand what’s going on in our marketplace. If you come from your marketplace, you’ll have an easier time with this. But if you’ve decided that you want to tackle a marketplace, you’ve got to get a little bit deeper in the research. We’ve got to understand is what’s going on in our customers’ heads. What do they really want? What are they really, really fearful of? What keeps them up at night? You have to go deeper than the surface level. That will come either from conversation or reading discussion forums. Reading a lot of forums is an interesting way of getting some market insight or research. The ones that let you be anonymous can be especially valuable because then you see all sorts of crazy stuff on there.

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The idea is that there’s enough money and traffic to go around. In List25’s case, when we looked at our competition (e.g. Cracked, CollegeHumor) we saw that they were sharing each other’s content on Twitter and Facebook! They even share each other’s content on their own sites.
Fair Trade When you try to reach out to a competitor or relative motion animation pro review, you want to make sure that you can offer them as much as they can offer you. So, at the beginning, we probably would not be able to reach out to a site as big as like Cracked and say, “Would you be interested in doing a traffic exchange with me?” We didn’t have anything to offer to them. Cracked is doing hundreds of millions of page views and we were just starting out. We can’t go and work out a deal with Cracked. We could have sent them an email, but most likely we wouldn’t have heard back. So, the strategy I used was to find smaller bloggers who were doing the same thing as us. Most importantly, I was tracking their Google Analytics to the dot. So, if a small blog linked to us, I went back to them and I said, “Hey, thank you for linking to us. Would you be interested in working on this partnership?” The idea was just to establish a relationship. It’s the same thing if someone tweets you, then you establish a relationship. Thank them. They will remember you once you thank them. That’s the way we grew as a new blog: networking.
The Benefits of Building Relationships Let’s say that I work out a relationship with you. I say, “Hey, can you retweet my stuff and I’ll retweet your stuff?” (Obviously, we only do this if we like you and your stuff). Then, maybe once a week or every few days, you can suggest a link for them to retweet (if you don’t see them retweeting it already). Obviously, when they retweet it, their followers are going to see it. If they like it, then they’re going to become your 
motion animation pro review
What Really Matters Content, content, content. Having a lot of images helps and having good content above the fold. Compelling content is the number one thing that you need to have. But it’s not everything. You can have compelling content and still not get anywhere in social media.
Use Your Personal Network I actually sent out an email to all of my friends on Facebook. It said, “Hey, would you please ‘like’ List25 and help us grow?” So, use the network that you have. Often people are afraid: “Oh, I don’t want to ask my friends, because I might be selling them out.” No! When you open a local restaurant, who are the first people that you invite to your place? Your friends, so they can test it out. Your friends are probably going to be more up front with you than anybody else. So, if we do something wrong our friends will be able to tell it to us a lot faster than anybody else. I always rely on my friends. Obviously, I make a lot of friends over time. So, that’s my number one social media strategy: leverage my network to grow.
Why Social Media Matters If your audience or your client is a person, then social media is important to you. If you’re targeting robots, then you can probably ignore it. The whole idea of having a Twitter or social media base, is so that you don’t rely on a traffic boost from one-time sources. Like, “Oh my God, Yahoo news mentioned me! I got 80,000 views! But, that was it. I didn’t get anything else for the next six months.” That’s because you don’t have the social media following. With a social media following, whenever you post something, they will come back to you again and again. Social media is not about one time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words Sharing images almost always works better than sharing links. You can see me doing that very often on our Facebook. For our List25 articles, we have images associated with each item sometimes. So, I would share one image (sometimes I would customize an image to make it catchier) and then I would add my link to the site. That way, every time somebody re-shares my image, they’re also re-sharing that little text that’s at the bottom with a link. People are going to click on that link and then go to my site. I don’t see a lot of people doing that. Most people don’t realize that images have better ranks in every system, especially Facebook. You have a higher EdgeRank, by default, for an image. So images are more likely to show up in the news feed then a link would.
Repeat Sharing Images I always share the link first. Then maybe a day or two later, I re-share that link, but I don’t want to re-share the link itself, so I share an image from the link. Since there are usually 25 images in our articles, they could be shared 25 different times in 25 different ways. That way it looks like it’s a unique thing every single time.
Getting 100,000 Fans It’s really exciting to hit 100,000 likes, which only happened about twelve hours ago. It was a monumental achievement for us.
Content Strategy Most bloggers come out with one article a day. They’ll just post their link after link after link after link on their Facebook walls. They don’t interact with their audience. That causes EdgeRank to start going down. You need to share different types of content.
For List25, we’re coming out with a new video once a week. We share that video on our Facebook. Then we share a link. We also share an image. Sometimes we mix it up with a question or a status. So it’s always fresh. That way, Facebook doesn’t see that we’re just pushing out the same exact type of content (lowering our EdgeRank). That’s absolutely crucial. Share interesting content day after day. I always like my own stuff on List25. Everything that List25 publishes, I automatically hit the ‘share’.
List 25’s Facebook Contest The key to our growth was the contest that we ran. I did a detailed post on
WPBeginner on how we used WordPress and a few plugins to run this amazing contest. It pushed us over 30,000 fans in less than a month. At end of November, I asked, “How about we do a Facebook giveaway?” Ok. We decided to give away 25 $25 Amazon gift cards for 25 days, starting from November 30th to December 24th. The contest was so timely because it was around Christmas. We made it a holiday giveaway. If we held a contest at any other time, it could have looked like spam. People could purchase whatever they wanted for Christmas, using the gift card that we give them.
Facebook Ads We did Facebook Ad campaigns when we first started the contest. You need to get the word out to a few people somehow. Our budget wasn’t that much. I think it was five to ten dollars a day. We targeted the ads to the people to the younger generation who were interested in humor.
How the Contest Worked I set the contest up as the default landing page for anybody who comes to our Facebook page. To see what the contest was, you had to like our page. Then, in order for you to be qualified to enter, there was a little button that said, “Click here to share this contest and enter.” So, you clicked there and up came the text and the 
motion animation pro review I wanted people to share. Basically, the text said, “I just entered to win a $25Amazon gift card from List25,” and then there was a little description and a really cool image. They could also add their custom text if they wanted.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

SociVideo Jukebox Review – Optimizing your social networks

SociVideo Jukebox Review – Optimizing your social networks

Official Site:
So, I have that free guide and that’s my socivideo jukebox review, the incentive for people to subscribe to my list. You might think, “Well, then you’ll get people who subscribe just for that lead magnet.” That’s true – which is why you should make that lead magnet the best thing ever. I actually spent about two-and-a-half months really crafting this book. People have emailed me saying, “You are an idiot for giving this away for free!” I give it away for free because I want people who subscribe to my list to know that I’m dead serious about what I’m talking about and that I will always provide the best information about a subject. I want to just blow them away right from the start. I actually get a lot of messages from people, saying, “I only subscribed so I could download your book, but now I’m looking forward to your emails. If the content in them is as good as the book, then they’re going to be very beneficial.”
Auto-Responder I also have an auto-responder that’s set up with about thirty different emails every one or two weeks. The auto-responder is important because it allows you to continue to contact people over time. If you just have them subscribe, give them the free thing, and then let them be, when you email them six months later with something, they might well have forgotten who you are. They’re going to be like, “This email’s kind of random.” Or they might just know that you’re trying to sell them something. So, I like to keep constant contact with people for as long as I can through my autoresponder. These are pre-set emails that go out sequentially over time, seven days after they subscribe. So, no matter when they subscribe, they go through the same sequence of emails to start out.
Email Content These emails are just more tips and more content. I don’t sell anything. I don’t sell on the email list, because people in the online marketing industry are tired of getting sold to in emails. People are getting bombarded with emails, which is why I take a totally different approach and just give them pure, amazing, epic content to get them to stay on the email list.
The reason I have a 70% open rate is because people know that I’m not going to be selling them stuff. Most of the things that I put on there is extremely high-lead, highquality content. The strategy is to use the email to build even more trust with my readers and to connect with them on another socivideo jukebox review. If you can connect with people consistently and consistently provide high value content, they’re going to be more likely to open your future emails, connect with you on a deeper level, and purchase from you in the future. That’s why a lot of people tell me, “I’ve unsubscribed to all my email lists but not yours. You don’t sell me anything.” I don’t have my own product yet on the site. I’m actually working on my first one right now. But when that happens, I know that I’m going to have a lot of people reading that email. Since they probably got an email from me a week before with some awesome content, they’re more likely to open the email about my product.
Your Email Marketing Strategy Find out what’s best for you in your niche, because a lot of other niches probably wouldn’t mind getting sold to every once in a while. It depends on your niche. For me, this is my style on this particular blog.
Green Exam Academy I had Green Exam Academy set up for a year-and-a-half before I started monetizing it. I already had the audience. It’s best to get the audience first and build that authority. It wasn’t until I got laid off that I decided to monetize the site.
AdSense I started off with AdSense. I still believe AdSense is a great way to monetize. I do it with all of my niche sites. But it’s probably not going to get you to a level where you can live off of the income. AdSense is a great way to start off because it’s almost instant. You can just put up some code on your site and see ads come up fifteen minutes later. Any time somebody clicks on those ads you earn between ten cents and two dollars per click.
I was making about two or three dollars a day when I first started and I thought that was amazing. That was really my first taste of making money through my blog. But obviously it wasn’t enough to live off of.
Private Advertising Sometimes you go to a blog and see those 125x125 pixel banner ads. They’re actually renting out space on their site to people who want the traffic. So you can contact companies in private, negotiate with them about putting an ad up on your site, and get a contract. Sometimes companies will have their own programs where you can sign up with them and they’ll give you the banner ads upfront, without you having to send them a personal email. For a while, I was getting $200-300 a month from different companies who wanted my traffic from Green Exam Academy. When you post ads on your site, it should be related to what you’re talking about on your blog and actually help your readers. For instance, on Green Exam Academy, one of the links I had on my site was for practice exams. I didn’t have my own practice exams (it was way too difficult to create them) so I contacted a company who had practice exams and I offered them advertising on the site. That worked out really well. But again, the money was not enough to live off of.
Selling a Product What really took that bar to the next level was creating my own product. There’s nothing like creating your own product, because you make x amount of dollars per sale and, unlike affiliate sales, 100% of the profits go back to you. So I sold my product for $19.95 and, in the first month, I made $8,000 with that book. It was just an incredible feeling. Actually, the next month it went up and up and up. Then I introduced an audio guide along with it. I hired a professional to record that with her voice and I packaged that along with the 
socivideo jukebox review. For a while, I was making $30,000-40,000 a month with that site. There’s nothing like creating your own product. It doesn’t have to be an ebook. It could be an online course or a membership site. There are a lot of different possibilities for products that you can create.Smart Passive Income Most of the income from comes from affiliate marketing. For those of you that don’t know, affiliate marketing is when you recommend someone else’s product to your audience and when people click on that link and make a purchase, you get a commission off of it. Now, you could recommend any product that you want. A lot of products have an affiliate program. If you want to sell stuff that’s on Amazon, you can sign up for the Amazon Associate program and make a commission off of any sale that people make on Amazon after clicking through your links to get there. But I have a strict rule that I use on Smart Passive Income and that is that I don’t promote or recommend any products that I haven’t use before and that I’m not familiar with. If I’m recommending a product to my audience, that means they’re trusting me that the product is going to help them. A lot of people contact me and say, “I have this amazing product. It’s awesome. I promise. You can make $100 bucks every time you sell it. 50% commission.” It’s tempting, but I don’t do it. I have no idea what that product is about. I wouldn’t risk losing trust with my audience over making money. So, I really want to make sure that the products that I recommend are great products that help them. That increases my authority and the trust that I have with them. So it’s a win-win. If I help them by recommending these products, they’re reaching the next level in their business and at the same time I’m getting paid for it. The nice thing about affiliate products is that you don’t have to create that product yourself. It’s already been made by somebody else and you just send people through your link to purchase that product. So that’s your only task.
Be Transparent In the beginning, I revealed all of my affiliate links just because I wanted to be honest with people. But I actually found that when I do that, the link is clicked on more. Since people see that I am getting money in return for helping them. So, I always reveal it now.
Be Familiar with the Product If I’m recommending a product as an affiliate, I make sure that I know everything about that product. I’ll give really detailed video tutorials about how to do certain things on 
those different products. That way, I also make sure that when people purchase that product, that they’re already familiar with it.

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SociVideo Jukebox Review – Optimizing Your Social Networks

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Social Zen Review – Easily dominate our social media

Social Zen Review – Easily dominate our social media
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Raising Your Prices One social zen review that I’ve found really interesting is that when I raise the prices, I typically don’t get very much price resistance. When I first started my site, it was a $47 dollar, one-time charge. $47 and you get all of the content in the membership site. At that time I wasn’t planning on adding new content. But over time, I started adding more and more content to the site. So I started thinking, “This is crap. People paid me one time and I keep on adding stuff!” So I moved my site to a $10 a month membership. A lot of people came in and they stayed in for a long time. Then I said, “People like this stuff and I’m adding more and more content. So I’m going to bump it to $17 and see what happens.” I bumped it to $17 and I saw no drop-off in new sales. My conversion rate stayed exactly the same. The people who were in at $10 stayed at $10, but any new person who came in was charged at $17. After about six months, I decided to bump the price up again and see what the market would bear. So, I bumped it up to $27 dollars. The same thing happened: there was no price resistance. The conversion rate stayed the same. In fact, I think my conversion rate actually went up, but there may have been other factors that led to that. Three or four months later, I said, “$27 is working. Let’s try $37.” No resistance at $37. To this day, I’m still pricing at $37 per month for my membership site. I’ve found that there’s not much price resistance between $10 a month and $37 a month. There are a lot of people out there teaching microcontinuity (where you get somebody in at $4 a month and just try to get like 10,000 people in). But I’ve found that if you’regiving them really good content, then people are going to stick around for a long time. If the content is sub-par and people aren’t happy with it, they’re going to drop-off. It doesn’t matter if it’s $4 a month or $37 a month.
Pricing Options
Lifetime Option I started to play with some numbers and I decided to offer a lifetime option again. You can get into the membership program for a one-time price and then you basically get all of the content that I ever add for life. I decided to charge $247 for a lifetime membership. For that, you can get all of the content I add for life. That figures out to be about seven months of membership. The reason for that is that my average retention is between six to eight months. Why not just charge people what I would make over those seven months for that first payment?
Trials There are a couple of different trial options that I’ve been playing with. I’ve got a one week trial, which is $1 to test it out for one week. After your one week trial is up, it goes to that $37 per month. Then I’ve got another trial, which is a $5 trial for the first month. So, you get a whole month for $5 and after that month, it goes to the $37 a month. I’ve found that $5 for one month is actually more effective. My theory is that when somebody gets in and they know it’s just a one week trial, they sit there and put it on their calendar to cancel the membership in a few days. Whereas, for a one-month trial, they’ll sit there and say, “I’m going to stick around with this, because it’s really good stuff.” I have considered offering a free trial. The main reason I haven’t is that ClickBank doesn’t offer the option to do a free trial. The lowest they let you do is a $1 trial. I do offer free content. If you go to my site right now, there’s an opt-in form on the page. You opt-in and you get like the first eight videos for free.
Forum Marketing When I first started out, I got pretty much all of the traffic through forum marketing. I went to various forums that talked about blogging, WordPress, or internet marketing. I just looked for people who were asking questions and I gave them really great, indepth responses. In forums, typically there’s an option to have a signature on your forum posts and you can have a link back to your site in that signature. So, I would have my signature say something like, “To learn more about WordPress and to get some free training, check out The WordPress Classroom.” The people who I helped would see my signature and then come back to my site to get more of my social zen review. That was the number one way that I got all of my traffic for the first year or so. A cool resource for that is a site called It’s a listing of forums. You can go on there and find forums in almost any niche.
Matt’s 4 Traffic Sources Today
Search Engine Optimization I used to hire out other companies to do my SEO for me. But most SEO companies don’t want you to know their secrets. I guess the fear is that, if you knew how they did it, you would just go around them and start doing it yourself. I got really frustrated because they never wanted to share their strategies for the SEO. So, I brought all of my SEO in house. Now I have guys that work for me that go out and just do nothing but SEO for me. I focus a lot on things, like article marketing. I still have them do some forum marketing, some blog commenting, and just doing a lot of backlinking on social media sites and various link directories.
Affiliates Affiliate traffic is huge for membership sites. If you can offer an affiliate program, it will definitely be a huge traffic generator for you. In The WordPress Classroom, there are a couple of training modules on monetizing your blog. I actually teach them to go around and promote The WordPress Classroom.
So, I turn many of the members that go through my course into affiliates. That’s one thing that’s worked out really well for me.
Facebook Being really active on Facebook has been huge for me. I get in there and try to answer questions about WordPress and blogging. But one thing I find interesting is that doesn’t always get that great of a response. It’s when I’m like, “I just had a churro. It was great. Who else likes churros?” that I get like 100 responses. It’s just crazy. The people that go on Facebook like to see that you’re a real person. That’s where you really start building the trust factor.
YouTube I do a lot of training videos on YouTube and just put them up for free. That way people can get an idea of my training. If they want more, they click on the links to my site and opt-in to get the more free training on my site.
Recruiting Affiliates To be honest, I don’t do enough recruiting of affiliate partners. Most of the big affiliates that I have, I’ve met in person. I go to a lot of events. I just got back from the traffic and conversion summit in Austin a couple weeks ago. I’m pretty much at a different marketing event every single month. So most of the people who make a lot of money by promoting The Wordpress Classroom are actually people that I’ve met in person and hung out with, bought them dinner, taught them some tricks, they’ve taught me some tricks… they’re just people who I’ve built relationships with. A lot of people do contests. “This weekend, the person who gets the most sales gets a free iPad.” Stuff like that definitely works, but I haven’t really played with that a lot. I’ve just personally focused on really building relationships with people. I go out and meet them personally. I go out to dinner with people. I buy them beers. I go bowling with them. I just try to get to know people personally, become friends with them, and then we end up working out deals where I promote their stuff and they promote my stuff.
Forums Create Community The forum has been huge. It adds a community element to the membership site. People get in there and they get to know each other. They ask questions. They find out that, “I asked this question and somebody responded within an hour. This is awesome. I love this forum.” That’s been huge for keeping people around.
Point System I added a game element to my membership site. Basically, it gives members points for watching videos, commenting on videos, commenting in the forum, referring a friend, and even just for logging in. The members can actually go through, be really active in the site, and then turn around and use these points to pay for plugins and pay for themes. There’s also a leader board on the site now, so you can actually see who the most active people are by how many points they have. People want to see their 
social zen review up there on the leaderboard on the sidebar of the membership site. That has actually been a really huge factor. But I haven’t actually seen anybody else implement it yet. The funny thing is nobody ever turns around and redeems their points for the plugins or themes. They just want to build up the points and see themselves get higher and higher on the leaderboard.
Game Software I use a free plugin called Cubepoints. That actually manages the whole point system. You go in there and say, “I want to earn this many points for commenting. I want to earn this many points for logging in.”
Stay in Contact Just keeping them engaged is huge. I do a weekly newsletter. Every single Wednesday, all of my members get a newsletter that says, “Hey, here are some tips. Here’s the latest video on the site. Here’s what’s going on inside the forum.”
If you’re just adding new videos every week, but people aren’t logging in every week, then they don’t know about the new value and they won’t stay around.
Give the People What They Want Get to the forum. Keep an eye on the things they are talking about. Respond to them in the forum every once and a while and make content based around the questions that they’re asking. If they see that they’re asking questions and next week, all of a sudden, there’s a training video on the exact question they just asked, that kind of stuff keeps them around. That’s huge.
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