Thursday, May 18, 2017

Smart Video Review – Serious money in a few minutes

Smart Video Review – Serious money in a few minutes

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And as you can see the affiliate link is properly registered.I’m going to show you how to do this in Bing and also which keywords to target to practicallyguarantee you will make a profit.That’s why this is called Slam Dunk Profit Jacker. It’s a slam dunk money maker if you follow thissimple plan.BTW I’ve seen this landing page that this smart video review is running for over 3 years now, every singleday on Bing and Google.Must be making money right?Well here are some stats from my account this year.
>>Interesting find! (I literally just discovered this right now as I’m writing this and have added itto share with you)I went to Google to see if these landing pages were there and yes there are.However look at the bottom ad.
It simply goes to Bing for the search term Fat DiminsherThis actually looks like it may be a genius way to get traffic to your ads without getting into anytrouble with Google as you’re simply sending traffic to Bing.Google gets TONS more traffic than Bing does even though you can do quite well with Bing,Google frankly is the King Kong of PPC traffic however they are notoriously strict with what youcan run.If your ad is the top ad in Bing, it’s going to get usually 50% or better of the clicks, sometimes ashigh as 70%.I haven’t tried this but I don’t really see why it wouldn’t work to drive massive amounts oftraffic over to your ad on Bing as long as you have the top spot.
They all have the name of the product as a headline, the BIG OFFER which is a made up largediscount, a picture of the product and a Call to Action button.It’s super easy to make these. You can make them either in Wordpress, I used OptimizePress2.0 to build some for myself. Or you can use an HTML template and just drop in the images andtext.The beauty of using an HTML template which is what I ended up doing when I scaled this up toover 300 products, is that once you have the template and you’ve made one, you can usefind/replace to drastically speed up the process.Like in the one above, you’d find/replace any mention of the text FAT DIMINISHER and FatDiminsher with another product like DIABETES DESTROYER and Diabetes Destroyer. Then youswap out the image, change the price on your Call to Action button template and find replacethe appropriate text that’s related to the product.You now have a new landing page for another product…in like 5 minutes or less.
Landing Page Creation Step by StepI’m going to do this using Optimzepress 2.0 but you can use whatever theme you want if youdecide to make your landing pages this way.In Optimizepress choose create new pageI used the “simple smart video review” templateChange the headline to the product name + system
We need a picture of the product so we’ll first look on the actual product website (if you don’tfind one there, look in Google images)In the left column choose add element > images and upload the product image and choose themedium size if it’s larger.We now need a call to action button so we have to make one.If you don’t have Photoshop, it’s only $10 a month for Photoshop CC. If you don’t feel like doingthis part yourself, just get one made on Fiverr. Make sure you tell you need the .PSD file too.You’ll use this to make buttons for other products.One of my most used tools and it’s free is Jing. It is an awesome screen capture program whichyou just drag around what you want and it takes a picture of it.Download and install Jing. Now take a screen capture of one of the call to action buttons fromthe Landing pages that are advertising in Bing or Google for a Clickbank product.Here’s how I do it in Photoshop
Now just use this as a template to make your own.New layer > text > I chose Open Sans font and just typed it out and then click control-T andresized it to fit like I wanted it to. Hold the shift key down to constrain it as you resize it.Change the colors (If someone else is having success, it’s a good place to start so I’m going touse the same colors they are.
Now I just need a call to action button with credit cards underneath so over to Google ImagesI ended up having to search for “instant access button with credit cards” to find a good one.Drag it into the call to action template we’re making and resize to fit.Uncheck the “eye” icon (first photoshop image above, lower right) next to the original imagelayer that we set to 50% opacity and we have our button!
Add new row beneath this and set the background color to match the one behind the headlineby clicking the edit icon which is the pencil.To get the exact color I used a chrome extension called color picker which allows you to click ona color and it will save the color code to your clipboard. Then you just paste in the code numberto get the right color.
Now to make this into an html template which I highly suggest you do, (I’ll explain why in asecond) use another Chrome extension called Full Page Screen Capture. It’ll take a full pagescreen capture of your finished page.Now head over to Fiverr and do a search for .PSD to HTMLI’ve used this guy successfully in the past. It’ll cost you about $25 but is well worth it.He’s very good and fast turnaround! Send him the screenshot image you took with the Chromeextension and he’ll turn it into an html page which you can use as a template for all your futurecampaigns.
So here’s why you should use an HTML page instead of Wordpress.Besides the fact that it’s way more secure, when you go to make multiple landing pages for allthe different top clickbank products, instead of making each one one by one.You can just use find/replace to edit 90% of the stuff on the page.The only thing that you can’t do that to is the review text. But…even then you can write it insuch a way that for a lot of it you actually can use find/replace.You could also in Wordpress use the option clone page to make a second one and use afind/replace plugin as well. This is only an option though if you don’t plan on tracking keywordsand only want to use the most basic smart video review.If you want to scale these campaigns out with multiple keywords you’ll need to use Prosper202the free tracking program. In order to have it track your keywords all the way through to aconversion on Clickbank you’ll need to use an HTML page. That’s the main reason I use HTML,it’s much easier to set up tracking that works all the way through the sales process.Getting it to work in Wordpress is beyond the scope of this guide.
Jump pageThis is the page that I showed you earlier that your click goes to before hitting the checkoutpage. It’s what you’ll link to from your product image and call to action buttons.
The reason you need a jump page like this is that you need it to set the affiliate cookie so thatyou get credited with the sale.Here are some detailed instructions on how to go about this if you need further information: the article they state not to use the image method. I’ve found it not to be a problem and isthe one I use and the one almost every other person doing this uses.Because you are only dropping an affiliate cookie on people who have actually clicked on a “buynow” button and not trying to cookie every single person that visits your site, Clickbank appearsto be ok with this and in fact there is a reference to it on their site. don’t need the software mentioned in that article you just need to set your page up like I’mgoing to show you.I’ve included a jump page in the download for you to edit and make your own.Step 1. In the head section is this code:<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="2;url=" />The highlighted section is the link to the checkout page. This a meta refresh which means thatwhen this page loads it will refresh and send the visitor to whatever URL is specified. In thiscase it’s the Clickbank products checkout page.To get this link just go to the actual product page which in this case is for Fat Diminisher. Rightclick the buy now button and select “copy link address” and paste it into the highlighted area. you need to set your affiliate cookie. Get your Clickbank link from either Clickbank’smarketplace or the vendors affiliate page and paste it in this highlighted area:<img src="" width="1"height="1" />

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