Sunday, May 14, 2017


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The Public Domain is not a business in itself. It is the information, the knowledge contained in public domain works that can be used within a business. In other words, the public domain is a very powerful vidstory review. Nothing else. What is true is that since everybody can essentially use the same information, you can have a situation in which the same knowledge, packaged in more or less the same formats, is saturating the market.

You have a situation where the public – the people buying your products, now have 10, or even 20 similar products to choose from. That’s not an enviable position to be in. Heck, it’s almost like you were a real-world business. Think again. Is it that bad a deal, really? It is the same situation many brick and mortar (for that matter, many online businesses as well) are in right now, and while many are failing, many are also quite successful in what they do. So, what’s going on? Isn’t market saturation bad? Yes.

Economics tells us that if supply (you and your competition) is higher than the demand (the people’s need to buy that particular information or product), then you’re in for a bummer. With more sellers and less buyers, prices will fall and profits will vanish. So what’s an honest guy gonna do? Follow solid business advice. Don’t move into a market that’s already too saturated unless: ? You have considerable experience in running a business ? You have a special advantage in that market AND ? You already have multiple streams of income to fall back on in vidstory review this deal goes bad.

Instead, ? Find a niche that has little competition, or still room for entry ? Select your business model ? Use public domain works as your product / content source, and ? Market your business like crazy. Yes, that’s right. As I’ll show you , building a business from public domain works is not too different from building any other business, whether it’s online or high street.

Thanks to the abundance of online scams such as the ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes prevalent on the Internet, people seem to have forgotten that while there may be a thousand and one ways to making money, there are always a few core principles that invariably apply whenever you’re talking about building a business or an alternate income stream. Do yourself a favor – forget about getting rich overnight. The only way to do that is through a large inheritance, or by breaking the law.

Of course, the two can always be combined? But enough about that. Let’s concentrate on the ‘competition’ factor in the public domain. From what you’ve learned so far, you should know that the ‘competition’ itself is not a product of the public domain. Far from it. Even if many people end up using the same public domain resource, the results eventually depend on the niche you are trying to establish yourself in.

If you pick a hyper-competitive niche like Internet Marketing, you’re bound to be lost in the crowd. Instead, if you choose a less-known but profitable niche (a hobby like poker is well-known and already covered, yet hobbies like yachting, sailing, gold prospecting and millinery (hat making) still have room for competition), even if there are others marketing the same material, you’ll still have some of the market share easily available to yourself. There’s a lot more to vidstory review.

You need to learn how to package your product, how to leverage your visitors’ interests and most importantly, how to drive traffic to your website. All that and more is covered on the site. But before we go there, here’s one more question people always ask me: The public domain is limited. Even if it will never be ‘used up’, it’s going to be used more and more compared to what will be added to it in the next few years.

What will happen then? Will the public domain become useless? The future of Public Domain In other words, the rate at which public domain works are being used for republishing and profit is fast increasing, and is much greater than the rate at which the public domain is being added to. So, will the public domain, without being ‘used up’, become useless? The answer is an emphatic NO, and the reasons lie in the definition of ‘public domain’.

Any work that does not fall under the copyright law. This also includes works that were published BEFORE copyright law ever existed. The magnitude of this is not easy to comprehend. Apart from having over a century’s worth of literature and publications available, you potentially have about a millennia worth of ‘creative work’ at your disposal.

I repeat, a millennia worth of creative work. A thousand years. At least. The numbers are vast. Yes, a cynic would say that a lot of those publications cannot be used in today’s world because they are out-of-date. Unfortunately, that has more to do with your approach to business. A product does not always solve a problem.

It can also fulfill the need for knowledge, or plain old emotional attachment. In the next module I will talk to you about a powerful strategy that you can use to profit from old works that will open your mind to at least a dozen different ideas – all worth a lot of money.

So, first off, there is literally so much of wealth in the Public Domain that so many of the regular people don’t know about, that there is no chance of the public domain to ‘run out’ of options in the foreseeable future. And then, of course, more work is being added to the public domain every day. This is another area where people are often ignorant, or just don’t make the effort to think hard (no offence, it’s my job to get those creative juices flowing, just hang on for a little while longer) When most Internet Marketers talk about the public domain, they only talk about books and recipes and self-improvement courses.

Now, this is either because they don’t know better, or they’re not telling you everything. In both cases, they are doing you a huge disservice. The future of Public Domain is in its diversity. With government publications on environmental issues, public health issues, and many more subjects on relevant interest being placed in the public domain every year, this is just ONE of the sources of public domain that you can use to generate a stable income stream.

And of course, the public domain is not limited to books and reports. You have art, music, software, and most importantly, ideas. That’s the beauty of the Public Domain. It tells you what you should already know. Ideas are not the property of any one person. Therefore, any idea, any great theory, any great scientific achievement can be used without fear of legal reprisals.

How does this help you? There is more than one way of profiting from a niche. In the next Module, this, and many others, strategies on how to profit from the public domain are revealed to you. For now, remember this: The Public Domain is far wider, and far deeper an ocean than you think (and the Internet Marketing gurus would have you believe).

Recap ? The Public Domain is finite only in quantity – anyone and everyone can use the same resource (i.e. the same public domain work) without ‘using it up’. ? There are seldom new ideas, but there are always new products. Public Domain is all about using established ideas and proven materials to create new products. ? A business built on public domain works is still a business. Therefore, it should be run on common-sense business principles.

? The competition in the Public Domain should be dealt with in just the same way that you would deal with competition in any other business. ? The Public Domain is a wider and deeper ocean than you think. Not only does it include over a thousand years of creative work, it also contains a lot more than just books and reports.

To use the public domain, to profit from it, you just need to know a few facts. So if you don’t have the time (and the patience) to delve into the details of the copyright laws affecting the public domain, this module is just for you. No boring details about when or why the copyright laws were enacted, just simple, basic facts that you need to know.

The Quick Copyright Guide Here are some quick facts that you should know about the copyright laws applying to the public domain. Note: These laws apply to works published in the US. For unpublished works and for works published outside the US, visit the websites listed later on. ? Any works published (with or without copyright) before 1923 are in the public domain.

? Any works copyrighted in 1923 or later (with their copyrights renewed in time) will stay OUT of the public domain till 2018 or longer. This is due to a 20-year copyright extension enacted in the US in 1998. Usually you can check on the book itself the copyright date, and if a copyright is renewed, that date is also placed on the book.

? Certain works copyrighted in 1923 or later may have already entered the public domain because of certain legal constraints. The following types of works o Works published in the US before 1989 without proper copyright notice and o Works published in the US before 1964 whose copyrights were not renewed ? Works from 1923 or later that were originally published in countries outside the US may still be copyrighted regardless of whether they were printed with proper notice or renewed.

? Works that were never registered for copyright prior to 1978, and were never published prior to 2003, are now in the Public Domain in the US if: o The author(s) died more than 70 years ago before the most recent New Year’s Day. For 2005, this means authors who died before 1935. For more than one author, this applies to the last surviving author.

This is, I repeat, just a quick overview of the copyright law to help you understand what you will be dealing with when venturing into the public domain. There are other people far more talented than me who have written comprehensively on this matter – one such resource is from the Cornell Copyright Center: A detailed and comprehensive table that tells you how the copyright law and the public domain applies to unpublished works, works published in the US and even works published outside the US. A truly remarkable and useful resource to have for public domain businesses.Trust me when I say this – this, and the next resource, are the ONLY two guides you need to determining copyright issues.

Another brilliant resource is by University of North Carolina: The link above points to an excellent table that can help you determine whether a work is in the public domain or not. As with all such resources, it also tells you when a particular work, depending on its dates of creation, publication and copyright renewal, will pass into the public domain.

Further Help & Issues For now, I suggest that you move on to Module 3 and 4 and learn more about how you can use the public domain to start dozens of businesses, and also understand the true secrets behind the public domain. Hint: The public domain is like an ocean, and it is much wider and deeper than it first seems. A discussion of deeper copyright issues such as: How to find out if a copyright is renewed? ? What are the legal ramifications of using a non-public domain book? ? How can you protect yourself from potential lawsuits? ? What to do about books published outside the US? And a lot more is discussed in Module 8: Legal Issues.

The idea here is to break you into the process gradually, and not scare you away by giving you a ton of legal technicalities to wade through first up. Instead, like I said in the introduction, there’s no need to be afraid of a technical process that will eventually end up seeming quite simple and elementary once you get really involved in the public domain. Next, find out why most critics are wrong about the public domain.

Recap The links below are indispensable links from where you can not only find more detail about the copyright law, but also on what to do when you need to find out if a work is copyrighted, or if the copyright is renewed or not. 

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