Monday, May 15, 2017

VidBuilderFX Review – A Powerful Platform for Creating Trending Videos

VidBuilderFX Review – A Powerful Platform for Creating Trending Videos

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It’s not just important to understand where your vidbuilderfx review is, but it’s also beneficial for you to learn who is in the space already serving them, too. By identifying existing authorities that your target audience already trusts, you can collect massive insight as to how your audience behaves, what they respond to, and what they ignore. In other words, you can see what works and what doesn’t.

You’ll be able to follow these top players in the space, learn how they interact and engage with their audience (and each other), and begin to determine precisely who you should foster a relationship with down the road, and figure out what you can do to separate yourself from the collective whole. When I began following the top players in the Internet marketing space, for example, I subscribed to as many newsletters as I could.

There were about 30 of them and every day I would receive multiple emails from this assembly of influencers. After a few weeks I had hundreds of emails and I began to notice some interesting and useful patterns. For one, I could see that each of them was extremely well versed when it came to copywriting.

They paid careful attention to the words they chose to use to describe the vidbuilderfx review they were offering to me. Additionally, I started to pinpoint groups within the top tier of influencers in the space who would often send emails out at the same time about the same product or promotion. I started to notice who was friends with whom, and eventually I discovered the inner circles simply by paying attention.

This taught me the importance of building key relationships and how JV (joint venture) partnerships worked within the space. All of that was very useful to me, but the most useful education I learned from following the top influencers in the space was what NOT to do. I saw what everyone else was doing, and I purposefully brought something different to the space.

I learned, for example, that almost every email sent out by these influencers did not include my name in it. They all started with “Hey friend” or just went right into the content of the email. And the content within those emails were mainly pitches for products and services, and there was little to no value given before the pitch.

There was no attempt to interact with me or learn more about my needs and wants. Consequently, when I built my own email list, I made a clear effort to separate myself from this group. I always make sure to collect people’s names so that I can address each person by their first name, and I consciously made the decision to not sell directly on my email list. I wouldn’t recommend that for everyone, but the “do the opposite of everyone else” strategy is a powerful one.

I still continue to get emails from people today letting me know how much of a breath of fresh air my emails are in the space of Internet marketing and entrepreneurship. That’s what you want to be—a breath of fresh air to your audience. As you move forward into this next exercise, try to think about how you can be a breath of fresh air.

What do you need to bring to the lot in order to give oxygen and life back to your audience, which may be tired of the same old stuff or looking for that missing puzzle piece? Let’s begin to construct a list of influencers in our space. As you discover who they are, write down their name, website address, and add any special notes in the People sheet in your master spreadsheet.

You may know a number of influencers in your space already, and if so, add them to the list. To help you find more, here are three different methods for locating them. TOP SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES Quite appropriately, social media platforms become an easy target for us to dig deep into to discover who the influencers are within a given space.

Not only that, with influencers usually come followers, and so there’s a lot we can eventually learn about the market in which you’re about to position yourself. Let’s start with Twitter. Twitter is a fantastic resource, not just for seeing what your favorite celebrities are up to, but also for finding top influencers in your niche.

The number of followers a person or vidbuilderfx review has is a relatively decent indication of their authority in a space, because people typically choose to follow accounts they find interesting and useful. It’s not a perfect barometer, however, because some of the numbers could be skewed as many accounts go inactive, and some people even go as far as to purchase followers in order to increase their perceived authority, which is lame.

In general, however, the number followers a person has is a good indication of their standing within their niche. Beyond that, Twitter is the social media channel I’d recommended above all others to start with when you begin building your brand because it’s relatively much faster to build a following on than any other platform. It’s also a great medium for starting relationships with influencers.

Whether you already have a Twitter account or not, you can still continue forward with this part of your research. To find the top Twitter profiles in your niche, we’re going to start on Twitter’s advanced search function, which you can find at On this page, you’ll notice a number of different fields to hone in on any kind of search you wish.

You’re welcome to play around with this and narrow down your search results, but the only text fields we’ll be worrying about to start are the “All of these words” field, and the “From this date” field. In the “all of these words” text field, simply type in the primary keyword that you’ve been using for your other searches related to your niche.

You can run as many searches as you’d like with other keywords later. In the “from this date” text field, select a date range that spans the previous two months only. This ensures that any accounts we come up with are active. The results page can be a little overwhelming, but also extremely interesting, especially with the images that you might find on the page.

Before you get sucked into a wormhole and lose your place, click on the “More options” tab at the top, and select “Top Accounts.” This will give you a list of the top accounts that have been sharing updates (tweeting) about that particular topic. Twitter has built an algorithm to rank these results in your favor, likely taking into account not just the number of followers, but other things like how active their followers are, too.

Before you begin to save these profiles in your spreadsheet (collecting both the name of the account or person and the web address to their website, if they have one. If not, simply add a link to their Twitter profile), click through to each of the profiles to make sure they align with your target audience. Although Twitter’s search algorithm is advanced, it’s not always perfect.

Just make sure the profiles and their recent updates look legitimate, and then enter those accounts into your database. I’d shoot for collecting at least 20 from Twitter, but if there are more that seem to be influencer material, by all means, add those to your database, too. In the fly fishing niche, for example, we can see that the top ranking Twitter profile is called Orvis News, with the username @OrvisFlyFishing.

Clicking through, we see they have 36.7k followers—yep, this is exactly the type of profile to include on our spreadsheet. With that said, not all influential profiles have to have tens of thousands of followers. Accounts with a small number of followers can still be incredibly useful. Twitter ranks accounts by the amount of activity happening on the page, not just on the size of one’s following.

If an account with relatively fewer followers shows up within the top few rows of your search results page and looks legitimate, enter it into your spreadsheet. These “smaller” accounts could actually prove to be more useful for you. It will likely be much easier to reach out and build a relationship with the person behind the handle.

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS There are a number of other social media platforms where you can search for influencers. I’m not going to spend time going through the details of how to search through each of them, but they follow a similar path to what we did on Twitter. Some of these social media channels are better for certain niches than others, so I recommend you explore around and collect names of influencers within each of these platforms who seem to have collected a large, active following: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Periscope Beyond social media, there are two more giant search engines that you can use to find influencers. The first one is obvious, and that’s YouTube.

YouTube is, for some influencers, their primary medium for building a business and connecting with their audience, so search around using various keywords related to your niche and find those with large numbers of subscribers, and make sure to add them onto your spreadsheet. The other much less obvious search engine happens to be my favorite: iTunes.

ITUNES When we think of iTunes we don’t normally think of it as a search engine, but that’s in fact what it is. It’s a directory of music, videos, books, apps and podcasts that have not only revolutionized how people consume and manage their media, but it has also become a way to understand where (and to whom) we should be paying attention.

In particular, podcasts have been incredible for on-the-go entertainment and education, and because anyone can create a podcast and there’s no barrier to entry in terms of who can and cannot publish a show, we get a transparent look at who has influence in the space we’re researching. Furthermore, certain podcasts have huge audiences that cannot be found in other forms of media on the web; so finishing off our gold panning expedition in the iTunes river can yield some extremely unique nuggets of information. There are two ways that we can search through iTunes to determine who may have some influence: 1.

Looking at the top ranked and rated podcasts related to your niche. 2. Finding who has been interviewed on shows related to your niche. To get a quick understanding of the top podcasts in iTunes, open up the iTunes Application on your computer. You could use your mobile device to conduct this same research, however using the desktop platform opens up other functionality that will come in handy during this research. Tip: If you don’t have access to iTunes, you could also search through the Stitcher app on your mobile device.

Stitcher is another top podcasting directory with search functionality only available on mobile, for more or less similar results. In the search field within iTunes, type in your target keyword and hit enter. Under “Podcasts” (not “Podcast Episodes”), click on “See All”: 

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