Thursday, May 4, 2017


Official site:
After click on “Create New Campaign” and you’re done!
While Your Campaign Is LiveOnce your campaign is live, if it is not receiving any traffic raise the bid by .01 per dayuntil it does. Once you spend your daily budget, so if it takes 3 days or 1 day to spend$5, it doesn’t matter just once you have spent your daily budget the first time, checkyour campaign stats and see if you made $$$. Did you?If yes, were you in profit? If not, then try lowering your traffic builder review by .01 a day until you eitherget into profit or stop getting traffic. If you stop getting traffic ditch the campaign andstart over.Once you find a profitable campaign, keep it running and if you are able to be way underyour EPC try increasing your CPC so you can get as much traffic as possible while stillmaking a good profit.So raise the CPC .01 per day again until you notice you were making more money at alower CPC and lower your CPC back down to that mark and leave the campaign aloneand either repeat the process or move onto part B of this system!
System Part B – Killer keyword research + Easy SEO + proven converting CPA offer =
easy first page rankings and passive CPA profitsAlrighty, welcome to part 2 of this system! Now that you have found a profitablecampaign it’s time to start bringing in the free traffic along with the paid traffic so youcan really start getting the $$$ rolling in!To do this you are going to focus on building a tiny 5 – 6 page site and going after longtail keywords that most SEO’s are ignoring but that are getting searched for enough tomake you a great profit. Now there is a sneaky trick here so don’t assume this isstandard long tail keyword SEO.You are going to be putting together a site that gets you 1000’s of visitors a month fromlong tail keywords and you are going to shuttle those visitors to your CPA offer that you
already know is converting! CHA-CHING!Now to switch it up a little bit in order to show you guys different types of offers topromote and since I am bored of talking about Samsung phones, in this example I amgoing to use a free trial offer to build the site around.The concept is the exact same as I would do for the Samsung offer that I just showedyou however I just want to talk about a different niche now to mix it up
Part BFor this example I am going to choose “Lavo Smoke” – an e-cigarette. Now again, let’sassume that I started at AdPad and ran my campaign test and this offer was convertingfor me so here I am with it in Part B. Here is the payout for the free trial offer:
You can see that it pays out $35.00 every time someone signs up for the free trial.Now what you want to do is take a look at the landing page for you offer that you aregoing to be building this site for.
Now rather than heading over to the traffic builder review and typing in the first wordabout e-cigarettes that comes to your head like I did when working with AdPad, whatyou want to do is look over the page and look for keywords you can use. In other words,you get your keyword ideas from the landing page itself first. This helps you separateyourself from your competition who are most likely NOT doing this.From looking at this page I see the keywords:
· Electronic Cigarette
· vaporizer pen
· vaporizer kit
· Vape pens
· Smoke Juice
· pure liquid nicotine
Write down the keywords you see and then let’s head over to the Google KeywordTool and paste those keywords into the search box. As you can see these searchterms return quite a few searches but you don’t just want to grab those search termsand call it a day. What you want to do is use those search terms as your root
keyword and find other keywords that consist of the root phrases.
To do this, you choose one of the search terms, such as “smokeless cigarettes” (asyou can see from the image above) and you take that over to and put itin the search box. When you do that Google will give you a list of suggestions thatpeople are typing into Google.
These suggestions are what you are looking for.We will make a list using them and that will be your keyword category for yourwebpage. By doing this the SEO competition will be very low in most cases.Don’t stop there…another great way to find even more keyword ideas that everyother SEO is not paying much attention to is by looking at the related suggestions at
the bottom of the page.I just typed in “traffic builder review” and used the suggestion box to find this phrase,“e cigarette reviews best vapor”:
Notice the keywords “vapor cigarette free trial” and “vapor cigarette starterkit”…PERFECT!As you can see there are plenty more keywords that I can go after. You can literallydo this all day and find endless untapped keywords!Moving on…
Quickly Checking CompetitionYou will then run each of the keywords you choose through a backlink check andmake sure the top 3 results don’t have over 100 unique backlinks pointing to them(most of the time you will find that they have 40 or less).If you run into an instance where that happens then just pick another root keywordto start with and grab some other suggestion phrases using that root keyword.Ok, so what you are going to do is take each keyword and type it into Google, noquotes or anything, just paste the keyword in the box and hit search.Now what you want to do is take a look at the top 3 domains and make sure thecompetition isn’t too hard to beat. What you are looking for is to make sure that thesepages that are ranking don’t have hundreds of backlinks pointing to them.That is the only criteria I like to look for when it comes to these long tail types ofsearches. The reason I only check the number of backlinks is because I will be sendingpowerful backlinks to my own site (as you will to) which will beat the competition forthese types of search terms quite easily (more on that later).

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